Seek God First
A devotional by Cyndi Staudt
“So above all, constantly seek God’s kingdom and his righteousness, then all these less important things will be given to you abundantly.” –Matthew 6:33 (TPT)
I have always admired stories of faith-based heroes who have stepped out in faith in incredible ways.
Over the years, these heroes have inspired me to offer several specific prayers to God. These are prayers that I have prayed over and over for years and will continue to pray until Jesus Christ calls me home. One of those prayer mantras is that I would have faith like Abraham. I admire the fact that when God called Abraham to step out on faith, he packed up his things and went before he knew where he was going! Open a Bible and read that true story in Genesis 12. I have prayed this prayer almost daily since becoming a Christian. Earlier this year, God gave me an opportunity to exercise that kind of faith.
As a single woman I have always struggled with fully relinquishing control of my finances and work over to God. I have been prone to overworking and obsessing over my finances to ensure I am able to pay my bills, remain as debt free as possible, and have enough cushion to travel or go to dinner with friends here and there. In early 2020, when I received a surprise sizeable raise, to the exact amount I had casually stated would allow me more breathing room in my finances, I knew God’s hand had been at work. I was able to let go of some part-time jobs I had been holding onto and I had more time for serving with a local anti-trafficking organization and writing—two things I was incredibly passionate about and felt called to by God.
Imagine my surprise when, just one year later, God asked me to lay the Isaac of my raise, as well as my comfortable, secure lifestyle, on the altar. Allow me to explain. Fourteen years prior, I had felt God call me to work, not simply serve, for an anti-trafficking organization. At the time He spoke that into my spirit, I had no idea what that would look like or when it would happen. But I was confident that when it was time, He would make it clear to me so I wouldn’t miss it. That time came earlier this year when the anti-trafficking organization I was serving for free, offered me a position on staff. It was one of those moments in your spiritual walk where everything feels in sync and aligned. It was a time when I knew that I was in step with God in that moment and I believed in what He has spoken. There was no hesitation in my obedient answer of “yes” to His call.
However, as the details of what this would look like unfolded, I realized I was stepping right into the middle of my specific prayers! Allow me to explain that too. While I had been working full-time for an organization for more than eight years, with full benefits and retirement package, this new venture would only be offering me 16 hours a week, with no benefits nor retirement. Not only would I be earning less than half of what I needed for my monthly expenses, now I would have to figure out health benefits and retirement as well.
As my mind began to process the basic mathematics of this scenario, God immediately spoke to my spirit and reminded me of Matthew 6:33, which is one of my life verses. He reminded me that seeking Him should be at the top of my priority list—all day, every day, for the rest of my life. He encouraged me that I am to seek Him, not His plan, not His will, because He leads through relationship. And as I develop my relationship with Him, my faith will grow, He will reveal His perfect plan and will, and I will realize that He is the God of provision for the vision He lays out. Our God cannot lie, and when He promises to give all the “less important things” to us “abundantly” then we should believe Him.
God was not simply calling me out of my comfort zone, He was asking me to test the authenticity of my faith and of this prayer I had prayed for years, by boldly stepping into this space where I would need to be completely dependent upon Him. And as I did, that I wouldn’t make my priority finding additional work to provide for my needs, but would keep seeking Him at the top of my “To Do” list. God promises that when I look for Him wholeheartedly, I will find Him, and He will take care of all those less important things!
Let’s Pray:
Gracious Lord, You really don't ask for much from us and your Word is clear on the actions that will grow our faith and draw us closer to You. When the demands of life and allures of the world vie for my time and attention, remind me that seeking You first is the catalyst for true fulfillment and carries with it the promise that You will take care of all the other things I might need. Help me place You in Your rightful place on the throne of my heart and as Lord of my life, delighting in You and seeking You, knowing that when I do, I will not only find you but You will give me the desires of my heart. I claim these promises in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.
Author Bio:
Cyndi Staudt is a Jesus-loving, adrenaline junkie who is devoted to living her life for Jesus Christ until the day she is living with Him.
Author Bio:
Cyndi Staudt is a Jesus-loving, adrenaline junkie who is devoted to living her life for Jesus Christ until the day she is living with Him.
Through her writing she hopes to ignite your desire to read God’s Word, invite your heart to experience God’s love, and inspire you to live your live life “souled out” to the One whose love has no limits.
Connect with Cyndi:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/souledoutcyndi/
thank you for the courage to show us, not just tell us, what it means to walk with Abraham-like faith and make an Isaac-like sacrifice. May God bless you accordingly.