Thursday, March 14, 2019

Book Review: Hope in the Hard Places

Today, I'm sharing a review I wrote about a book by Sarah Beckman called Hope in the Hard Places: How to Survive When Your World Feels Out of Control.

Hope in the Hard Places: How to Survive When Your World Feels Out of Control is a wonderful, practical and inspiring book!

The back cover copy of this book says that it is about how to survive when your world feels out of control. After reading it, I think that the author, Sarah Beckman, accomplished her mission of writing an “encouraging guidebook for the weary soul looking for hope in dark circumstances.”

Throughout this book, the author shares encouraging messages that comfort everyone who is facing a trial whether it is cancer, chronic illness, loss of a loved one, divorce…the author leaves no stone uncovered when addressing situations that cause people to feel without hope and help.

Hope in the Hard Places is divided into four parts:

- Part 1: Terrain

- Part 2: Preparation

- Part 3: Journey

- Part 4: Destination

Each part has several chapters (except Part 4, which has only one chapter) and each chapter touches on a key concept like hope, detour, first aid, seek the source, remove the boulders and the one concept in Part 4 is called “Hard but Holy.” A Bible verse starts each chapter.

The author’s writing style is smooth and her tone is calm. This entire book is thoroughly written. It leaves the reader with a full and satisfied feeling like eating a good meal at your favorite restaurant. It’s an experience that you want to share with everyone.

Throughout this book, Beckman shows the reader how they can survive pain by applying Bible-based truth and principles. She shares stories and insight from real-life people who have been through tough times.

Hope in the Hard Places truly is a light that will shine into your darkness and help you survive the storms of life.

*I (Alexis A. Goring) received a complimentary copy of Hope in the Hard Places: How to Survive When Your World Feels Out of Control. My opinions in this honest review are my own.

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