A devotional by Kerry Sue Teravskis
“Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised).” – Hebrews 10:23 (KJV)
Holding onto ropes while water skiing is crucial. So is it while repelling. Having slipped and slid while repelling, I was very thankful for that rope. Having drunk half a lake while attempting to conquer water skiing to any level of aptitude is another story. I’ve tried and tried, but lake water is not my favorite beverage.
Holding onto the rails of a roller coaster seat is mighty fine. I like speed—but ups and downs are another matter. How about, holding onto a shoulder when stepping down a curb? Since my feet injury so many moons ago, I welcome that assurance of strength and someone to catch me if I were to fall.
Holding onto faith. How does one do this? In this doubting world, I’ll admit it is a challenge of huge proportions. While the rest of the world stumbles, holding onto a firm foundation is out of the ordinary. While others are dropping like flies all around, the one still standing is, well, standing.
What gives? How can one be confident in faith?
According to Hebrews 12:2, Jesus Christ is the Author of our faith. He is the Creator and Writer of faith. He made it and gives it to us as an ongoing act of love. Because without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). Jesus gives us the tools to please His Father (God) who, thanks to Jesus, is our Father too!
Faith is believing when one cannot see—even when one can see and is scared half to death. Faith is trusting because the situation or circumstance is out of our control. We are powerless. We are limited. We are stuck. Faith is believing God will be by our side. He will lead us when we do not see the road up ahead. Faith is holding on when all else is saying let go.
The world tells us to make our own decisions, be strong, follow your heart and do it your way. It sounds so good on those billboards and in those commercials. And even sung in elevator songs. But, does it pay off in the end? Is there peace now? Do we have the assurance of life with God by just doing it?
Holding onto Jesus is a choice we make. Holding on without letting go is a decision we make daily and it is not an easy one. It is difficult. Challenging. Trying. Tough. And it goes upstream against all the fish swimming the other way.
By holding on to faith, we are showing God we believe in Him. We are proving our faith to Him. We are choosing to believe and not doubt. Doubting is real, and it is tempting—especially when all around us is crumbling. Especially when—in my case—you are suffering from broken feet for almost three years.
How does one conquer doubt? Good question.
Call out to the Author of the faith. Much like addressing the author of a book to correct an error, one goes to the source. Let us call out to God and hold on while expecting Jesus to hold us. He is our Refuge, our Rock, our firm foundation. He is our everything. By holding onto Him, we in turn find we are being held fast by Him. And that, my friends, is a very good place to be!
Let’s Pray: Heavenly Father, thank You for faith as it is the assurance of what we believe. And believing in You is what I want most. I believe You are good. I believe You are holy. I believe You are for me. I believe You have me in Your everlasting arms because You are faithful. Thank You for giving me Jesus so I can hold on and be held. In Jesus’s Name I pray. Amen.
Song of Reflection: “You Are For Me” (song) by Kari Jobe. Listen to it here.
Author Bio:
As a wife and Marmee to three adult children and one brand new daughter-in-love, Kerry Sue’s life is very full. She met her husband in college and served in the mission field with him for a few years before settling down back in the United States of America to raise their family.

Following and serving Jesus Christ is an integral part of Kerry Sue’s life as well as her family’s.
Whether it’s singing in our church choir, teaching children or leading and lecturing at a women’s Bible study, Kerry Sue loves to demonstrate her love for Jesus by giving to Him in service. She’s been a blogger for more than eight years, a Bible study writer for two years, and a devotional writer for about one year.
Kerry Sue writes about finding God’s Sovereignty in our pain and suffering.
Connect with Kerry:
Blog: https://www.sovereignblog.com/home
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kerry.teravskis
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ksteravskis/