Passing It On: Sharing our Faith Stories
A devotional by Joy Beless
“We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation
the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and the wonders that he has done.”
—Psalm 78:4 (ESV)
All through the summer in the USA, families gather for weddings, graduations, and July 4th celebrations. Our adult children and grandchildren come together at our family’s ranch to celebrate Independence Day for the USA. None of us live in the same city. We gather our great-grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, then we all join in the fun! As we stand side-by-side in the kitchen, on the fishing dock or snuggle with the kids for a bedtime story, it’s a perfect time to share stories of faith.
I remember being a child standing next to my grandmother in the kitchen on the same family ranch, sipping a cold Dr. Pepper on a hot Texas summer afternoon and listening to my grandmother telling stories of faith. She told me about the faithfulness of God during the bleak war-time years, making dresses out of up-cycled fabric, and how God provided for my grandfather to work labor jobs that paid a dollar a day. I heard plenty of stories about taking other people in for a time and the common experience of having extra people around the meal table. No matter how much work needed to be done, on Sundays my grandparents stopped the task on hand, cleaned up and went to church with all of us.
My parents carried on the tradition of sharing their own stories of faith. My father’s conversion story after a near-death experience always held a captive audience. He was a leather-faced rancher who seemed bigger than life. Saturday nights, my mother could be found with her Bible in her lap preparing for Sunday School the next morning. In the good and the hard times, living out God’s Word was central to their life stories.
I feel the same urgency to not waste spontaneous opportunities to weave in stories of faith spoken of in Psalm 78 and remember the “glorious deeds of the Lord and his might and wonders” (Psalm 78:4 ESV). Where have I seen God at work in miraculous ways over the last several months? How have I sensed God’s presence in difficult times or in waiting for answered prayer? As we say bedtime prayers over our children’s and grandchildren’s concerns, what can I ask them to pray for me? How can I remind these sweet souls that God hears their prayers too?
Worship and singing hymns is yet another way of passing down our faith and giving the younger generation an anchor to hold on to in rough waters. I remember hearing my parents sing hymns as they went about their day. I want my grandchildren to also know the songs that we’ve sung for generations, such as “Blessed Assurance” by Fannie Crosby and Phoebe Knapp.
May our faith stories that fueled our faith, fuel the faith of future generations and inspire their young minds with curiosity that encourages them to seek God and know Him. In a time of anxious questioning of so much, may our family’s conversations invite an assurance of God’s love for each of us, especially for the younger generation. May that assurance bring hope to their lives and their own stories of trusting in God. May they have a desire to know God’s Word and believe it is as relevant for them as it was for their grandparents and great-grandparents.
When my grandchildren come to visit, I think I’ll pick up a can of Dr. Pepper and pour it over cold ice while I listen to the fizz. As we sip and laugh, I want to ask them how they’re doing. Perhaps I will share a story from my childhood with the hindsight of a Sovereign God who never fails.
Let’s Pray:
Father God, thank You that You are the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. I’m grateful that You love our children and grandchildren more than we do. Give us discernment and wisdom to share the truth about you through our faith stories. In Jesus’s Name I pray. Amen.
Song of Reflection: “Find Us Faithful” by Steve Green. Listen to it here.
Author Bio:
Joy Beless is a worshipper of God and lover of people.

A practicing Spiritual Director, she is a speaker for retreats and conferences and facilitates guided solitude retreats at the family ranch in North Texas.
A seasoned worship leader and songwriter, she frequently weaves worship, God’s Word and spiritual practices together. She is a chapel provider for a shelter for the houseless and a certified Grief and Trauma Healing Facilitator. Serving at global retreats for Kingdom-minded women delights her soul.
She has written for Global Trellis and Missio Nexus. She connects God’s Word with the reality of our daily in all the ups and downs.
Joy is married to Roger. They live in Coppell (Texas). Joy is called "JoJo" by her nine adorable grandchildren. She enjoys the outdoors and encourages flowers to grow in the Texas heat.
Connect with Joy:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joy.beless
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joy.beless/
Website: www.joybeless.org
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