Life’s Curveballs Don’t Surprise God
A devotional by Sarah Cole
“Do you now believe?” Jesus replied. “A time is coming and in fact has come when you will be scattered, each to your own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me. “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”—John 16:31-33 (NIV)
Have you noticed that, as you age, you lose things more easily?
When I walk past the pile of orphaned earrings and socks lying on my dresser, it reminds me that I need to pay closer attention to what I’m doing. At least I haven't lost my mind! Sometimes, all it takes is missing earrings to send my anxiety through the roof. But earrings are replaceable compared to the losses that leave me broken, discouraged, and alone. In a perfect world, we’d never lose anything, and trials and tragedies wouldn’t destroy our lives. It would be like Heaven on Earth.
I desperately wish that were my story’s narrative, but then God wouldn’t get the glory when He becomes the hero of it, and I wouldn’t be who I am today. Maybe you know just what I mean.
Several years ago, I experienced three concussions each September for three years, the result of accidents I never saw coming. Migraines and vertigo kept me from driving, using my laptop, and sitting through my church’s worship service.
One day, I asked my friend to have a coffee because I was having a pity party and needed a listening ear. I’ll never forget what she said to me: “Why not you, Sarah?” Her words revealed a depth of character refined in the crucible of caregiving. Her husband was battling dementia, a curveball she couldn’t predict, yet God gave her the strength to live out her less-than-perfect story.
After a five-year recovery, God restored me. I now can drive for as long and as far as I want. I no longer get migraines or vertigo. And I’ve learned this: When life hits us out of nowhere, Jesus Christ saw the curveballs coming from a million miles away. We have hope because He promises to restore everything, if not while we are living on Earth, then when we are in Heaven. Instead of fixating on our pain, we can experience peace by fixing our eyes on Him.
Let’s Pray:
Dear Heavenly Father,
When life leaves me with more questions than answers, I’m reminded that You don’t allow something to happen without turning it around for my good and your glory. When nothing seems to go right, I’m grateful everything works out in Your perfect timing. Instead of dwelling on what I can’t fix, I will fix my eyes on the God who sees me and loves me. Thank You, God, that Your perfect plan is falling into place. In Jesus’s Name I pray. Amen.
Song of Reflection: “Take it to Jesus” by Anna Golden feat. Kari Jobe. Listen to it here.
Author Bio:
Sarah Cole’s interest in writing began in grade school when her poem was published in the local paper. Since then, she has written for her college newspaper and two community newspapers where she wrote restaurant reviews and articles for their ‘best of’ spread.

Her experience as an administrator in the marketing field gave her the opportunity to write ads for a local business journal.
After a 20-year detour and a three-year season of adversity, God reignited her passion to write. Two divine appointments later, the short story she wrote about her father appeared in the St. Paul Almanac, and a short story about her cocker spaniel Gigi was published in Mysterious Ways by Guideposts. She believes her adversity was worth the lessons God taught her.
Sarah's devotionals have been published in David C. Cook’s The Quiet Hour and Devotions, The Secret Place by Judson Press, and Pray a Word a Day by Guideposts. Her short story will be featured in an upcoming book, Too Amazing For Coincidence, also to be published by Guideposts. To this day, Sarah smiles, pinches herself and gives God all the glory.
When she's not writing, she's enjoying her hobbies that include dog sitting, watching cooking shows and taking day trips.
Connect with Sarah:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/smittyc65
Twitter: https://twitter.com/@SarahCo45835279
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sarah.cole.52
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