The Gift of Today
A devotional be Kayla de Jong
“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
–Psalm 118:24 (ESV)
I know God blesses me each day more than I can possibly thank Him for. This is true even on my hardest days. I am blessed more than I deserve! I admit I do not give God all the rightful glory when I finally do take a moment to look beyond the negatives in life and relish in the positive.
Fear has been a sin I have been working with God on overcoming my entire life. Maybe you call it something different: anxiety, worry, dread, distractedness, panic, unease. No matter what fancy name you give it, it’s still fear and God calls us to not let it consume us. I know I’m not the only person who struggles with fear. Based on the many instructions in the Bible to not fear, it seems like fear has been a struggle for most of humanity’s existence.
Fear has many consequences, not the least of which is the inability to be present with others and with God. If I am worrying about past mistakes or dreading future uncertainties, then I am not surrendering to God and asking Him how I can serve Him. I am not able to give my attention to the hurting people around me. News flash: Every single person on this Earth is hurting in some way. Every single person needs someone to be present with them, whether that means giving a hug and sharing a prayer or listening to burdens being unloaded or giving Biblical advice.
Fear is actually a selfish, arrogant way of thinking we know better than God and that we have to figure out all our problems without His help. Maybe we subconsciously think He won’t help us with our problems because they are too embarrassing or insignificant. The next time a fearful thought pops into your mind, remind yourself that God views fear as sin and choose to be present with Him. Start thanking Him for every blessing, great and small.
I’ve heard it said that in order to break a bad habit, you must start a good habit to replace it. My encouragement to you (and myself), is to break the cycle of fear by being present with at least one person each day. Cast aside all worrisome thoughts and invest in someone spiritually. By and by, your anxieties will dim in comparison to the love and compassion you feel for others and the joy that comes from fellowship. That being said, also strive to cut out of your life anything that causes you to distrust God: certain TV shows or movies, songs, books, podcasts, social media. Maybe you will be able to handle those things after you have grown spiritually, but right now, view them as the stumbling blocks that they are.
May we each be reminded daily that our problems are small compared to our blessings. And may God show us how to bless others with our blessings and be there for others as Jesus Christ would. Let’s make this a daily goal! If you are like me, you want practical advice. So here ya go:
Tip #1: Start a prayer journal that is only used for thanking God, instead of all the things you want to ask God to do for you.
Tip #2: Ask someone a specific way you can pray for them and then do it! Whether it’s a phone call or in person, say that prayer out loud so that the other person can hear you blessing them.
Tip #3: Offer to hug or lend a listening ear—or both—to someone who seems depressed.
Remember: You don’t have to be a Bible scholar or perfect person to offer a comforting Scripture to someone who is having doubts or questions. Perhaps consider purchasing a devotional for that person and offer to read it together.
In closing, consider this quote by Bill Keane: “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.”
Just imagine how much better the world would be if we all started being more present with each other and with God! I believe people would feel more loved, more seen, more heard, more empathetic, and more grateful, among other things. When we take time to appreciate this gift from God called “today”, we also have the opportunity to help others and impact the world in a positive way!
Let’s Pray:
Dear Lord,
Help me to be present today by being thankful in every moment—even the hard ones—and give You the glory You deserve. Thank You for helping me through my fearful, sinful ways and molding me into a grateful servant who is present with the people around me. Deliver me from negative thoughts and help me to focus on the good You’ve blessed me with in this life on Earth.
In Jesus’s Name I pray. Amen.
Song for Reflection: “Thank You” by The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir. Listen to it here.
Author Bio:
Hi! I’m Kayla de Jong!
Song for Reflection: “Thank You” by The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir. Listen to it here.
Author Bio:
Hi! I’m Kayla de Jong!

I’ve lived in Indiana my whole life and was blessed to have been raised in a Christian household. I have an associate degree in library science and have worked in various libraries for over six years. I love reading and writing!
I have mostly written poems, some of which were published in the compiled works of a local writers guild. I am in the middle of seeking a new career. I would love to be an author, artist, or journalist. But most of all, I would love to be a stay-at-home mom someday.
Connect with Kayla:
E-mail: kaylagmcdaniel@gmail.com
I have mostly written poems, some of which were published in the compiled works of a local writers guild. I am in the middle of seeking a new career. I would love to be an author, artist, or journalist. But most of all, I would love to be a stay-at-home mom someday.
Connect with Kayla:
E-mail: kaylagmcdaniel@gmail.com
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