Embracing Life's Unexpected Obstacles
A devotional by Sarah Cole
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer, and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him, he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
–Hebrews 12:1-2 (NIV)
Life's obstacles are notorious for bad timing.
For months God had blessed me with good health until I got out of bed one morning, and my spine was so out of alignment it resembled the straw with all the loops I loved as a kid.
Excruciating pain made it impossible to stand for more than a few minutes, and the timing couldn't have been worse. The next day I planned to take part in an obstacle course to raise money for charity, and the last thing I needed was back pain slowing me down.
As I sat on the sidelines watching my friends race without me, I realized my injury was the pause I needed from the frantic pace my life had taken. I was moving so fast that even my trainer told me to slow down. As I lay in bed praying one night, God said in a still, small voice, “If you don't slow down, Sarah, I will do it for you.”
When we least expect it, an unwelcome obstacle such as illness or job loss disturbs the places in our lives we would never admit should be off limits. But what if an obstacle is precisely the course correction we desperately need?
I wish I could tell you that God will hand you a two-week notice before the next setback takes your breath away. But life is more an obstacle course than a fairy tale, and the way we navigate it reveals where our security lies. Before my back went out, I felt entitled to as few limitations as possible. Once my defenses were down, God finally had my attention.
Sometimes, when we have the world at our fingertips, our pride fools us into thinking we're unstoppable and can manage just fine on our own. But God hates pride (James 4:6), and He will do whatever it takes to remind us He's in control and we need Him desperately.
Whatever obstacle you're facing today, I encourage you to embrace it by asking yourself the following questions:
1. What is this situation revealing to me about myself?
2. What weaknesses or strengths is this uncovering?
3. What can I learn about God, and how can I grow in my faith?
4. Is there a purpose in this that God is revealing to me?
5. What is the silver lining I may have missed?
Friend, God loves you too much to let you settle for a comfortable life. Obstacles build the character necessary to help you reach your full potential (James 1:2-4) and teach you valuable lessons you would never learn otherwise.
So, the next time you find an obstacle in your path, remember it's not there by accident (Lamentations 3:37-38), and God will use it for your benefit and His glory (Romans 8:28).
Let's Pray:
Father God, You love us too much always to let us have our way. Your goodness and faithfulness are reasons to praise You forever. When we feel entitled to a comfortable life, help us remember that Jesus Christ’s obedience led to The Cross. May we also remember that His suffering and death bought our eternal salvation. Thank You, God! In Jesus's Name, I pray. Amen.
Song of Reflection: “Great is Your Mercy” by Donnie McClurkin. Listen to it here.
Author Bio:
Sarah Cole’s interest in writing began in grade school when her poem was published in the local paper. As she got older, her mother’s chronic illness inspired her to design a line of greeting cards.

Her experience as an administrator in the marketing field gave her the opportunity to write ads for a local business journal.
After a 20-year detour and a three-year season of adversity, God reignited her passion to write. Two divine appointments later, the short story she wrote about her father appeared in the St. Paul Almanac, and a short story about her cocker spaniel Gigi was published in Guideposts (magazine) Mysterious Ways. She believes her adversity was worth the lessons God taught her.
During this year (2022) and the next (2023), Sarah’s devotionals will be published in The Secret Place by Judson Press, as well as David C. Cook’s Devotions and The Quiet Hour. To this day, she smiles, pinches herself and gives God all the glory.
When she’s not writing, Sarah enjoys watching cooking shows, designing cards and mugs, and taking day trips.
Connect with Sarah:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/smittyc65
Twitter: https://twitter.com/@SarahCo45835279
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sarah.cole.52
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