Crossroads Decisions: What if We Make the Wrong Choice?
A devotional by Dr. Gladys Childs
"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."—Romans 8:28 (ESV)
How often have we stood at a crossroads, where each path looked equally inviting, wondering if one wrong step could mess up God's plan for our lives? But here's the comforting truth: God's will for us isn't a tightrope we must walk, fearing one false step will send us tumbling. It's like a river guiding us, even when we make unexpected turns.
People often fear making the wrong decision for a few reasons. First up, there's the worry about consequences. Then there's the fear of regret: that nagging thought of "What if I make the wrong choice?" can repeat in our minds. Another biggie is the fear of missing out—this is about more than just social events but big life decisions too. Lastly, there's a deep desire for approval. We're social creatures, so choosing something that might lead to criticism or disappointment from those we respect and love can be daunting.
These fears are authentic and valid, but they also highlight our need for trust—trust in God's guidance, in the wisdom He provides, and in His overarching plan for our lives. Remembering that God is with us, guiding each step we take, doesn't eliminate the fear. Still, it gives us the courage to move forward, knowing we're not navigating this journey alone.
In the life of believers who do their utmost to live according to God's Word—diving into devotionals, participating in the Christian community, engaging in prayer, paying tithes, and serving others—the question of decision-making, especially between two good options, becomes less about choosing "right" or "wrong" and more about seeking alignment with God's broader will for their lives. Imagine a person deciding between two job offers. Both are good, but they lead in slightly different directions. The individual has prayed and sought counsel but still feels torn. Remember, God is less concerned about which job we choose and more interested in how we trust Him in the decision-making process and how we plan to glorify Him in our chosen paths.
Philippians 4:6-7 (ESV) offers the promise, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." When we have laid our decision before God, we can trust in His peace to guide us, knowing He's with us on either path, ready to use our choice for our good and His glory.
Also, remember the role of community is crucial in our journey of faith and decision-making. When faced with decisions, especially those between two good options, leaning on the wisdom and insight of trusted fellow believers can provide clarity and peace. Proverbs 11:14 tells us we can enrich our discernment process with the perspectives of those walking with God.
The key to overcoming decision paralysis is to ground our choices in faithfulness to God. When our decisions arise from a place of devotion, prayer, and a desire to act according to God's will, the pressure of making the 'perfect' choice diminishes. Instead, we find freedom in knowing God is with us in every choice, guiding us and using our decisions to fulfill His divine plan.
Moreover, having faith means embracing imperfection and letting go of the need for everything to be perfect. God calls us not to be perfect decision-makers. He’s called us to be His faithful followers. Even when we make mistakes or take wrong turns, God's grace catches us and sets us back on course.
In moments of indecision, let's remind ourselves to seek God's presence through prayer and to reflect on our intentions. Are our choices a reflection of our devotion and desire to serve Him? If so, we can proceed confidently, knowing there is no wrong decision in our hearts.
Let’s Pray: Dear Lord, as we face decisions, guide us with Your wisdom and fill our hearts with peace that transcends understanding. Help us trust in Your sovereign plan, knowing each choice is part of Your greater plan. Strengthen us to make decisions rooted in faith, not fear, and to rely on the support of our Christian community. In every moment, let our choices glorify You, confident in Your loving guidance. In Jesus’s Name I pray. Amen.
Song of Reflection: “Whatever Your Plan Is” by Josie Buchanan. Listen to it here.
Author Bio:
Dr. Gladys Childs is an author, speaker, religion professor, pastor's wife, and mom helping others be F.R.E.E. to Thrive© for the abundant life God has for them. She serves as Chaplain at Texas Wesleyan University and the Women’s Director at LifePoint Fellowship. She brings 25 years of experience and knowledge to her ministry.

Gladys is frequently called authentic, witty, and candid as she shares her journey through life’s ups and downs. Her passion is meeting people at the intersection of faith and life’s difficulties. No stranger to heartache herself, she grew up in a non-church-going family with an alcoholic mother and is a trauma survivor.
Gladys holds a Ph.D. in Foundations of Education, a Master’s in Religious Education, a Master of Divinity, and a B.A. with a double major in Counseling and Psychology. Also, she is an ordained Elder in the United Methodist Church.
Connect with Gladys:
Website: https://www.gladyschilds.com/
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