Friday, December 6, 2019

12 Days of Christmas Book Giveaways: Allie Pleiter's Christmas story

Let's welcome my author friend Allie Pleiter to the blog today!

She's here to give away an e-book copy of her Christmas story,
A Brilliant Christmas: A Sweet City Hearts Novella.

Meet Allie:

Author Bio:

An avid knitter, coffee junkie and firm believer that “pie makes everything better,” Allie Pleiter writes both fiction and non-fiction working on as many as four novels at a time.

The enthusiastic but slightly untidy bestselling author of over forty books, Allie spends her days writing, buying yarn, and finding new ways to avoid housework.

Allie hails from Connecticut, moved to the Midwest to attend Northwestern University, and currently lives outside Chicago, Illinois.

The “dare from a friend” to begin writing has produced a seventeen-year career with over 1.4 million books sold. In addition to writing, Allie maintains an active writing productivity coaching practice and speaks regularly on faith, the creative process, women’s issues, and her very favorite topic—The Chunky Method of time management for writers.

Visit her website at to learn more about her writing and life.

Here's the blurb and cover for Allie's book:

Zoe Walters pours her heart and soul into the community arts center she runs. Her kids could benefit so much from the brilliant talents of animator Nigel Langdon—if he weren’t such a legendary grump. 

The next six weeks of his artist-in-residency look like they’ll ruin Zoe’s Christmas for sure. And certainly, things get off to a rocky start until Zoe discovers the great big heart—and the deep hurt—Nigel’s been hiding under that crusty exterior. It turns out Nigel can see through to Zoe’s deepest wounds as well. 

When the arts center is threatened, Nigel and Zoe come together not only to save the organization, but to discover a love and the brilliant Christmas no one ever expected.

Connect with Allie:

Enter this e-book giveaway contest for your chance to WIN Allie Pleiter's book, A Brilliant Christmas, by filling out the entry form on the Rafflecopter widget below:


  1. Christmas greetings, everyone! I'm happy to share this sweet story of Nigel, a character from MY SO CALLED LOVE LIFE that so many of my readers wanted to see get his own happy ending.

  2. Hi Allie. Your friend's dare sure had lasting consequences. Being a Bluegrass girl, I enjoyed your Kentucky Corners series. A Brilliant Christmas sounds like an enjoyable Christmas story. I love the HOPE of the Christmas season.

    1. Thanks, Sherri--the Kentucky Corners series had a Christmas story, too. I try to make sure all my series have at least one Christmas story. Yes, Christmas is all about the HOPE!

  3. Merry Christmas. I love the renewed Hope that Christmas brings. A Savior was born for us, we are not alone

  4. Thank you for introducing yourself to us and the opportunity to win. Have a wonderful day!!

  5. Hey, Allie, although I tend to read (and write) door-stopper novels, I actually judged one of your books in a contest, I think, and absolutely LOVED it! It was called "The Doctor's Undoing." Since then, you are a name I recommend, so it's fun to be able to tell you that!

    God bless you and yours during this Christmas season!


    1. Julie--that book is one of my favorites. I'm so glad you liked it. I like writing historicals just as much as I do contemporary stories. Thanks for the kind words, and blessings for the holiday season to you and yours!

    2. Thanks, Julie! That was one of my favorite books. I like writing historicals just as much as I do contemporary stories. I appreciate all the recommendations--I know it's how most people choose books.

  6. Replies
    1. Family is so important DolphinBaby1369. Now that my kids are grown, it's a little more complicated, but I treasure the time together all the more.

    2. Family is definitely important! Our Christmas seasons look different now that we are empty nesters, but we still make sure holiday connections happen.

  7. I love the special-ness of getting to celebrate a holiday for more than a month. I love the whole atmosphere - Christmas music all day long, Christmas movies, Christmas treats, Christmas programs, Advent devotionals, and things I only get to experience at this time.

  8. I like that it means the holidays, with good food.


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