A devotional by Jessica B. Turner
“The Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed planted in a field. It is the smallest of all seeds, but it becomes the largest of garden plants; it grows into a tree, and birds come and make nests in its branches.” –Matthew 13:31-32 (NLT)
The illustration of our faith being the size of a mustard seed is one of the most popular scriptural references in the Bible. It’s not surprising because it delivers such a powerful reminder of what God can do with so little. We simply must be willing to trust Him with what we have, even when it doesn’t appear to be enough to make a difference. Afterall, He is the great multiplier!
As much as I love the message behind the size of the mustard seed and the visual it offers, that isn’t where I want to spend our time together today. What really stood out to me when reading this scripture, especially the New Living Translation, is the emphasis on what the mustard seed turns into: “it becomes the largest of garden plants; it grows into a tree, and birds come and make nests in its branches.”
Often, it’s the smallest steps in our faith walk that lead to the most influential changes in our lives as well as others. Small steps that make a big difference include but are not limited to: The first time you ever stepped foot into a church. The first time you had enough courage to pray out loud. The first time you shared your story with someone else.
Every little act of obedience is one step closer to your life being a living, breathing example of God’s presence in your life. His refuge. His provision. His comfort. His magnificence. His power! He becomes your solid foundation, your unshakeable tree.
That is good news, my friend! But you know what is even better news? The longer you pursue a life chasing after Jesus Christ and trusting the will of the Father, the more you take on His image. This means that you become someone else’s tree!
A strong tree rooted deep God’s Word is what our mustard seed faith grows into if we are consistent in taking those seemingly insignificant steps of faith. Not only are we able to step back and watch our own spiritual growth appear before our eyes, we are able to witness its impact on everyone around us.
I don’t know about you but that encourages me to look at this scripture beyond what God is able to do in my life and more so what He is able to do in someone else’s life through my faithful obedience! Now that is a visual I can carry around in my heart when I start to question the significance of my actions. Remember: As a faithful follower of Jesus Christ, you are someone’s tree, and your example of walking by faith will lead to the people who are watching you to plant their own mustard seed of faith!
Let’s Pray: Heavenly Father, thank you for such a powerful reminder of what our faith can turn into, no matter how small it may seem. Help me to trust you with all my heart. Give me the strength to take that first step in faith and then another and another. Open my eyes to the growth that You are orchestrating and the impact that growth is having on others around me. Help me to be a living example of You, Jesus Christ, drawing everyone closer to a thriving relationship with You. I love You and I trust You. In Jesus’s name I pray. Amen.
Note from Alexis: Jessica’s devotional message today reminds me of the song “Little is Much” by Downhere. Listen to it here.
Author Bio:
Jessica B. Turner is a wife, mom, and LSU graduate with a degree in veterinary medicine.

Along with Jessica’s career change came the discovery of who Jesus Christ really is and how He was the missing piece for her to be able to move forward from past trauma that she had suppressed for decades.
Jesus walked alongside Jessica as she underwent a transformation like none other. God transformed Jessica’s life from a broken mom who struggled with depression, anxiety, disordered eating, and PTSD from witnessing an attempted suicide, to using her experiences to make her a powerful vessel for Him. To this day, God enables Jessica to touch the lives of others through her often unfiltered, yet inviting, form of storytelling.
Throughout this process of refinement, Jessica has shared her life story with the world through her social media platforms, in-person events, blog posts, and podcasts. She values the gift of transparency and has discovered that what so many people need to know is that they are not alone. Jessica has walked in their shoes, and she wants the world to know that Jesus is walking with them as well.
Connect with Jessica:
Website: www.jessicabturner.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jessicabturner/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jessicabturner/
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