The Inspiration Behind “A Little Goes a Long Way”
A guest post by Rachael Adams
During a dinner conversation with new friends at a writer’s conference, I had an epiphany moment. I was sharing my background and ministry with my mealtime companions as we were getting to know one another. I told them about hosting The Love Offering podcast, where I interview others about how they are living out the greatest commandment. Trying to get to know me better, one woman asked if I ever hosted a solo show. After a brief pause, I responded. “No. I haven’t done a solo show because I doubt what I have to offer.”
How ironic, right? I host The Love Offering podcast and yet I question my own contributions.
Once I returned home, I continued wrestling with this tension in my heart. I wondered if other women were struggling in this area too, so I polled my podcast listeners about how much they felt they had to offer God and others. On a scale of one to ten, with one being nothing and ten being a lot, the average answer was a three. When asked if they believed their contribution mattered, 83% responded no. I had hypothesized this would be the case, however, these findings were even more startling than I presumed.
Would your response be similar? Do you question whether your contributions matter, too?
We want our lives to count, but feel minuscule like our ordinary, everyday moments will never amount to anything. We take stock of the families we were born into, the towns we grew up in, and the positions we serve in, then determine that they are of little value. If we aren’t careful, we can start to believe that who we are, where we are, and what we are doing doesn’t really matter.
But friend, nothing could be further from the truth. Despite living in a culture where bigger is seen as better, I've discovered that a significant life is actually simpler than we think. A quick prayer between errands, a meal shared with family, or a short text to a friend means something in God’s kingdom. We can affect others while standing in the check-out line or sitting on the game-field sidelines, while walking the dog or talking to a colleague at work.
Contrary to how you may feel, every little thing you do can go a long way in God’s hands. Through my devotional A Little Goes a Long Way: 52 Days to a Significant Life, I hope to help you believe that when you partner with God, He can use even the most minute things to affect eternity in ways beyond what you can imagine.
If you are longing for significance and questioning whether your contributions matter, I’d love to help you realize how important what you do is and how significant you truly are. It isn’t about doing more but trusting in the value of all the little you are already doing. Grab your copy of A Little Goes a Long Way and watch God take your everyday actions and transform them for His eternal purposes. A significant life is simpler (and smaller) than you think.
Author Bio:
Author of A Little Goes a Long Way and host of The Love Offering podcast Rachael Adams hopes to help women realize their God-given purpose and significance.
She and her husband, Bryan, run a family business and farm in Kentucky with their two children, Will and Kate, and two dogs.
Her work has been featured on Crosswalk, iBelieve, Today Parenting, and YouVersion. Connect with her by visiting rachaelkadams.com, by searching @rachaeladamsauthor on social media, and by tuning in to The Love Offering podcast every Tuesday on your favorite listening platform.
Blurb for A Little Goes a Long Way:
In a culture where bigger is seen as better, it’s easy to wonder if your quick prayer between errands or the short note you text a friend means anything in God's kingdom.
Contrary to how you may feel, every little thing you do can go a long way in God's hands.
Contrary to how you may feel, every little thing you do can go a long way in God's hands.
Partnering with God unlocks the eternal significance of the smallest act. In fifty-two devotions, Rachael Adams exemplifies this empowering truth and shares personal stories of how God values each deed, practical actions for lasting impact, and encouraging prayers that reveal how much your contributions matter.
Watch God take your everyday actions and transform them for his eternal purposes.
Buy Rachael's book on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Christian Book, and Walmart
Connect with Rachael:
Website: https://www.rachaelkadams.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rachaeladamsauthor
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rachaeladamsauthor
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Connect with Rachael:
Website: https://www.rachaelkadams.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rachaeladamsauthor
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rachaeladamsauthor
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