Sunday, October 1, 2017

Fall into Love: Morgan's story

From Coffee Date to Wedding Day: The Story of Morgan and Steven Smith

A Fall into Love story written by Morgan Tarpley Smith

To think it all began with coffee…Well, it really began long before that because God knew our path. I thought I’d be single forever. I was okay if that was His plan. None of this was a surprise to Him, though it has certainly been one for us. It’s been a long journey with moments of joy and sorrow, regret and forgiveness to lead us to the day Steven and I had coffee as acquaintances in December 2013.

That year was one of huge growth for us. God spoke to our hearts in different ways – yet also in the same regarding romantic relationships. We reached a place of true contentment in Him alone. We allowed God to fill the void we tried to fill with dating and other pursuits, and it was incredible! God’s plan was always in action, but it took our surrender and release for us to follow it – which led to Facebook actually.

I’d added Steven on Facebook earlier that year after his Mom told me he would spend six months in Wales, and I definitely wanted to see his travels there. I commented on pictures, and we struck up a brief but witty conversation, which led to coffee when he returned. I prayed that the Lord wouldn’t let me make more out of it than it was – two people meeting for coffee. No pressure, no expectations. Only friends.

So I thought everything was fine, but Steven was so handsome and kind, and I had to be still my heart and keep myself in check. I sat there as if I wasn’t nervous and started asking about Wales. I was pleased that he wasn’t hesitant to talk about it all and much more. We talked for over four hours and right through dinner!

He seemed to enjoy the visit. But, honestly, I was more interested to know if he was as interested in me as I was with him. I couldn’t help it! It only took 15 minutes for me to want him to ask me out! But he was so collected (I thought …) that I was sure he didn’t feel the connection.

The coffee shop closed, but I didn’t want the night to end. He casually said he enjoyed meeting, and we should do it again sometime. I was like “Nope, he’s not interested.” Unknown to me though, a different story was unfolding.

Three days later, he asked me out. Our first date was January 3, 2014, and I knew 10 days from our first coffee that he was the man I would marry. It involved Pinterest oddly enough. I felt God urging me to start planning our wedding (After all, he’s the one who created my planner’s heart.), so I made a secret wedding board and got after it. Steven asked me to be his girlfriend the next day with the intent to pursue marriage, and we were engaged on April 19, and then married in November. I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

I thank God every day for the blessing of bringing Steven and I together and for loving us enough to bless us with our marriage of nearly three years (and the gift of our first child due February 2018) as an example of his love for his bride (the church/believers). I don’t know how to properly express how important and worthwhile that waiting on and following God’s plan is for everything in our lives. It’s the best thing I have done and ever will do. 

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own understanding; think about Him in all your ways and He will guide you on the right paths.” - Proverbs 3:5-6

“For we know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are called according to His purpose.” – Romans 8:28

And I’d like to encourage everyone – no matter where you are in life – don’t give in to your own plans. Turn to the Lord and let His joy and peace fill your life and guide your steps, and you will find yourself on the most unforgettable journey you could ever imagine.

Author bio:  

Morgan Tarpley Smith is an award-winning newspaper reporter and photographer in Louisiana. 

She is also an inspirational adult and middle-grade novelist. Besides writing and traveling to over a dozen countries, her interests include acting, genealogy, photography, and singing. 

She resides in Louisiana with her husband and is expecting their first child in 2018.

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