Unveiling the Purpose in Prayer
A devotional by Gladys Childs
“For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being.”
—Ephesians 3:14-16 (ESV)
It's easy to get caught up in the daily grind. The world bombards us with challenges, uncertainties, and the constant pursuit of success. We might find ourselves overwhelmed, grappling with unseen battles that threaten to weigh down our spirits. Our hearts cry out during these moments for strength, purpose, and resilience.
Enter the transformative power of prayer. Ephesians 3:16 (ESV) reminds us to pray for strength: “that according to the riches of his glory, he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being.” This verse invites us to tap into a source of strength beyond ourselves. Our hearts become vessels for God's power to work wonders when anchored in prayer.
Imagine your heart as a garden. This garden may face droughts, storms, and the wear and tear of everyday challenges. The worldly perspective might encourage us to fortify the garden with external defenses, attempting to shield it from the harsh elements. However, the biblical counterpoint in Ephesians 3:16 invites us to a different approach: a transformation from within.
This is not about building external walls or barriers, but nurturing something more profound and resilient within us. It's a subtle yet profound shift, moving from a mindset of mere survival to thriving, even in the face of adversity. With all this in mind, let us look at how this transformation from within can occur by focusing on six points from my heart to yours.
Point #1: Beyond Surface-Level Strength
Prayer is not merely a tool for surface-level strength. It goes beyond a temporary boost to face the day; it's an invitation to the Creator of humankind to tend to the garden of our hearts. The prayerful heart seeks to withstand challenges and bloom and flourish amid them.
Point #2: Shaping Character and Virtue
As we pray for strength from the Holy Spirit, our inner being undergoes a metamorphosis. The weeds of doubt, fear, and insecurity are uprooted, allowing into us the seeds of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control as detailed in Galatians 5:22–23. Our character transforms into a reflection of God's attributes when we have the Fruit of the Spirit within us.
Point #3: Aligning with God's Purpose
The purpose of prayer isn't just to make us feel good or powerful; it's to align our hearts with God's purpose for our lives. Our prayers become conversations with the Master Gardener, allowing Him to prune away what hinders our growth and nurture the fruits that contribute to His grand design.
Point #4: Impacting the World Around Us
A heart strengthened through prayer doesn't operate in isolation. Like a river flowing from a mountain, the mighty heart shapes the landscape around it. Our transformed hearts become conduits of God's love, impacting our relationships, communities, and spheres of influence. The world witnesses the beauty of a heart surrendered to divine cultivation.
Point #5: Embracing Resilience and Purpose
Prayer equips us with a resilience that surpasses worldly understanding. It's not a guarantee that challenges won't come, but a promise that we won't face them alone. The powerful heart, rooted in prayer, embraces challenges as opportunities for growth, weaving purpose into every twist and turn of life's journey.
Point #6: Surrendering to the Master Gardener
Ultimately, the reflective journey of prayer involves surrender. It's about entrusting the garden of our hearts to the Master Gardener, who knows the perfect seasons for growth, pruning, and blooming. In surrender, we acknowledge that true power comes not from our efforts alone but from yielding to the divine transformation process.
As you reflect on the transformative power of prayer, envision your heart as a thriving garden tended to by the hands of the Creator. May this reflection inspire you to approach prayer not as a duty but as a sacred dialogue that shapes your heart into a powerful force for God's glory.
Let’s Pray:
Dear Lord, we come before You with open hearts, ready to receive the strength and power only You can provide. Amid life's struggles, we seek a powerful heart that beats in rhythm with Your love and purpose. Strengthen us, Lord, with the light of your Holy Spirit, infusing our inner beings with resilience, courage, and unwavering faith. May our prayers be more than petitions; may they be conversations that transform us from the inside out. Let our hearts beat with the purpose You have designed for us, shaping our lives into testimonies of Your grace and power. In Jesus’s Name I pray. Amen.
Song for Reflection: “The Garden” (Acoustic) by Kari Jobe. Listen to it here.
Recommended Reading: The Garden Within: Where the War with Your Emotions Ends and Your Most Powerful Life Begins (book) by Dr. Anita Phillips. Visit the author’s website for more information. Here’s the link, https://www.anitaphillips.com/book.
Author Bio:
Dr. Gladys Childs is an author, speaker, religion professor, pastor's wife, and mom helping others be F.R.E.E. to Thrive© for the abundant life God has for them. She serves as Chaplain at Texas Wesleyan University and the Women’s Director at LifePoint Fellowship. She brings 25 years of experience and knowledge to her ministry.

Gladys is frequently called authentic, witty, and candid as she shares her journey through life’s ups and downs. Her passion is meeting people at the intersection of faith and life’s difficulties. No stranger to heartache herself, she grew up in a non-church-going family with an alcoholic mother and is a trauma survivor.
Gladys holds a Ph.D. in Foundations of Education, a Master’s in Religious Education, a Master of Divinity, and a B.A. with a double major in Counseling and Psychology. Also, she is an ordained Elder in the United Methodist Church.
Connect with Gladys:
Website: https://www.gladyschilds.com/
Blog: https://www.gladyschilds.com/blog
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GladysAnnChilds
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