Trusting God
A devotional by Peg Arnold
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.”—Proverbs 3:5-6 (NLT)
When my husband (Rick) and I arrived at a fishing camp on the Kenai River, our first sight of the Alaskan River shoreline took our breath away! It was lined with verdant green pines as the water flowed and meandered around the bend. We saw seals diving for breakfast and heard the echoes of bald eagles calling to each other from the treetops.
We would be venturing out on five different excursions for the next week. We didn't know what to expect but knew we needed to prepare for each adventure. We were responsible for dressing for the weather each day. We wore the right shoes or waders for the vessel. We brought our water, lunch, and snacks with us. We knew arriving at the dock at the right time to meet our captain and follow his instructions was important.
Whether we were on a vessel with twenty others going into the deep sea beyond the sight of shore or in a flat bottom pram with five people, once we stepped onto the boat, our lives and experiences were surrendered to our captain. Trusting him meant relying on his knowledge of the destination and the route and equipping us with the gear and bait to catch the right fish. In addition, he would stay with us until we safely returned to the shore.
I started to think about this and how it relates to my daily journey with God. In the morning, I wake up and prepare myself for the day with devotions and prayer. But when I leave that space, do I actually step off the dock into the boat and allow Jesus Christ to be my captain? Sometimes I step into the vessel but Google the destination and direct God to where He should lead me. Other times I can become impatient and grab the wheel because I want to control the course I expect to travel. Do I trust God enough to let Him take me into the deep waters where the waves toss me around and I can't see the horizon of familiarity?
There are many examples of heroes in the Bible who model complete trust in God as they step out into obedience. Mary, the mother of Jesus, is just one. She prayed as she prepared for the massive responsibility of raising the Messiah. She had to trust God to direct her every step, equip her for the journey, and trust Him to never leave her alone. Rick and I have had several times when God has directed us to step off the dock and shore of familiarity and trust God to be our captain to take us into unknown waters. Moving to Colorado from our home of 32 years was one of those times. Our job was to prepare. We had to make all the essential arrangements, pray, and trust God to know the route, then trust Him to equip us for the journey and keep us safe. This move required me to prepare my heart and mind.
Praying to God and memorizing scripture strengthen me in times of doubt or fear. During our major move, I found myself clinging to Proverbs 3:5-6 (NLT), which says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.”
I wonder if you may be standing on that dock of familiarity, but God is nudging you to step onto the boat. Or maybe you have already stepped into the unknown and are doubting whether you heard God's voice. It could be a move, a change in a relationship, a loss, a job change, or a diagnosis. Whenever God nudges us, it’s important to be prepared. The essentials we need include prayer, seeking God’s guidance, and studying His Word (The Holy Bible). Above all, we must trust that God knows the route. He will equip us and never leave us.
Let’s Pray: Dear Lord, help us trust You even when we are in unknown territory and challenged by our circumstances. Lead us to words of hope and comfort that will strengthen our faith and guide our decisions. We want the confidence and the courage to follow where You lead. In Jesus’s Name, we pray. Amen.
Song of Reflection #1: “Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)” by Hillsong UNITED (Live in Israel). Listen here.
Song of Reflection #2: “I Will Follow” by Chris Tomlin. Listen here.
Author Bio:
Peg Arnold, Speaker/Author/Teacher is a Drama Queen for Jesus.
She has published devotions on YouVersion and in the Upper Room. In addition, she has contributed to two Chicken Soup for the Soul books, three anthologies, numerous articles, and blogs. Her devotional, Devotions for the Distracted Heart, received a 2022 OASIS award.
Peg desires everyone to know that their story is important and has a purpose. She grew up in Michigan and raised her family in Maryland. Later in life, Peg and her husband relocated close to their family in Colorado.
Connect with Peg:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/arnoldpeg/
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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC51V_iWr0RfGAQvQnWVXEoA
Devotions for the Distracted Heart blog: https://pegarnold.wordpress.com/
YouVersion: https://www.bible.com/reading-plans/22261-devotions-for-the-distracted-heart
Holiday YouVersion: https://www.bible.com/reading-plans/28680-holiday-devotions-for-the-distracted-heart
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LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/peg-arnold-wow
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