Thursday, August 9, 2018

Thankful Thursday: Be Encouraged

It's Thursday and I'm thankful for this song "Encourage Yourself." Listen via the video below before reading what I have to say...

Beautiful song, isn't it?

It speaks to my reality. Since being laid off from my day job two years ago, I have struggled to find another day job that provides me with a steady and sufficient income. My hunt for a new day job has not landed me in a new career...yet!

I say "yet" because I know that God is in control of my real life story and He will lead me to where He wants me to be.

But some days, the weight of everything related to not having a day job really discourages me. I shared these thoughts with a friend today and as we were talking, God brought this song to my mind and I realized that now is the time for me to encourage myself.

So instead of lamenting over defeat, I'm going to speak victory.

Instead of worrying about my human (and therefore finite) timeline for my own life, I'm going to trust God's Divine (and therefore infinite) timetable for my life.

Instead of rehearsing the difficulties in my mind, I'm going to be still and know that God is God, as He advises me in Psalm 46:10, and use that energy to pray more to Him.

Instead of complaining about the big size of this mountain, I'm going to tell this mountain that my God is bigger and He can move it for me.

Ultimately, I'm going to work on encouraging myself and trusting in God's perfect timing.

If you too are experiencing defeat in any area of your life, I challenge you to bring your concerns to your Creator (God), pour out your heart to Him then listen to this song again and practice the art of encouraging yourself in the Lord.

Know that I'm praying for you too!

God bless your dear heart.



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