Developing a Dedicated Heart of Prayer
A devotional by Peg Arnold
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.”—Hebrews 12:1-2a NIV
Did you watch the Olympics?
I loved watching and hearing the stories of commitment and persistence. I am always amazed by the athletes’ discipline and determination. I wonder what would happen if we approached our prayer life with the same dedication. When reflecting on the competitors and what takes them to the top of the podium, I recognized several commonalities.
First is Passion. Every athlete demonstrates a passion for their sport. To improve our prayer life, we need to cultivate that same unsatiable hunger for intimate communication with the Savior. Prayer is a way to interact, praise, and seek guidance from God. Do you have a passion for connecting with Him?
Then comes Preparation. Athletes prepare with strict diets and training, and with expert coaching, they refine their skills. To nurture a competitive lifestyle of prayer, reading Scripture, studying prayer books, or even fasting are foundational steps. We can deepen our understanding by praying the words of Scripture, joining a prayer group or Bible study and connecting with a prayer partner. How are you preparing to connect with God in your prayer life?
Practice is another critical element. Athletes train for hours each day to excel. How do you practice prayer? Do you seek God each morning, perhaps even before checking your phone, or do you talk with God continually, as Paul encourages in 1 Thessalonians 5:17? This means you strive to be aware of His presence throughout the day with gratitude and acknowledgment. What habit can you practice to help deepen your prayer life?
Perseverance is vital, both in sports and in prayer. We've seen stories of Olympic athletes overcoming tremendous challenges. Similarly, in our prayer lives, we will face obstacles that undermine our confidence and instill fears and doubts. Hebrews 12:1-2 encourages us to persevere by fixing our eyes on Jesus Christ. What distracts you in your prayer life? How do you stay persistent, especially when walking in the valleys of life?
Finally, there's Pursuit. Athletes compete in pursuit of a temporary reward. 1 Corinthians 9:25 (NIV) says, “Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.” However, God invites everyone to enter His throne room and communicate with Him, not for a fleeting moment of glory on top of a podium but for an eternal connection with the Lord, who delights in us and brings us joy and peace.
How do you pursue a relationship with God? How will you make prayer a daily pattern in your thoughts, words, and deeds? Which areas need more focus in your prayer life: passion, preparation, practice, perseverance, or pursuit?
Challenge yourself to train in prayer with the same dedication as an athlete then see if it deepens your relationship with the living God.
Let's Pray: Dear Lord, thank You for allowing us to communicate with You anytime, anywhere! We love You and desire to grow in our relationship with You. Forgive us when distractions detour us. Please help us fix our minds on You with more commitment than an athlete to their sport. In Jesus' Name, we pray. Amen.
Song of Reflection: “Keep On Climbing” by Wintley Phipps. Listen to it here.
Author Bio:
Peg Arnold, Speaker/Author/Teacher is a Drama Queen for Jesus.
Her vibrant, interactive, and soul-stirring messages encourage all to embrace their God-given value. As a mom, wife, nana, mentor, with a master’s in counseling, she connects on a personal basis by sharing her joys and challenges of many life experiences through her dramas, messages, and witness. Whether talking with a friend over coffee or addressing hundreds of people at a conference, her passion for equipping women is contagious.
She has published devotions on YouVersion and in the Upper Room. In addition, she has contributed to two Chicken Soup for the Soul books, three anthologies, numerous articles, and blogs. Her devotional, Devotions for the Distracted Heart, received a 2022 OASIS award.
Peg desires everyone to know that their story is important and has a purpose. She grew up in Michigan and raised her family in Maryland. Later in life, Peg and her husband relocated close to their family in Colorado.
Connect with Peg:
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Devotions for the Distracted Heart blog: https://pegarnold.wordpress.com/
YouVersion: https://www.bible.com/reading-plans/22261-devotions-for-the-distracted-heart
Holiday YouVersion: https://www.bible.com/reading-plans/28680-holiday-devotions-for-the-distracted-heart
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LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/peg-arnold-wow
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