Monday, August 10, 2020

My Blog's 10th Year Birthday Bash: Davalynn Spencer's book giveaway

Welcome to the 10th day of my blog's birthday bash!

Please welcome my author friend Davalynn Spencer.

She's here to giveaway two of her books!

Enter the book giveaway contest via the Rafflecopter widget the end of this blog post. Only residents of the USA are eligible to receive a signed paperback copy of this author's books. International residents will only receive ebook copies due to costs of mailing books outside of the USA.

Let's learn a little bit more about Davalynn and her books ...

Author Bio:

As the wife and mother of professional rodeo bullfighters, Davalynn Spencer has enjoyed a front-row seat on cowboys and their lifestyle. 

She writes Christian romance with a Western flair, both contemporary and historical, winning the Will Rogers Gold Medallion for Inspirational Western Fiction, and seeing two of her historical novellas on the ECPA and Publisher’s Weekly bestseller lists. 

Her countless nonfiction pieces have appeared in Prorodeo Sports News, American Cowboy, Western Horseman, The Upper Room, Power for Living, The Quiet Hour, The Christian Standard, and other periodicals. 

She’s also fairly certain her previous career as a rodeo journalist and award-winning crime-beat reporter prepared her for her life #lovingthecowboy in Colorado. 

When she’s not writing, teaching writing workshops, or playing the keyboard on her church worship team, she’s wrangling Blue the Cowdog and mouse detectors Annie and Oakley. 

Connect with Davalynn at

Back Cover Blurb for An Impossible Price:

Christian Historical Western Romance 

He has to choose – keep his secrets or the woman he loves. He can’t have both.

With no husband of her own, midwife Sophie Price lives to keep others calm in their hour of need. But when a handsome horse handler steps off the train with a fiery stallion, he brings anything but calm as he looks her dead in the eye and clear through to her soul.

Clay Ferguson returns to the place he once called home, hunting a fresh start and the one woman who could draw him back. If he can hide his battered heart and the brutality of his past, maybe she’ll take another look and give him a second chance.

Both bear scars from their fathers. Both fight for life. Together, they may learn that love is worth its impossible price.

Back Cover Blurb for Just in Time for Christmas:

She’s seventeen with a ranch to run, a fear of heights, and a cowboy intent on stealing her heart. 

Abigale Millerton leaves a Denver girl’s school and returns to her grandparents’ high-country ranch to find the boy she’d grown up with not a boy any longer—and butting in on her challenge with local timber thieves. If he’d stop telling her what to do, they might get along.

Seth Holt has loved Abigale since before he knew better. And now that she’s back in the high country, she’s still as bull-headed as ever. But Seth can match her, and he’s determined to keep her out of harm’s way and in his line of sight. Trouble is, he’d rather keep her in his arms.

Connect with Davalynn:
Quarterly Newsletter sign-up and free e-book:
Amazon Author:
Enter this book giveaway contest for your chance to WIN a copy of this book by filling out the entry form on the Rafflecopter widget below: 


  1. Both are a hard way to make a living. They are, however balanced off by the love of the way of life and the rewards of working with the animals in the out of doors. For the most part it is a way of life that keeps a person honest with himself and his maker.

    1. Thanks for commenting, Patricia. I like your outlook of "keeps a person honest with himself and his maker."

  2. I thinking being a cowboy would be cool and to be able to ride horses for payment :)

    1. Dolphin - yes, that's the key, isn't it. Getting paid to ride!

  3. I like reading about it in historical books, but I am not a fan of modern day cowboy books.

    1. Thank you Amelia. There is something simpler (not easier) about life in historical stories.

  4. I used to take my son to the rodeo when it was at the cow palace in SF and it was so much fun. We would eat dinner before it started and watch the cowboys warm up then go down to our seats it was a great memory. I think those in the rodeo are hard workers and to drive from rodeo to rodeo must be so tough for the little money they make.. Peggy Clayton

    1. PT - I've been to the Cow Palace on several occasions. A fun place and rodeo!

  5. Holding onto the traditions is important since they are meaningful. Rodeo's are important and give many individuals pleasure, and happiness as well as the skills required.

    1. Yes, Traveler - traditions are important, and they come in all different styles.

  6. It was tough, but I love to read about it. I'd like to try it, too, but whether I'd make it or not is a different story, haha.


  7. Love reading stories like this Thank you for the chance!

  8. I think I've romanticized the cowboy lifestyle. It is likely not all riding off into the sunset but a lot of dirty, dusty, hard work.

  9. I love westerns, these sound so interesting!

  10. I loved in Texas for 4 years and enjoyed the rodeos.
    marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com


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