Do You Know His Voice
A devotional by Patricia Russell
“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.”
—John 10:27 (KJV)
On more than one occasion, I’ve heard people say to me: “You sound just like (name of a certain singer)” when they hear me sing. This is a compliment, yet I know that I can never duplicate someone else’s voice.
Everyone has a unique sound in their tone, accent, and manner. Voice is defined as the sound or sounds uttered through the mouth. We identify who a person is by the way they sound to us when they speak or sing. We can only do that effectively if we are familiar with or have heard the person’s voice on many different occasions. When we truly know someone’s voice then even in a crowded or noisy area, we can instantly identify who is speaking, singing or communicating.
Jesus Christ tells us in John 10:27 that the sheep know the voice of their shepherd. They cannot be easily fooled. You can dress up like a shepherd and try to behave like one but the minute you open your mouth the sheep know if you are theirs or an imposter.
God wants us to know His voice so well that we have no doubt about who is speaking. We often ask how we can know God’s voice. He gives us direction through His Word (The Holy Bible). When choosing right from wrong, we can learn from Psalm 119:11 (KJV), which says, “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.”
When we are confused, the Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth (John 16:13). God’s Word says in (Isaiah 30:21 NLT), “Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, “This is the way you should go,” whether to the right or to the left.”
The more time we spend with the Lord and His Word is the more we are not only familiar with, but we learn, the sound of His voice. God wants us to be completely dependent on Him so that just like sheep who know Christ as their Shepherd, we know Him too. In times of storm or stress we can rest in God and trust Him completely.
With so much uncertainty and fear dominating the airwaves, God wants you and I to know that He is in control. God wants us to know that we can still be strong and courageous, and we can run to Him with our every concern. Do you know His voice?
God’s voice speaks strength in times of weakness, peace when storm clouds roll, hope when we feel desperate and all alone. Notice: His voice is opposite to fear and despair. We must know His voice in this modern day because as the hard times come, we can quickly be reminded of the hope we have in Him. In troubled times, we need to rely on what we know from His Word (The Holy Bible). We need to draw from how we have experienced Him in the past. What we have known of God from the past will not only keep us in the present, but also in the days to come.
Let’s Pray: Heavenly Father, thank You for loving us and showing us that we can know your voice in your written Word and the voice of Holy Spirit. Help us to walk in obedience and trust You even when life looks and feels uncertain, knowing you are still God. Therefore, you are always in control. Help us to remember this and listen to Your Voice. In Jesus’s Name I pray. Amen.
Song of Reflection: “You Are God Worship Medley: Holy / Hosanna / You Are God” covers and original songs included by Patricia Russell. Listen to it here.
Author Bio:
Patricia is a worship leader, songwriter, speaker and compiler of her 2020 best-seller anthology Stronger Resilience: Stories to Empower the Mind, Body and Spirit, as well as “Lord I Trust You: Words of Encouragement” to encourage readers and share life lessons during her cancer journey.

Her greatest joy is being married to her husband, Wayne, for 34 years. Together they serve the community through their local congregation as well as providing premarital and marriage coaching. They have two adult children, Raquel and Benjamin. As a two-time breast cancer overcomer, Patricia coaches’ others to develop resilience and live life to their fullest.
Patricia has released two gospel music recordings: “Draw Me Nearer” and “Lord, I Trust You”. In March 2022, she launched her podcast “Becoming Resilient” which can be downloaded wherever you get your podcasts and also seen on YouTube.
When not reading or studying, Patricia loves to eat Thai food and spend time with “Lucy” – her daughter’s Yorkie-poo who has taken up room in her heart.
Connect with Patricia:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patrussellsings/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pat.russell.98877/
Email Patricia: patrussellsings@gmail.com
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