Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Devotionals for the Heart: When God chooses you to do a mighty work

The One You Least Expect
A devotional by Temeka Borden

“This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,' says the Lord of hosts.” –Zechariah 4:6 (NKJV)

I have been listening to my Bible app quite a lot lately, and when the story of David and Goliath was read to me, I was especially attentive.

The Bible says that David was a warrior and the future King of Israel. I have always enjoyed this story, ever since I was a little girl. However, once I became an adult, and after I have witnessed much and experienced much in life, the story of David and Goliath resonated with me even more.

This story of David’s battle with Goliath can be found in 1 Samuel, Chapter 17. Goliath taunts the Israelite army and they become terrified and deeply shaken by his threats. But David is courageous enough to face this “giant”. When David volunteered to fight Goliath, King Saul doubted his abilities to battle Goliath and win. After David describes his previous fights with lions and bears—ones that Saul was not aware of—Saul then grants David’s request for a one-on-one dual with Goliath. I think most of us who spent time in Bible study and church service, know how the story ends: Using only a sling and a stone, David takes down the giant and chops off his head.

What a victory! Right? However, when you look closer as you read this story, you see that David was not confident in himself. Better than that, David’s confidence was in the Lord. He knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that God was on his side and that victory was already attained. What a powerful realization that can serve as a life lesson to us today!

This story makes me think about how we shouldn’t count out people who God has counted in. We shouldn’t judge people based on their physical appearance. The Bible says that “People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7 NLT).

David may have been younger and shorter in stature compared to many of the soldiers in the Israelite army. He may have been considered untrained by some–lacking the required credentials to go up against such a large man. Yet, the one whom many considered unqualified was the very one God had chosen. They say that “God doesn’t call the qualified; He equips the called.” And that is very true in this case. God equipped little shepherd boy David to successfully slay an enemy that even the most experienced soldiers feared.

The story of David and Goliath also makes me think of the story of Samuel and his mission to anoint the next king of Israel. Saul had lost favor with God due to his disobedience (1 Samuel 15:10-11), and David was selected to be Saul’s successor (1 Samuel 16:12). After seeing all of Jesse’s sons, and after Samuel made his own assumptions of who would be the next king by considering appearance only, in the end, it was evident that David was the one. He was the youngest of all of his brothers and the “least expected”, but he was to be the next king.

Unlike David, we may never be a king or queen. Many of us may not do something heroic that will gain national or international attention. However, we all have been issued a God-given assignment that is of utmost importance! God has called each of us to do something extraordinary for Him, and He has given all of us the necessary tools to carry out that assignment and to complete it successfully.

Our specific assignments may differ. Yet, the ultimate goal is the same: To bring God glory!

So if someone looks at you as though you do not matter or says to you that you are not important, that you do not have any of the necessary credentials, that you have nothing to contribute, or that you are not capable of accomplishing a certain goal, remind yourself of David’s story. Remember that the one who is often underestimated is the one who is often destined to do great things. Also, keep in mind that we all have a little bit of David in us.

Let’s Pray: Dear God, Thank You for equipping us to do a mighty work for you! Help us to always listen to you and follow your lead in this life. Help us to not be afraid of any giant in this world. Make us brave like David and help us remember that it’s “not by might, nor by power” but by Your Spirit that we overcome the obstacles we face. In Jesus’s Name we pray. Amen.

Note from Alexis: Temeka’s devotional today reminds me of the song “Not By Might” performed by Leslie Phillips. Listen to it here.

Author Bio:

Temeka Borden, better known by her pen name “Positivity Inspires,” is an author, speaker, minister, PharmD, multi-state licensed pharmacist, founder and owner of Positivity Inspires, LLC, and most importantly, a servant of the Lord. 

She was introduced to Christ at a very early age and was raised in the church. Her ministry focuses on encouraging Christians to love God first, to love all people, to continually strengthen their bond with Christ, and to study His Word, and live His Word daily.

Dr. Borden has been blessed with a variety of gifts, and she has gained much professional experience in a variety of settings. She also has served in administrative roles in the professional and church settings. In addition to obtaining her PharmD, she also obtained her bachelor’s degree in biology (minor in English), and she is working on her third degree. What’s more, as stated in her words, “I completed a specialty pharmacy residency that prepared me for the workforce and made me a force to be reckoned with.”

Temeka is a long-distance runner, a drummer, a singer, and she has a strong “fashion sense.” She also can read and type at almost supersonic speed in some instances.

Dr. Borden loves to learn and is constantly looking for new ways to challenge herself.

She loves God and she loves people. She is “crazy about her family,” and she adores her friends. She strongly encourages others to show kindness, respect, and love to everyone.

Temeka loves and welcomes diversity and flourishes in culturally diverse environments.

Dr. Borden loves to laugh and loves to make other people laugh. She also is passionate about giving back to the community. Her favorite sayings are “Speak Up!” and “Watch God Work!”

Connect with Temeka:

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful reminder of the ways God can use us, even when we can't clearly see the purpose we will serve in His master plan. Thank you for sharing!


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