Wednesday, August 26, 2020

My Blog's 10th Year Birthday Bash: Regina Rudd Merrick's book giveaway

Welcome to the 26th day of my blog's birthday bash!

Please welcome my author friend Regina Rudd Merrick.

She's here to give away one of her books!

Enter the book giveaway contest via the Rafflecopter widget the end of this blog post. Only residents of the USA are eligible to receive a signed paperback copy of this author's books. International residents will only receive ebook copies due to costs of mailing books outside of the USA.

Let's learn a little bit more about Regina and her book ...

Author Bio:

Regina Merrick began reading romance and thinking of book ideas as early as her teenage years when she attempted a happily-ever-after sequel to “Gone With the Wind.” That love of fiction parlayed into a career as a librarian, and ultimately as a full-time writer. 

She began attending local writing workshops and continued to hone her craft by writing several short and novel-length fan-fiction pieces published online, where she met other authors with a similar love for story, a Christian worldview, and happily-ever-after. 

Married for 30+ years and active in their church, Regina and her husband have two grown daughters who share her love of music, writing, and the arts. 

She is the author of three books, Carolina Dream (Apr. 2017), Carolina Mercy (July 2018), Carolina Grace (February 2019) in the Southern Breeze Series with Scrivenings Press, LLC, and her novella, “Pawleys Aisle,” a Southern Breeze novella in the Coastal Promises collection, with Mantle Rock Publishing, LLC. 

Her story, “RenoVating Christmas,” was part of the Hope Is Born collection with the Mosaic Collection, and introduces the character and setting in book one of her new RenoVations Series, Heart Restoration, releasing August 5, 2020. 

Connect with Regina on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, or on her website at

Back Cover Blurb for Heart Restoration:

For interior designer Lisa Reno things go from bad to worse when her contractor brother falls off a ladder and breaks his leg. 

Now she has to deal with the past coming back to haunt her, an old house with a corpse in the creepy cellar, and her best friend trying her best to fix her up with any man that moves.

Nick Woodward is willing to do his old college roommate a favor – especially since it involves renovating his own inheritance. 

The last thing he wants is to get involved with anyone. When he lost his wife and unborn child so suddenly, he had made the decision to keep God and everyone else at arm’s length. 

So far, so good.

Ah, the difference a trip to a dingy basement makes.

Enter this book giveaway contest for your chance to WIN a copy of this book by filling out the entry form on the Rafflecopter widget below:


  1. This sounds so good I would love to read and review on a few sites! peggy clayton

  2. Thanks, Alexis, for including me in your blog birthday celebration!!

  3. Grief is a theme in the books that I have been reading lately. I find it interesting all the ways people grieve.

    1. I was asked once, at a writing conference, "What is your character's wound?" In this book, grief is one of them! Good luck in the contest

  4. It's nice to see giveaways featuring Clean wholesome books. Thank you for the opportunity to win this book.
    God Bless you and your family.

  5. I'd like to read it because I like clean, Christian books.

    1. I'm with you - that's the only kind I like to read, as well!

  6. This sounds intriguing. We bought an old house and had to gut it, completely renovation it. It it hard, dirty work, and you do not always agree on what is to be done. Luckily there wasn't a corpse in the cellar or in our case the crawl space. Stay safe and healthy.

    1. My house is 104 years old, and it is a work in progress! It didn't have a corpse in the basement, either, but other than that, it is similar! LOL!

  7. Thanks for sharing Happy Birthday!

  8. I love interior designing... This makes me want to pick up a copy of this book.

    1. Interior Design was one of my dream jobs, but not practical. Therefore, I made it practical for my character!

  9. I love reading novels that talk of restoring houses. I can already sense that there will be some tension in this book. Love it!

    1. My love of HGTV is definitely found in this book! Remember "If Walls Could Talk?" I loved that show!


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