A devotional by Monique M. Anderson
“Get away from here and turn eastward, and hide by the Brook Cherith, which flows into the Jordan.”—1 Kings 17:3 (NKJV)
I was finally in a good rhythm.
I had a monthly theme for all my blogs and newsletters. My social media posts were created and scheduled a month in advance, correlating with the theme. I had finally gotten a handle on creating reels consistently and effortlessly. They were reaching thousands on social media every week. My email subscribers were growing, and my followers were increasing. The words God had given me to teach and edify His people were reaching and stretching to countries worldwide, and I knew this was only the beginning. Just as the momentum was building, God told me to, “Stop. Get away and hide.”
We find the prophet Elijah in the same predicament in this verse in 1 Kings 17:3. He was starting his ministry. God had just instructed Elijah to give a word of the Lord to King Ahab, announcing there would be no rain in the land. Giving this word was his first assignment, then God said, “get away from here” and “hide.”
I wonder if Elijah asked the same questions I did. Such as: “But God, we’re just getting started.” “You’ve given me so many assignments to complete, and they’ve only just begun. So why am I stopping now?”
I was confused and felt lost. I didn’t quite know how to obey this command. How do I keep still? How do I not do the work God gave me to do? I sometimes felt worthless if I didn’t have “work” to do. However, when the Holy Spirit led me to this scripture, I realized why Elijah needed to be alone at the brook and why God brought me here.
During Elijah’s time at the brook, God sent ravens to feed him. God placed him in a situation where he had to rely on God and God alone to provide for him. God sometimes needs to separate us, even from the work we do for Him, so we can remember our true source. At some point, God needs to bring all of us to a place where we have no choice but to walk by faith and not by sight.
Although my workflow was structured and in order, this order was not God’s order. It was not God’s structure. Therefore, He had to tear it down. I thought I was on my way up, but God brought me back to the valley for an important reason and lesson.
The Brook Cherith season is a time of strengthening your devotion and dependence on God. It is a training and building-up season for the next season to come. After Elijah spent three years in a season of isolation, (1 Kings 18:1) he then went from the brook to the mountaintop. In the next chapter, he performed a prophetic miracle on Mount Carmel by bringing down fire from Heaven (1 Kings 18:38-39). This sign and wonder showed the idolatrous nation of Israel who the one and only true God is.
Throughout the Bible, you will see examples of the valley experience before the mountaintop miracles. For example, Joseph was imprisoned before he made it to the palace, God hid David in caves before he became king, and Moses was hidden in the wilderness before he led the people out of Egypt.
We all need a season alone with God to prepare us for our greater assignment. The next level God was leading these heroes required Him to do inner work in them first. First, He will need to build your character and discipline. Next, He trains you in obedience and reliance on Him. Finally, He shows us that nothing we do or accomplish can succeed without Him.
We cannot manipulate this season and try to rush ourselves through it. It would be like giving birth to a baby before it is fully developed; complications and abnormalities will occur. If God has you in this season, as He has me, don’t look at it as idle time. This time is valuable. It is a time to be molded, sculpted, and pruned by God Almighty. It is time He chooses to allocate to you exclusively. We should feel privileged because God wants us all to himself. He is even willing to put aside His work to do some work in you.
All the work you’ve been doing for Him was valuable for that season. However, what He needs you to do next will make another version of yourself you have not yet met. Only He knows who you need to become for your fire on Mount Carmel moment.
I’ve learned to be grateful for this time. I no longer try to fight against what He wants to bring forth. I no longer want to rush through the process because I might lose followers or subscribers. Instead, I am allowing myself to be groomed by Him, which feels great!
According to the Blue Letter Bible app, the word "Cherith" means "cutting, to cut away, or separation". That is the purpose of this time; to cut out what is not needed. After the cutting, all that is left is you and God. I appreciate this hidden season and all the things He is cutting away that no one else can see. He is cleaning me up for my big premiere. Therefore, I will praise and thank Him for the Brook Cherith season.
Let’s Pray: Father God, I thank You for the Brook Cherith. I thank You for a season of isolation to be with You alone. Thank You for Your desire to be with me in this way. Forgive me for wanting to rush through this precious time. Forgive me for putting my structure before yours. I am yours now. Have Your way in my life. Continue to prepare me for the next season. May Your will be done and not my own. In Jesus’s Name I pray. Amen.
Song of Reflection: “Just the Beginning” by The Kurt Carr Singers. Listen to it here.
Author Bio:
Monique M. Anderson is a writer, creator, wife, and bonus mom. She was born and raised in Mount Vernon, NY, where she still resides. She released her always present yet hidden talent of writing to the masses in June 2019.

Her obedience provided more opportunities. In late 2021, Monique became a partner with the notable YouVersion Bible App as a Content Creator. Her first Bible plan debuted in December 2021. She will continue to provide content for the app as long as God allows her to.
Also in 2021, God revealed her prophetic gift and how He wants her to use it. Monique always felt compelled to pray for others but had no idea God would use her in this way. Through this gift as a prophetic intercessor, she’s not just writing about what God can do but showing what God can do.
Since God has shown her who He created her to be, she now feels it is her life’s work to help those taking their first steps in their walk with Christ. She is doing so through her blog, prayer, and soon-to-be-published works. She is excited to extend her reach to YouTube, podcasts, and speaking engagements soon.
Her blog is the stepping stone to fulfilling the vision God gave to her: “Sharing God’s revelations so we can all better reflect his image and fulfill His purpose.”
Connect with Monique:
Website: www.yourstrulymoe.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yourstruly__moe/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Yours-Truly-Moe-140255684101423
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