Dear blog readers,
There's this wonderful book on my Christmas wish list which I plan to read. It's called "One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are," written by Ann Voskamp.
After reading much great review about it, my mind has been uplifted and challenged to pay closer attention to the everyday blessings in my life.
There's a song in celebration of this holiday season whose lyrics declare exuberantly, "Tis the season to be jolly..." and you know how the tune goes. But have we paused to ponder a greater truth such as, "Tis the season to be grateful?"
I'd like to leave a few comments of my own on what and who I'm grateful for this holiday season and always...I challenge you to do the same :)...
* Christmas lights-- they're so beautiful, they quite literally "light up my life".
* The Father of Lights (God)...He saves my soul.
* The Star of Bethlehem (Jesus Christ)...He's given me a blessed life.
* The Comforter (The Holy Spirit)...He leads me into all Truth.
* Family who love me (they're the best)!
* Friends who care about me (they're sweet and supportive).
* Holiday movies that warm your heart and make you dream of a better world.
* Innovative blogs by my favorite authors, musicians and Christian speakers worldwide
* The basic necessities of life (food, shelter, love, family, friends, transportation, a j-o-b)
* Adorable animals (deer, cats, doves, etc.)
* Beautiful roses and all florals that soften the heart :)
* The gift of writing
* The heart of teaching
* Church and the Christians who call it home
* God's promises
* The promise of the soon return of Jesus Christ and ushering in of eternity void of strife
What are you grateful for today?
May God bless you!
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