A devotional by Casey Wayne
“I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Anyone who eats this bread will live forever; and this bread, which I will offer so the world may live, is my flesh.” —John 6:51 (NLT)
What is your favorite food?
Usually when people ask me this question I say the same, somewhat general, response: Bread.
I love pretty much every form of bread. Bread sticks, garlic bread, biscuits, rolls, toast, etc. There's just something about bread that everybody loves. I don’t think I’ve ever known someone to say they don’t like bread. Even if someone has to stop eating it due to dietary restrictions, they usually like eating it. Think about how many restaurants bring bread for the table before you get the rest of your meal. Some form of bread is a major component in many cuisines found around the world. It is not surprising that Jesus Christ chose to call himself the “bread of life”.
Let’s read what Jesus says in John 6:35 (NLT): “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again. Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”
God’s provision is what will sustain us, no matter the circumstance. As Christ followers, it is important that we fulfill our spiritual hunger with the “bread of life” and not worldly things.
Most people understand the basics of how the food we put in our bodies determines how well our bodies function. If we choose to pursue the things of this world, we will be left feeling hungry and hopeless. In his book, Fearless: Imagine Your Life Without Fear, Max Lucado put it this way: “Feed your fears and your faith will starve. Feed your faith, and your fears will.”
The same thing could be said about anything our sinful nature may cause us to chase. Whether it's fear, pride, worry, addiction, the perfect life, control or anything else the world draws us down into, making the intentional decision to feed our faith more than what Satan is trying to use to bring us down will help us find the hope and strength we have in Christ.
The more we pursue God’s Word (The Holy Bible) and spiritual growth, the more satisfied we will feel through Christ (Psalm 107:9). By God’s grace-filled provision we find hope and strength through whatever life brings. It is so important that we seek God daily through reading The Bible and praying to Him. When Jesus modeled for the disciples how to pray, He even prayed for God to provide “daily bread” for nourishment (Matthew 6:9-13 ESV).
What we feed our body, heart and mind, matters. There are many pleasures this world provides. Most of us will face the lure of delicious candy and desserts, but we need to realize that those sweet treats are not enough for our souls. While they provide temporary enjoyment, the lasting, life giving satisfaction only comes from a relationship with our Heavenly Father (God).
My hope and prayer for every follower of Christ is that we all remember to continually seek God and pursue spiritual growth. As we receive the amazing grace and sufficiency of our Father's love for us, we can then fully love others for His glory.
Let’s Pray:
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for your grace-filled provision. Remind me of your faithfulness and open my heart to be fed by You. Help me desire to seek You daily, growing in my knowledge of You. Draw me closer to You and remove anything that is distracting me from pursuing You.
In Jesus’s Name I pray. Amen.
Song of Reflection: “Miracle of Grace (Bread of Life)” by Curtis Stephan. Listen to it here.
Author Bio:
Casey Wayne is a wife and mother of two children.

As a devotional writer, Casey strives to share her story with relatable honesty, showing how God is faithful throughout the big and small moments of life.
She has a heart for encouraging the faith walk of other moms, praying they gain a deeper connection with our Heavenly Father.
Her family lives in the suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia.
Connect with Casey:
Website: https://www.caseywayne.org/
Blog: https://peaceoffaith.org/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/caseylwayne
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Peace.of.FaithCaseyWayne
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