Saturday, December 7, 2019

12 Days of Christmas Book Giveaways: Cathe Swanson's Christmas story

Let's welcome my author friend Cathe Swanson to the blog today!

Cathe is here to give away one copy of her Christmas story, Hope for the Holidays.

First, here's a bit about Cathe:

Author Bio:

Cathe and her husband like spending time with their grandchildren and being outdoors – birdwatching, gardening, hiking and kayaking on the beautiful Wisconsin rivers, but summer is short in Wisconsin, so it’s important to have indoor hobbies, too. Cathe enjoys just about any kind of creative work, especially those involving fiber or paper. 

The long winters are perfect for writing and reading books. Cathe’s been teaching quiltmaking for over 25 years, focusing on retreat workshops, ministry events and bridal quilt bees, and recently brought that experience and enthusiasm to her Glory Quilts series. As a child of the 1960’s, she’s having fun writing about hippies and the Jesus People movement in her new Serenity Hill series.

Cathe Swanson enjoys writing stories with creative plots and eccentric characters of all ages. Her books will make you laugh and make you cry – and then make you laugh again.


Here's the blurb and cover for Cathe's book, Hope for the Holidays:

Newly arrived from her home in the Congo and armed with a brand-new degree in nonprofit management, Carrie Strough is eager to organize and improve the Unity Plenkiss Community Center.

Unfortunately, no one wants to be organized, and only Micah Neresen, the charming and handsome pastor of the local church, is interested in her plans. Or is he just interested in her? 

With a cast of lively and eccentric characters including a homeless vet with PTSD, a con man, an elderly couple with an over-the-top Christmas display, a feisty committeewoman with a past of her own, and a police investigation, Micah and Carrie wonder if there is any hope for the holidays this year!


Connect with Cathe:


Enter this e-book giveaway contest for your chance to WIN Cathe Swanson's book, Hope for the Holidays, by filling out the entry form on the Rafflecopter widget below:


  1. Looks like a sweet Christmas read!

  2. The novella's blurb is catching. I'd love to read the book.

  3. A woman from a foreign country, a pastor that is interested in helping her. This looks like it would be a good holiday story. Maybe even with a happy ever after.


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