In the Waiting Room
A devotional by Tessa Huckstep
“But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.”
–Romans 8:25 (KJV)
What type of person are you while you are in the waiting room?
I have been a receptionist at a doctor’s office for four years now and I have seen a wide range of people come through the waiting room. Some people keep to themselves and read a book or are on their phones. Some people chat with the other people in the waiting room, often finding an old friend and having a reunion, making the receptionist almost feel bad about interrupting when she calls one of the friends back. And some people mumble about the waiting time and wish the doctor would hurry up.
The waiting room can be an unexpected test of patience. Where I work, the doctor occasionally runs behind seeing the patients on time, which means patients can be sitting in the waiting room for nearly an hour or more. Some people know that it is worth the wait and that they will feel better once they are seen by the doctor. But others give up and leave before it is their time.
I feel as though I am often in a waiting room in my life. Waiting for this trial to pass. Waiting for God to answer my prayer. Waiting for things to get better. And the thing about waiting in this life is that all of life is a waiting room. We will never truly arrive until we have made it to Heaven. So, how are we to patiently endure the endless seasons we spend in the waiting room?
I pray you will trust me when I say you can’t simply wish away a waiting season in your life. God has something for you to do in this season. Whenever hard seasons of waiting come into my life, I find myself begging God to just get it over with. But instead, I should be asking God what He would have me do while I wait. Maybe there is someone here in this season that simply needs someone to listen. Maybe there is someone who needs encouragement. Maybe God simply wants to build my patience.
God planned this special waiting room season in your life. Please do not grumble about how long it is taking. It is worth the wait if you are simply patient and trust that God is never late. He is always on time in His perfect time. Trust Him with your time and ask Him what He has for you in this waiting season.
Let’s Pray: Dear Lord, thank You for giving us seasons of waiting. Please help us to wait on You and be patient in Your timing. Grant us the courage to never walk out on Your perfect will for our lives. This world is our waiting room and we desire only to glorify you until our waiting seasons are passed. In Jesus’s Name I pray. Amen.
Song of Reflection: “We Wait” by Juanita Bynum. Listen to it here.
Author Bio:
Tessa Huckstep grew up in rural Illinois. She was born to Christian parents and has known Jesus Christ personally since the age of five.

Tessa enjoys being active in her local church. She serves as a co-teacher for the two-to-five year old class where there is never a dull moment.
It is Tessa’s passion to be a girl after God’s own heart and through her studying of God’s Word, Tessa longs to draw closer to her Savior. Through her writing, she longs to take others with her on this journey of faith.
Tessa loves all things Regency, needlework, and dainty teacups of every size.
When she isn’t writing or studying for exams, she can be found in the kitchen with more flour in her hair and on the floor than in the bowl, though the mess is always half the fun!
Connect with Tessa:
Blog: https://beautifulbeloved937002841.wordpress.com/
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