A devotional by Mirachelle Canada
And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”– Luke 2:10-11 (ESV)
Have you ever been so engrossed in a story that you couldn’t put it down?
I was so fascinated by a book once that, even at a slumber party, I stole time away in a corner to dive into its pages, gripped by an invisible thread entwined with wonder, discovery, and delight.
I couldn’t wait to know how the story would end. At its conclusion, I was flooded with a wave of glee. For days I had been enraptured, even marveled, at the vibrant setting, characters, romance, and adventure. I set the finished book down, and then, after a few moments back in my reality, I suddenly felt empty. Incomplete. The wonder and awe were gone. My delight disappeared. I felt unsatisfied. My spirit needed a story where wonder, discovery, and delight were never-ending.
People often prepare for the Christmas holidays with anticipation and wonder. Picking the perfect gift for friends and loved ones, then imagining them being opened with joy and excitement. We take time to purchase and carefully wrap these gifts, only for the paper and trimmings to be torn off within minutes on the celebratory morning. Wonder, discovery, and delight come and go like the wind. Toys are played with for a few days, then cast off for another distraction. The issue isn’t the attraction of things to us, it’s the lack of worth we find in them.
Like my book, their usefulness is short-lived. Any one thing can be cast off for another. Finish one book, you can pick up another.
Yet, our Christmas holiday is meant to be filled with so much more meaning than exchanging physical gifts. It is meant to be celebrated for the ultimate gift that is filled with holiness and wonder – the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. He did not come wrapped in paper and bows or even wearing a crown but was born in a lowly stable in a small town. Born to the Virgin Mary, announced to a flock of shepherds by angels, and traveling kings offering gifts were led to Him by a star. What a spectacular beginning! It is a story that starts with wonder, leads to discovery, and continues to this day to bring delight to millions because it is the greatest story ever told.
The story of Jesus transcends time and place. It is as far-reaching as the north is from the south. It spreads joy, hope, love, peace, deliverance, and majesty. It increases faith and challenges humanity to love one another. It holds the answer to every prayer and the wisdom to face any challenge. It will not leave you empty, incomplete, or unsatisfied. In fact, it promises the more you read it, seek its truths, and grow closer to God with all your heart, you will find all your heart can desire or even imagine. No other story in history holds that much power.
So, while you may have selected the perfect gift to be opened to shouts and tears of joy or can’t wait to hunker down on a cold winter’s night with a good book, I hope on Christmas morning that you take time to open the pages to Jesus Christ’s never-ending story in the Bible book of Luke, and read it with your family, friends, and loved ones. I pray that as you read, you are met with great wonder, discovery, and delight. It is the only story that never stops giving and will last forever.
Let’s Pray: Father God, thank You for sending us your son, Jesus who is the ultimate gift. We praise You and give thanks for all the wondrous and miraculous ways His story continues to connect and bless us. Thank You for Your Word that never stops giving and transcends time. We give You all the glory, honor, and praise. In Jesus’s Name I pray. Amen.
Song of Reflection: Handel: Messiah “For Unto Us a Child is Born” performed by The London Symphony Orchestra. Listen to it here: https://youtu.be/MS3vpAWW2Zc
Author Bio:
Mirachelle Canada is a writer, playwright, screenwriter, and theatre director/producer from Northern Virginia, where she teaches television production at her high school alma mater.

Mirachelle is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, American Fiction Writers Virginia Chapter, The Jerry Jenkins Writers Guild, and Your Novel Blueprint.
She is currently working on her first historical fiction novel set during WWII.
Connect with Mirachelle:
Website: www.mirachellecanada.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mirachellecanada/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/miracan
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