Friday, October 4, 2024

Devotionals for the Heart: The power of prayer still works for us today

Open the Window and Pray to God
A devotional by Chaplain Paul Anderson

“Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went home. And in his upper room, with his windows open toward Jerusalem, he knelt down on his knees three times that day, and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as was his custom since early days.”—Daniel 6:10 (NKJV)

The Bible story of Daniel in the lion’s den has always captivated my spiritual imagination. It is a true tale about a noble, old man standing firm on his faith in the face of demonic conspiracy to erase his godly influence within the kingdom.

No guile was found in Daniel, yet he was dragged from the opulence of Babylonian/Persian royalty and thrown unceremoniously into a den of hungry lions. Daniel survived the night in a den of lions because the king and his friends in defiance of the law that put him there, prayed for Daniel.

The miracle of Divine intervention has three dimensions I would like to highlight. First: King Darius fasted and prayed to God to save Daniel then he became converted because Daniel was not killed by the lions. Second: The same people who conspired against Daniel and tricked the king were uncovered, disgraced and sentenced to the same punishment they had arranged for Daniel. Third: Because Daniel opened his windows and prayed during the crisis, the entire world was informed of the Living God. Daniel and others prospered even more, and many people came into a knowledge of God’s love, providence, grace and mercy.

What if we opened the windows of our minds to the omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence of God when we prayed? Would we pray differently, more confidently? Might we see Him in places that we don’t expect? Daniel saw God’s presence and power in the den of lions. Where do you need to see Him?

What if we prayed humbly and sincerely in public places? Years ago, a young man whom I have known since birth was driving home from college. His speeding ticket summoned him to appear in court. In the hallway outside the courtroom, his lawyer told him that the penalty for driving over the speed limit at 90 miles an hour could be six months in jail. I said, “Let me pray for you before you go into the courtroom to intercede for this young man.”

The young man, his mother, sister, twin brother, the lawyer and I immediately stopped. Together, we prayed. The lawyer went inside the courtroom while we continued to pray. After a few minutes the lawyer returned looking amazed. He told us that the arresting officer spoke well of the young man’s demeanor. The judge reduced the level of the infraction, pronounced a fine and released the young man with a warning never to drive that fast again, anywhere. As they say in some Christian churches and circles, “Won’t He (God) do it?”

As we were leaving the hallway, people who saw us praying asked what happened. When we told them, a few asked if I would pray with them. I did. I did not stay to see their verdicts, because I had already seen the glory of the Lord. This I do know: People who saw it told that story to others. The best preaching comes in the form of sincere testimonies about what God did, does, can and will do for humankind.

My challenge for you today and every day is: As you pray, don’t be afraid to open the windows of your mind, your house, your car and let your faith be seen. Do not be a spectacle. Do not be offensive to others, but don’t be ashamed to pray to God.

Let’s Pray:

Dear God,

Hear our prayer today and help us pray like Daniel did. It is clear that Daniel could pray with hope and confidence because prayer was a habit for him, as were seeing answers to the prayers he prayed. May that be our experience also. Grow our faith by answering our small prayers. Then, Lord, move us to bigger prayers and answers as you did for Daniel. 
This I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Song of Reflection #1: “Confidence” by Sanctus Real featuring Arden. Listen to it here.

Song of Reflection #2:
“Somebody Prayed for Me” by Dorothy Norwood. Listen to it here.

Author Bio:

Chaplain Anderson is the Director Emeritus of Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries for the North American Division. In this role, he was the friend, advocate and gatek
eeper for the profession of chaplaincy among Adventist pastors. 

His new mission is to specialize in personal and personnel development coaching. He journeys with and guides clients, personal and corporate, as they define their goals and grow into their full potential.

His pastoral career began in the Allegheny East Conference where he was ordained.

Subsequently, he served in the Potomac Conference at the Sligo and Seabrook churches. His professional dream was to be a chaplain in the United States Navy. He got to live that dream and achieved the rank of Commander before retiring from Naval service in 2015 with 26 years of service.

Chaplain Anderson has earned four graduate degrees: He earned his Master of Divinity Degree was earned at the seminary at Andrews University. He earned a Master’s of Education from the University of Maryland and a Master’s in Sacred Theology from Boston University. His Doctor of Ministry was conferred by Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington D.C.

Chaplain Anderson and his wife Debra have been married for 41 years. They have two healthy, saved and well-adjusted adult children who picked good spouses and delivered four grandchildren.

Adventures through traveling, reading, praying, preaching, teaching and writing are the avenues of ministry and self-care that define his now and his destiny.

You may connect with Chaplain Anderson via email at this address:

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Devotionals for the Heart: How to rise above the troubles of this world

You Have Wings
A devotional by Angela Anderson

“By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence.”—2 Peter 1:3 (NLT)

My college roommates and I usually stay in touch by viewing each others’ posts on social media. Sometimes the posts are photos of family and friends, a weekend trip, or a fun vacation. Other times, the posts include words of wisdom or a humorous meme. Whatever it may be, we are sure to read each one and add our own comments to the post.

Recently, I read one of my college roommate’s posts that received some attention from other viewers. The post was: “To all of the geese and seagulls I see dead in the street…YOU HAVE WINGS!” In other words, it’s difficult to understand why a bird would get struck by a vehicle, when a bird has the ability to avoid the vehicle by flying high above or far away from the vehicle. In this case, didn’t the birds know they had wings? Didn’t the birds know that wings are their superpower to escape whatever comes their way? Some people agreed with the post and some laughed at it. As for me, the post caused me to stop in my tracks and think about the underlying meaning.

God has given us everything we need to live a godly life and He has provided us with precious promises so that we can partake in everything He has in store for us. (2 Peter 1:3-11). But are we using those qualities and promises to better ourselves and others?

For the times when you feel like the walls are closing in on you, and the trials of this life are too great to handle, remember that this world may offer tribulation, but God has overcome the world (John 16:33). You have wings!

Perhaps you are tempted by an addiction or a habit that you cannot seem to break. Remember that there is no temptation beyond what you can bear, and God will provide a way of escape (1 Corinthians 10:13). You have wings!

When you feel unnoticed, alone, dejected, and unloved, remember that God loves you with an everlasting love and nothing can ever separate you from that love (Romans 8:35-39). You have wings!

In times of uncertainty, when you start to doubt your purpose and you wonder if your dreams will ever come to fruition, remember that God will finish the good work that He has already started in you (Philippians 1:6). You have wings!

God did not leave you here on Earth to fend for yourself. He is right there with you, especially when you feel helpless and hopeless. God has equipped you with what you need to succeed in this life. He promises to be your help and to restore your hope.

Just like those birds in my college roommate’s post, God has given us wings and He expects us to fly! Let’s make a commitment to use our wings and rise above the troubles of this world.

Let’s Pray:
Father God, we thank You for granting us access to the qualities that will get us successfully through this life. Help us to honor You in all that we do by allowing You to use us to our fullest potential, as we lean on You and Your promises. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

Song of Reflection: "You Set Me Free" by Sandi Patty. Listen to it here.

Author Bio:

Angela Anderson was born in Brooklyn (New York) and raised in New Jersey. 

She started writing at an early age and realized in elementary school that it was both a strength and a passion. She continued writing through high school, college, and into adulthood. Angela is the author of a devotional book titled Just When I Thought I Knew God. She is currently working on another devotional book.

Angela has a passion for inspiring and impacting others through her writing as well as speaking.

This is Angela’s fourth year as a guest blog writer for Alexis A. Goring’s “Devotionals for the Heart” blog series. In 2021, Angela was a winner of a devotional writing contest where the entry is featured in a book published by Proverbs 31 Ministries titled, Hope When Your Heart is Heavy. The following year, another one of Angela’s devotionals was published in Living Unbroken, which is also a publication produced by Proverbs 31 Ministries.

Angela is also a life coach for mothers. She empowers mothers who want to identify their God-given purpose and live it fully while taking care of their family. Angela develops mothers into mompreneurs by providing them with the necessary tools to be successful and fulfilled in life. She helps them see their value, understand their importance, and reclaim their identity.

Angela is also the host of “The Angela Anderson Show”, a virtual talk show that launched in April 2023 on YouTube and Facebook. The show is designed for mothers who want to pursue their dream while managing family life. The audio version of the show is also available as a podcast on Spotify.

Angela has been married to the love of her life, Duane Anderson, for 19 years. Together they have two sons: Thomas (age 11) and Ryan (age 6). Angela’s favorite pastime is journaling, and she also enjoys spending quality time with her family.

Connect with Angela:

To connect with Angela, you can follow her on Instagram (angelanderson1104), Clubhouse (@angelize), and send a friend request to her on Facebook.

Subscribe to Angela’s YouTube channel @The Angela Anderson Show and follow the show on Spotify. Angela offers free consultations for mothers who want to pursue their dream while taking care of their family. Schedule here:

You can also like and follow her Facebook page for her devotional book, Just When I Thought I Knew God.