A devotional by Angela Anderson
“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.”—John 15:5 (NKJV)
I recently purchased a new smartphone. The one I owned prior was somewhat outdated, and the battery was going bad. Each time I charged it, the battery life seemed to be getting shorter and shorter. Soon it only took an hour or two of use before the battery percentage was almost at zero!
Instead of throwing out the old phone, I allowed my youngest son to use it for the purpose of playing educational games that are designed specifically for children. His favorite game was constructing animal puzzles. The sound effects plus the celebration with balloons and confetti at the completion of the puzzle kept his attention for a good amount of time.
One day, I noticed that he was getting visibly frustrated. The phone appeared to automatically turn off right in the middle of his game. He brought the phone to me, and I tried to explain to him that the battery ran out of power, and the phone needed to be connected to the charger. He brought the lifeless phone back to the table where the charger was plugged into the wall. He plugged the phone into the charger and within seconds, the screen lit up and the battery percentage registered at one percent.
Although the battery indicator was still in the red, meaning the phone was not completely charged, the phone was still working just enough for my son to resume playing his game. He could see that the phone was on, but he did not realize that the battery was still extremely low. He excitedly removed the phone from the charger so that he could go back to the other room where he was playing his game.
I called out to him and explained that the battery did not have enough power and before long, he would have to put it back on the charger. But he left the room with the phone. He did not understand that he had not spent enough time connected to the charger so that the battery would have enough power to make it through at least one game.
Sometimes our lives are like this old phone. We run around trying to accomplish everything we possibly can, depleting our battery power into the red zone. So, we take a few moments out of our busy schedule to connect to God, the Source of our power. But before He can supply us with what we need, we disconnect from Him and try to continue in our own strength. Yet, we do not have enough power to operate effectively because we simply did not spend enough time connected to the Power Source.
We need to slow down and recognize that God is ready and waiting to pour out His power into us, if only we are ready and waiting to receive it. We must come to Him daily with the understanding that without Him, we are nothing. Let’s make a commitment to stay connected to Him!
Let’s Pray: Eternal God, we acknowledge that You are the vine and we are the branches. You are the source of our strength and You have a never-ending supply of power that we need from day to day. May we understand how important it is to stay connected to You. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
Song of Reflection: “Part of Your Story” (song) by Cheri Keaggy. Listen to it here.
Author Bio:
Angela Anderson was born in Brooklyn (New York) and raised in New Jersey.

She started writing at an early age and realized in elementary school that it was both a strength and a passion. She continued writing through high school, college, and into adulthood.
Angela is the author of a devotional book titled Just When I Thought I Knew God, and she is currently working on another devotional book that will be introduced in 2023.
This is Angela's third year as a devotional writer for Alexis A. Goring’s “God is Love” blog. In 2021, Angela was a winner of a devotional writing contest where the entry is featured in a book published by Proverbs 31 Ministries. The book is titled, Hope When Your Heart is Heavy. The following year, another one of Angela’s devotionals was published in another publication from Proverbs 31 Ministries, called Living Unbroken.
Angela has a passion for inspiring and impacting others through her writing and speaking.
Angela is a Mom Life Coach. She empowers mothers who want to identify their God-given purpose and live it fully while taking care of their family. Angela develops mothers into mompreneurs by providing them with the necessary tools to be successful and fulfilled in life. These tools equip them to see their value, understand their importance, and reclaim their identity.
Angela has been married to the love of her life, Duane Anderson for 18 years. Together they have two sons: Thomas (age 10) and Ryan (age 5). Angela’s favorite pastime is journaling.
She treasures spending quality time with her family.
Connect with Angela:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/angelanderson1104/
Facebook (personal): https://m.facebook.com/angela.thomasanderson
Facebook (Author page): https://www.facebook.com/jwitikg/
Angela offers free consultations for mothers who want to pursue their dream while taking care of their family. Schedule here: www.ChatWithCoachAngela.com
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