A devotional by Kerry Sue Teravskis
But Jesus remained silent and gave no answer. Again the high priest asked him, “Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One?” “I am,” said Jesus. “And you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.”—Mark 14:61-62 (NIV)
My sister had dressed up for an event at church, completely disguising herself.
She became a pregnant blonde, and she was anything but that. She decided to leave it on when she picked up her new husband from the airport. Having known each other a long time before marriage, they easily would recognize one another.
Julie arrived in the airport, ready to meet her man. She was eager to see him and she was a sight. The travelers streamed off the plane and into the airport, not taking too much notice of her. She spied her husband, Jeff, first and waited for his reaction. To him, she was just a face in the crowd. Jeff remembered his wife as a brunette, a young bride and definitely not pregnant. She waited. As he nearly walked past her without recognizing his own wife, their eyes locked.
There was something familiar in those eyes to Jeff. The hair and her shape didn’t fit, but those eyes did. He burst out laughing as he realized what she had done, and she joined in the fun. Others laughed too as they saw this happy couple recognize each other, even though one was disguised.
When Jesus Christ was on earth, He made a point of telling others not to tell others about His identity. His time had not yet come. But most could not help themselves. He had done miracles, fed thousands, and healed many people. Naturally, the word got out. But many still chose not to believe or to see Him even though He was right in their midst.
We are told to walk by faith not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7), but while Jesus was on Earth, He was in plain sight. He did not disguise Himself. He was out in the open doing the work His Father sent Him to do (John 6:38). Many chose not to see.
They were looking for an impressive king, their Messiah who they expected would announce His advent with much pomp and circumstance. But Jesus came to Earth as a tiny baby born to humble and poor parents in a little town called Bethlehem. And then it was thirty years before He began His public ministry.
Jesus spent time with a rag tag group of followers, hung out with ‘sinners’ and answered only to His Father. He was in their midst, but for those who had eyes to see, there was understanding and belief.
Have you been looking for Jesus in your life and cannot find Him? Are you asking for His guidance but don’t see it? Could it be your vision is clouded or you are not looking into His eyes?
Jesus is right here with us and promises never to leave nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). But there may be times when we are so busy looking for the “wow” that we miss the humble. Just like the Pharisees were looking for an impressive King.
In my day-to-day I want immediate answers and quick responses from God. I am selfish and want what I want when I want it. But Jesus is asking me to trust Him, to look right in front of me because He is there—whether I see Him or not is up to me. His Presence could be bold and obvious, or it could come as a gentle whisper. He could walk on water (Mark 6:45-51) right beside me, or He could be holding the yoke open (Matthew 11:28-30) for me to step back into it. He could be serving me at the banquet table (Psalm 23:5) or He could be holding me in His lap (Hebrews 4:16).
The point is: He is here. Now. In the present.
Am I seeing Him? Are you?
There may be times our vision is clouded by the cares of this world or the bells and whistles our enemy tries (and often succeeds) to distract us with. Let us keep our sights set on Jesus so our vision can be clear to see Him clearly and take comfort in knowing He truly is right here with us.
Let’s Pray: Father God, thank You for being there for me, for others and being completely present. Please forgive me for looking in the wrong places and into the wrong eyes. You are whom I am honestly looking for and honestly seeking to lead me in this life. I am here, acknowledging You right beside me and it is good. In Your name I pray. Amen.
Song of Reflection: “I Know You’re There” by Casting Crowns. Listen to it here.
Author Bio:
As a wife and Marmee to three adult children and one brand new daughter-in-love, Kerry Sue’s life is very full. She met her husband in college and served in the mission field with him for a few years before settling down back in the United States of America to raise their family.

Kerry Sue’s family was a homeschooling family for 20 years and they enjoyed it immensely. For the last 23 years they have lived on a small farm in Northern California where they have raised many farm animals, along with growing and preserving their food. Kerry Sue’s family farm has been a great source of enjoyment and a place to host many family gatherings. She maintains an open-door policy for dear friends—old and new.
Following and serving Jesus Christ is an integral part of Kerry Sue’s life as well as her family’s.
Whether it’s singing in our church choir, teaching children or leading and lecturing at a women’s Bible study, Kerry Sue loves to demonstrate her love for Jesus by giving to Him in service. She’s been a blogger for more than eight years, a Bible study writer for two years, and a devotional writer for about one year.
Kerry Sue writes about finding God’s Sovereignty in our pain and suffering.
Connect with Kerry:
Blog: https://www.sovereignblog.com/home
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kerry.teravskis
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ksteravskis/
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