The Story Behind Jennifer Slattery’s story Chasing Her Dream:
In the spring of 2019, landowners across Nebraska, Iowa, and South Dakota experienced perhaps the worst devastation of their lives. Ranches that had been in their families for generations, destroyed. Cattle swept away. Homes desolated. Decades of investments, consumed, leaving many wondering if they’d find the resources to rebuild.
But as hard as all that was to see, those things aren’t what stand out most in my mind. When I think back on the floods, I most remember the every day heroes that stood beside their neighbors. The hours upon hours that volunteers invested, digging through the rubble, praying with the hurting, or simply sitting beside them as they processed it all.
During times of crisis, that’s often when the best of humanity rises up to offer a hand, a kind word, a gentle smile. To offer themselves.
That was the spirit I wanted to capture, and perhaps even inspire, in my latest novel, Chasing Her Dream. I wrote the first draft while parts of my state remained inundated, while articles still circulated of extreme kindness and generosity. Of community members shouldering one another’s burdens in tangible, memorable ways.
I wanted to portray, and perhaps even inspire, that depth of care in my latest novel, Chasing Her Dream. Through the sacrificial actions of Rheanna Stone, the single mom who opens her already struggling Texas ranch to a large number of abused and neglected horses. Through Dave Brewster who risks losing his flooded Wyoming ranch aside to help her. And through the community that sacrificially and steadfastly come alongside them.
Demonstrating the beauty and healing that can occur when we seek to love one another.
We’ve probably all heard the phrase, “It takes a village.” Admirable words, right? Inspiring?
But may that catchy slogan do more than inspire. May it motivate and mobilize us all to find little ways to spread joy, offer a hand, and be the friend that our neighbors, coworkers, and fellow residents need.
And I’m speaking to myself here, because it’s all too easy for me to remain tucked in my office, oblivious to the world, the struggle, occurring without me. I experience joy and intense fulfillment, however, and the pleasure of God, when I widen my view.
Author Bio:
Jennifer Slattery is a writer and international speaker who’s addressed women’s groups, church groups, Bible studies, and other writers across the nation.
She’s the author of six contemporary novels maintains a devotional blog found at http://jenniferslatterylivesoutloud.com.
She has a passion for helping women discover, embrace, and live out who they are in Christ. As the founder of Wholly Loved Ministries, she and her team partner with churches to facilitate events designed to help women rest in their true worth and live with maximum impact.
She is also the host of the podcast Faith Over Fear, which you can listen to at LifeAudio.com.
Blurb for Jennifer's book, Chasing Her Dream:
Blurb for Jennifer's book, Chasing Her Dream:

She needs his help…
But can she trust him again?
After she inherits her uncle’s mismanaged ranch, single mom Rheanna Stone’s not sure she can also handle saving abused horses from a nearby property.
So when rancher Dave Brewster offers to stay in town to help, she can’t say no—even if he left her once before.
As they grow closer, old secrets are uncovered…but can they heal past heartbreak to give themselves a new beginning?
Buy Jennifer's book on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Target or Walmart
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