The Story Behind the story For the Love of Joy by Janet W. Ferguson
When I started writing my novel The Art of Rivers which dealt with the very difficult topic of addiction, I had no idea I’d have the character of Davis Donnelly practically jump off the page with personality.
He was only planned to be a minor secondary character in that story who was a year sober and living in a sober living house. But his wit and his faith and hilarious sayings were such a blessing to me as I delved into such a sad topic to research and address. I believe this character was God’s gift to provide a bit of humor and relief both to me and the reader. He also showed up in the next novel Star Rising as a witty and encouraging friend to the heroine. At that point I knew Davis had to have his own story next.
In my mind, he’d had a tough background where he’d ended up in foster care. I knew that he’d been in the military in Afghanistan and had an IED blow up and kill one of his friends which contributed to his alcohol addiction. But what I didn’t realize right away was that there was a woman in his in past that he hadn’t quite let go of—his ex-wife Joy. Then as she began to fully form in my imagination, she was just as much a hoot as Davis. They were two sides of the same coin. She is a tough country girl who can hunt and fish and give Davis a run for his money, and her quirky colloquialism certainly rival his.
When I planned to write this story beginning in January 2020, I had no idea what a crazy year 2020 would be. Writing romantic comedy while the news is reporting doom and gloom was a challenge, but I also believe perhaps that was God’s plan too. I don’t know about you, but I sure needed something to laugh about!
Author Bio:
Janet W. Ferguson is a Grace Award winner, FHL Readers Choice Winner, and a Christy Award finalist.
She grew up in Mississippi and received a degree in Banking and Finance from the University of Mississippi.
She has served as a children’s minister and a church youth volunteer. An avid reader, she worked as a librarian at a large public high school. She writes humorous inspirational fiction for people with real lives and real problems.
Janet and her husband have two grown children, one really smart dog, and a cat that allows them to share the space.
For the Love of Joy (book blurb):
Is he married or isn’t he?
For the Love of Joy (book blurb):
Is he married or isn’t he?
Years ago, a Dear John letter and then an IED explosion overseas rocked Davis Donnelly’s world and left him unclear about his marital status. He’d signed divorce papers, but broken mentally and physically, he’d never bothered to find out if his marriage actually ended.
Now that he’s about to start a new position as an outreach minister, it’s time to settle things once and for all. At the moment he tracks down his wife—or former wife?—she takes a tumble while chasing a little boy. Her son. And that’s when life flips upside down.
Joy Jennings Donnelly made her share of mistakes. But one thing she never considered a mistake was her child, and she’ll do anything to protect him. Even keep his paternity a secret.
When she’s suddenly injured with not a soul to help her or her son, Joy is forced to rely on the man who has the most reasons to hate her.
Buy For the Love of Joy on Amazon or Barnes and Noble
Connect with Janet:
Website: https://www.janetfergusonauthor.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JanetwFerguson
BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/janet-w-ferguson
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/15138027.Janet_W_Ferguson
Joy Jennings Donnelly made her share of mistakes. But one thing she never considered a mistake was her child, and she’ll do anything to protect him. Even keep his paternity a secret.
When she’s suddenly injured with not a soul to help her or her son, Joy is forced to rely on the man who has the most reasons to hate her.
Buy For the Love of Joy on Amazon or Barnes and Noble
Connect with Janet:
Website: https://www.janetfergusonauthor.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JanetwFerguson
BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/janet-w-ferguson
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/15138027.Janet_W_Ferguson
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