How to pray in a way that is powerful and effective
A devotional by Kerry Sue Teravskis
“The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”
—James 5:16 (NIV)
Why is it we resort to prayer as the last thing? Or, let others know we have done everything we can, so the rest is up to God? Is this what we are to do? We are told in the Bible book of James that prayer is powerful. It is effective. It is enough.
Enough. More than enough actually. God never said in His Word (The Holy Bible), “God helps those who help themselves.” That is a saying from the mid-1800’s, or even earlier. Pioneers would repeat this. Books would reiterate it. This saying was passed on as wisdom, when in fact, it was and is, a lie.
God desires for us to pray and He gives us the reason: it is powerful and effective. Jesus Christ also taught about prayer on more than one occasion, and His disciples caught Him many times praying alone with His Father. Jesus showed us that we should always persevere in prayer. Luke 18:1 NIV says, “Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.”
If Jesus taught us the importance of praying continually (1 Thessalonians 5:17), endurance, patience as well as the power of prayer, then it must be true and something we as followers of Jesus Christ should always do.
However, we are prone to give up when we don’t receive the answers from God we expect and on our own timetable. We are quick to throw in the towel when things get tough or stop praying all together. There are times when we pray for seconds, days, months and years. God cannot be put in a box. He won’t always answer our prayers in the same way nor respond to us the exact same way every time.
But God never changes! He is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). Remember: Our God is good all the time and we can trust Him. There is an amazing quote from The Chronicles of Narnia (written by C.S. Lewis) that gives us a poignant reminder: "Safe?" said Mr. Beaver. "Who said anything about safe? 'Course he isn't safe. But he's good. He's the King, I tell you."
God is good and what He does is good (Psalm 119:68). Therefore, He is the One who is trustworthy to not only hear our prayers but answer them in His time and in His way. We can trust that His ways are good ways, and God’s timing is perfect.
As we are told by James and by Jesus Himself, we are to have a part in the praying process. We are to be the ones who pray then believe and have the faith God will hear and answer us. We shouldn’t give up even when the answer takes a long time.
How is this possible? How can we keep going? For starters, we can remember our prayers are powerful. They are effective. We need to remind ourselves God is good and faithful. He is Sovereign. We can hold onto truths presented in Scripture and lay them before the Lord then wait for Him to act.
It is also good to surround ourselves with God-fearing people who believe in the power of prayer. Ask them to pray for you and with you. Study the topic of prayer and get serious in your own prayer life. Write down your prayers in a journal and record God’s answers to your prayers. Review this journal to see how indeed God answers our prayers.
As we continue into this new year, let us challenge ourselves in our prayer lives. To pray continually, earnestly, faithfully and resist the temptation to give up. Our prayers are powerful, and they are effective. May we come to a place where we can call God good—even when all our circumstances say otherwise.
Let’s Pray: Father God, thank You for being good. Thank You for loving me and giving me this incredible means of communicating with You (prayer). Your Son (Jesus Christ) modeled it, taught on it and showed us how important it is. May this year be a year of growth in my prayer life and may I learn to trust and believe that You answer all my prayers. In Jesus’s Name I pray. Amen.
Song of Reflection: “When We Pray” by Tauren Wells. Listen to it here.
Author Bio:
Kerry Sue’s life is very full because she is a wife and Marmee to three adult children—two of whom are married—and a new grandson.

Kerry Sue met her husband in college and served on the mission field with him for a few years before settling down back in the United States of America to raise their family.
Kerry Sue’s family was a homeschooling family for 20 years and they enjoyed it immensely. For the last 24 years they have lived on a small farm in Northern California where they have raised many farm animals, along with growing and preserving their food. Kerry Sue’s family farm has been a great source of enjoyment and a place to host many family gatherings. She maintains an open-door policy for dear friends—old and new.
Following and serving Jesus Christ is an integral part of Kerry Sue’s life as well as her family’s. Whether it’s singing in the church choir, teaching children or leading and lecturing at a women’s Bible study, Kerry Sue loves to demonstrate her love for Jesus by giving to Him in service. She’s been a blogger for more than eight years, a Bible study writer for four years, and a devotional writer for more than two years.
Kerry Sue feels led to write about finding God’s Sovereignty in our suffering because of her own ongoing journey of more than four years, with the hope to encourage others.
Connect with Kerry:
Blog: https://www.sovereignblog.com/home
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kerry.teravskis
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ksteravskis/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sovereignblog
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