A devotional by Jessica B. Turner
“But many who are the greatest now will be least important then, and those who seem least important now will be the greatest then.” –Matthew 19:30 (NLT)
Have you ever felt as if no matter what you do or how hard you try, your efforts go unnoticed?
Maybe it’s within the workplace or perhaps at home. Wherever you may be, it can be extremely hard to not grow weary when it seems as if no one even notices you.
Well I’m here to remind you that your Heavenly Father sees you! He sees your heart. He sees your faithfulness. He feels the love you pour out in all that you do. And He gathers all those things, holding them close until the day that you will be face to face with Him.
We live in a world where comparison can be hard to avoid. Everywhere we turn, there is someone who appears to be doing more than what we are currently able to do. Just when we think we are content, we see our neighbor with something that we believe should be ours as well. There is and will always be another out there that appears to be greater than you.
Yet, the words above, spoken by Jesus Christ Himself, remind us that what matters to God is often very different than what matters to the world. He is more worried about the motive behind our actions than the action itself. He is more delighted in our obedience over our desire to have the “perfect life”. He is more pleased when He sees us caring for His people understanding the eternal impact that is at hand instead of focusing on how we are seen as a result. He is more concerned with our ability to slow down and spend time with Him than to be too busy constantly focusing on the “next thing”.
His desire is to see His children working on His behalf regardless of the earthly praise we may or may not receive. This can be hard because it requires a humble heart, and a humble heart comes by understanding Who you are living for.
You may not be the greatest. You may not even be known outside of your family. But you matter to your Heavenly Father.
So when you find yourself feeling as if you aren’t enough because of how the world sees you, remember that God cares about the things unseen. He sees you. He sees your efforts. He sees your heart. And He is smiling down upon you because He is pleased!
Let’s Pray: Heavenly Father, thank you for being a Father who sees me for more than who I am to the world. Help me to focus on the work that you have laid out for me instead of getting stuck on what others are doing around me. Help me to find my approval in You alone instead of leaning on earthly praises. Remind me that I am nothing without you; yet I am everything I was created to be when I choose to abide in you. Encourage my heart when I want to give up and remind me that my treasure is waiting in Heaven. I love You and I trust You. In Jesus’s Name I pray. Amen.
Author Bio:
Jessica B. Turner is a wife, mom, and LSU graduate with a degree in veterinary medicine.

Along with Jessica’s career change came the discovery of who Jesus Christ really is and how He was the missing piece for her to be able to move forward from past trauma that she had suppressed for decades.
Jesus walked alongside Jessica as she underwent a transformation like none other. God transformed Jessica’s life from a broken mom who struggled with depression, anxiety, disordered eating, and PTSD from witnessing an attempted suicide, to using her experiences to make her a powerful vessel for Him. To this day, God enables Jessica to touch the lives of others through her often unfiltered, yet inviting, form of storytelling.
Throughout this process of refinement, Jessica has shared her life story with the world through her social media platforms, in-person events, blog posts, and podcasts. She values the gift of transparency and has discovered that what so many people need to know is that they are not alone. Jessica has walked in their shoes, and she wants the world to know that Jesus is walking with them as well.
Connect with Jessica:
Website: www.jessicabturner.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jessicabturner/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jessicabturner/
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