Trusting God Even When We Can’t See
A devotional by Hannah Benson
“For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”—Matthew 16:25 (ESV)
Trusting God is hard, especially when I really want something, and God doesn’t seem to be doing anything to give me what I want. Can you relate?
Our circumstances may testify to one thing, but God is not limited by our circumstances. In fact, I think that when our circumstances look the bleakest that this is when God shows us His power. Even as I write this, I hold hopes and dreams in my heart. Dreams not yet fully realized, dreams I don’t know if I will see ever come to fruition. But I am challenged daily to trust God even when I can’t see all the ways He is providing.
Trusting God has been a key theme for me this year. I can’t tell you how many times I struggle to have faith. I’m often tempted to look around at my circumstances and become discouraged, but I fail to remember that present circumstances do not necessarily determine the destination.
In Matthew 16:25, Jesus Christ says that whoever loses their life for His sake will find it. Does this mean that we will be a martyr for Christ? Not necessarily. But I do believe, in a practical sense, He is calling every single one of us to lay down our dreams and what we hold dear at His feet.
Are we willing to lay down everything, even if it means losing it, and give it to Jesus?
This is a challenge for me everyday as I find myself struggling to lay down what I want and surrender it to the One Who loves me most. I used to pride myself on having control of my life. I gripped God’s good gifts with an iron fists, terrified of losing anything. I’ve mentioned before that my mom was diagnosed with cancer last year. I love her so much and greatly feared losing her. During that season, for the first time in my life, I felt completely helpless because there was a situation I couldn’t change. I had to learn to surrender to God’s plan.
God calls me to lay everything, even my hopes and dreams, at His feet.
And you know what? When we lay down our hopes and dreams at the feet of Jesus and truly trust Him with everything, then we will find that in Jesus, we have everything we need. Right now, I have so many unanswered questions about the future. There are so many things I can’t change that I wish I could. I wish I could change XYZ about my finances, relationships, and so on. Can you relate? But the fact is, there are some things in our life that no matter how hard we try or wish were different, we simply can’t change and some answers we don’t need to know right now.
Through the uncertainty, God is calling me to trust Him even when I don’t have all the answers. Whenever I begin to fear the future, I am reminded of God’s faithfulness and am challenged to trust Him. What unanswered questions do you have today? Do you feel God calling you to trust Him?
Let’s Pray: Dear Father God, please help me to lay down my hopes and dreams and entrust them into Your care. I know You care about me and that my hopes and dreams are better in Your hands than in my own. Help me to trust You, Lord. In Jesus’s Name, I pray. Amen.
Song of Reflection: “Lay it Down” by Sanctus Real. Listen to it here.
Author Bio:
Hannah Benson is a Jesus-follower who’s passionate about sharing the love of Christ with others.
From the time she could hold a pen, she was writing. But it wasn’t until she was sixteen that she began to follow God’s calling to pursue writing seriously. Hannah is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW). In addition to fiction, she also writes devotionals and has been published on other websites. Her prayer is that her readers leave deeply encouraged and more in love with Jesus.
When not writing, Hannah also enjoys being involved with local theater companies, with a primary focus on Biblical theater. She wants to show the love of Jesus through the creative arts.
You can read more of Hannah’s writings on her blog or on her Instagram where she strives to write content that leaves others feeling encouraged.
Connect with Hannah:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Hannah-Lynn-Writer/100073790792576/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hannahlbensonwrites/
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