How Will They Know We Are Christians?
A devotional by Joy Beless
“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”—Ephesians 4:32 (NIV)
Being lost was the norm when I lived in Asia and was often navigating one of the world’s largest cities with four children in tow.
We moved there for my husband’s work where he spent long hours at the office with a wonderful bilingual administrative assistant. The first few weeks of learning how to do the once-simple tasks of grocery shopping and buying school supplies became complicated. Whether it was finding our way to train stations and figuring out the route—or even more difficult, learning to drive on the opposite side of the road while reading signs in a different language—much of our time was spent being simply lost.
I quickly learned there are two kinds of people: those who do not want to be bothered to help and those who graciously and kindly interrupt their day to point out the way. I was the foreigner. I could not speak the language. I did not know how to do the simple tasks required for everyday living. I’m so grateful for this experience and what I learned about kindness.
I remember taking the train out for an event that required a few transfers along the way. I’m standing in front of a large railway map with a complicated image of train lines with stops written in the Kanji alphabet. Picture me—a very “large” Caucasian woman—with my children close to me all looking at this map trying our best to figure out which train to get on and hoping it will go in the right direction. The station is crowded and bustling. I’m stressed and anxiety is building. A kind woman who is not hesitant to approach a foreigner asks in broken English where I’m trying to go and points me in the right direction. Relief. My children and I are grateful for this stranger’s kindness.
The Bible has a lot to say about kindness and showing love to others. During those four years, I was the “other” and experienced feelings of desperation and helplessness. I felt inadequate for not knowing nor being able to figure out even how to use appliances in my home. I look back on that time and remember the kind neighbors who were bilingual. They came beside me to teach and help me as I was learning a new language. I also remember the ones who would not even answer my question as I tried to speak the language the best I could. The ones who were annoyed or even angry because I was different, the foreigner, and did not understand the culture well.
There is a song I remember singing in my youth that continues to circle back around with timeless truths. The tune is called, “They’ll Know We Are Christians By Our Love” and it is performed by Peter Scholtes. It is a simple folk song that speaks about the unity of believers spreading the gospels and respecting other’s dignity. How? By our love for each other.
The idea of showing love to each other is so key to our faith, that Jesus emphasized the message following Judas’s departure during the Last Supper. Let’s read His Words in John 13:34-35 (NIV): “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
The best way to show love is by beginning with simple acts of kindness through the lens of the Fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control (Galatians 5:22-23 ESV). These virtues are a gift from the in-dwelling Holy Spirit that enables Christians to go beyond their selfish impulses and speak and act through the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Often it is not my first thought, but rather what the Holy Spirit leads and guides me to do: to step out of my schedule, my biases, and stop to show kindness to someone.
Some questions that are helpful for me to be self-aware throughout my day are: Who do I tend to have biases towards? Who do I make false assumptions about? Am I viewing others through my own eyes or the eyes of Jesus Christ? Do I have a generous or selfish posture when it comes to my time and resources?
How will people know that I am a follower and disciple of Jesus? According to Him, it is by the love and kindness I show to others. Whether it be the repair person who comes to fix my air conditioner on a hot summer day, the server in the restaurant, or even those in my family, showing kindness is being the hands and feet of Jesus. Speaking to someone who looks different from me, saying hello, and patiently listening to their broken English is showing kindness. Choosing to volunteer and serve beside others is the face of the Church for those who have never stepped foot in a church.
Jesus Christ felt so strongly about this that He commanded us to love one another (John 13:34). Not a suggestion, not only when we have time or feel like it. This is how the world will know we are followers of Jesus Christ.
Let’s Pray: Father God, give me a sensitivity to notice others who cross my path or who You lead me to who need kindness and love. Guide me to walk in The Holy Spirit throughout my day—not only when it is easy but especially when it is difficult. Thank You for the love that You demonstrate to me. In Jesus’s Name, I pray. Amen.
Song of Reflection: “How Beautiful” by Twila Paris. Listen to it here.
Author Bio:
Joy Beless is a worshipper of God and lover of people.

A practicing Spiritual Director, she is a speaker for retreats and conferences and facilitates guided solitude retreats at the family ranch in North Texas.
A seasoned worship leader and songwriter, she frequently weaves worship, God’s Word and spiritual practices together. She is a chapel provider for a shelter for the houseless and a certified Grief and Trauma Healing Facilitator. Serving at global retreats for Kingdom-minded women delights her soul.
She has written for Global Trellis and Missio Nexus. She connects God’s Word with the reality of our daily in all the ups and downs.
Joy is married to Roger. They live in Coppell (Texas). Joy is called "JoJo" by her nine adorable grandchildren. She enjoys the outdoors and encourages flowers to grow in the Texas heat.
Connect with Joy:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joy.beless
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joy.beless/
Website: www.joybeless.org
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