Power in Praise
A devotional by Mirachelle Canada
“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!”
—Psalm 150:6 (ESV)
In my early 20s, I didn’t fully comprehend the power of praise until I was in desperate need of God’s divine intervention on my behalf.
I was a new drama teacher on a three-year provisional teaching license, since I had been unable to pass the math section of The Praxis, the state teacher’s exam. Math and I have a love-hate relationship. I avoid it at all costs. Yet, I had been forced to take the math section three times because each time I missed the passing score by one point.
When I discovered the state had gone to a composite scoring system (combining scores for writing, reading, and math), I was elated. This meant I could take the reading section again and, by increasing my points, I could offset the math deficiency. I needed to score three points above my previous reading score to make it work.
For months, I studied the guides to The Praxis reading test. The night before the test, I knew I had done all I could do to be ready. One study guide even said not to study anything more the night before because the likelihood of absorbing anything new was low. So, I tried to relax, but my mind raced with worry. What if I didn’t get the extra points I need? I had run out of time to take the test again. This was my last shot.
Everything I tried to use as a distraction didn’t work. So, I opened my Bible and prayed. I went to the Book of Psalm and I found comfort in Psalm 18:6 (ESV), “In my distress I called upon the Lord; to my God I cried for help. From his temple he heard my voice, and my cry to him reached his ears.”
Psalm 18 is King David’s address to the Lord on the day when the Lord delivered him from the hand of all his enemies. As I meditated on the Psalm, it hit me:
Whenever David had a problem, he prayed, worshipped, and then, he praised God. He praised God in every circumstance. In the highs, the lows, the sufferings, and yes, even the pain. He is our example of a true worshipper with a heart after God. So, I followed his example. I put on my praise and worship music and for several hours I sang, danced, wept, and praised my God.
The next morning I rose, refreshed and renewed, and took my final reading test. The rest was up to God. Weeks later, I got a notification that my scores were ready. During my lunch break I made the call. When I heard the score I couldn’t believe my ears. I had passed! Not with just three extra points, but seven above that!
Seven is God’s number of completion. I felt in my spirit that not only did He give me what I needed, but because I had taken the time to praise him despite the outcome, he honored his word in Ephesians 3:20-21 (ESV), that says, “Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” Don’t miss the most important part of those verses! He is able to do according to the power at work within us. What ignites His power within us is praise.
No matter what your situation, there is power to face it, endure it, overcome it, and change it through your praise. I guarantee it! I encourage you to take the leap of faith forward with praise. Praise Him through your tears, heartache, stress, or sorrow. As David declared in Psalm 150:6 (ESV), “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!”
Praise is power. And God’s power will overcome for you! Praise the Lord!
Let’s Pray: Dear Lord, thank You for working on my behalf as I seek You in my need. I praise You with all that I have and all that I am. I praise You on the mountain and in the valley because You are worthy of all praise in every circumstance. There is no one like You, God. In Jesus’s Name I pray. Amen.”
If you’re not sure how to praise, the song below is an excellent place to start.
Song of Reflection: “Psalm 150” by The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir. Listen to it here.
Author Bio:
Mirachelle Canada is a writer, playwright, screenwriter, and theatre director/producer currently residing in Northern Virginia. She earned her Master of Fine Arts in Script & Screenwriting from Regent University and is a member of Act One: Hollywood Film & Television Writing Program, ACFW, ACFW Virginia Chapter (Treasurer), The Jerry Jenkins Writers Guild, and Your Novel Blueprint.

Mirachelle is passionate about awakening creativity and the gifts of God in everyone. Her first historical fiction novel is set during WWII, inspired by her time studying theatre education in London, England. She loves horses, cats, dogs, and all things peppermint!
Connect with Mirachelle:
Website: www.mirachellecanada.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mirachellecanada/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/miracan
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mirachellecanada/
Email: mirachelle@mirachellecanada.com
Connect with Mirachelle:
Website: www.mirachellecanada.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mirachellecanada/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/miracan
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mirachellecanada/
Email: mirachelle@mirachellecanada.com
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