Monday, September 23, 2024

Devotionals for the Heart: The power of persistent and faith-filled prayers

When God Doesn’t Answer Your Prayers

A devotional by Jamie De Silvia

“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.”—1 John 5:14 (NIV)

I recently witnessed a breakthrough in one of my children’s lives that required nearly two years of daily prayer.

There were days when I was full of hope and days when I feared that God wouldn’t answer my prayers. It quickly became evident that the Lord was not in a hurry. He had a deep transformation planned for my child, not the quick fix I initially began praying for. I hope to share the story in detail someday because God did some truly amazing things! For now, can I share with you what I learned during that season of waiting?

Hang on to every word of encouragement God gives you while you wait. It’s important to consistently seek the Lord Himself and His Word, in addition to seeking answers to our prayers. When we read the Bible, a verse will often stand out as insight to help us continue trusting God and see our circumstances from His point of view. Write down the encouragement He gives you and savor it.

Give it more time. While waiting on the Lord, I am regularly reminded of Mary and Martha’s experience of losing Lazarus in the Bible story you can read by looking up John 11:1-44. Heartbroken, they thought Jesus Christ was too late in arriving to heal their brother. They believed that their circumstances were irreversible. But Jesus wasn’t finished yet! He allowed a delay for God’s glory to be manifest and for the sisters to grow in their faith. Your situation might be painful and messy for much longer than you’d like but keep trusting God to bring the answer in His time. He likely isn’t finished yet!

Consider whether God is answering another prayer that supersedes this one. We pray a lot of prayers! What if God is currently answering a request you made days, months, or even years ago, instead of answering the one you’re currently focused on? Allow Him to show you if this is the case.

Hold back nothing when you talk to God.
I joke with friends and family that if you haven’t yelled at God while driving alone in your car, are you even a Christian? I call it “praying at the top of your lungs”. All joking aside, many believers stumble in their faith because they feel they can’t bring every question, fear, and emotion to God. Beloved, there's no need to censor yourself when you talk to Jesus. He can handle your questions and your big feelings, including anger. Releasing pent-up frustrations to God will deepen your trust in Him and help you continue to wait.

When I’m struggling, I look to the Psalms, where writers have written about every big feeling known to man. The Psalms give us the vocabulary for our griefs, fears, doubts, and questions! It’s perfect reading if you’re having a hard time waiting for answers to your prayers.

Watch what God is doing.
Sometimes He answers our prayers, but not the way we expect Him to. Your Trust in the Lord should lead to expectancy but hold loosely to very specific outcomes. For example, I’ve seen deep emotional or spiritual healing happen in a person, but not the physical healing that was prayed for. God is good at answering the true need or desire at the root of a prayer, even if He does not grant the specific request. When God doesn’t seem to be doing what you asked, watch for what He is doing and rejoice in that.

Be willing to surrender and live without your answered prayer. We are powerless to change people and control difficult circumstances. This is what creates our great need for prayer! But let’s be honest. How often do we look to prayer as a means of control—to get the outcome we want? We must find the sweet spot of praying fervently for the matter at hand, but then saying, “Lord, have Your way, no matter what that looks like.”

Beloved, we may not understand why God hasn’t answered some of our prayers until we get to Heaven. Until then, we trust that He will always do what is best for us.

Let’s Pray:

Lord, I want to trust You more. Teach me to let go and let You have Your way in me, even when it’s not what I prayed for. Help me to understand You and Your ways more. In Jesus’s Name I pray. Amen.

Song of Reflection:
“Don’t Stop Praying” by Matthew West. Listen to it here.

Author Bio:

Jamie De Silvia is an author and speaker from Southern California with a passion for helping women connect with the heart of God. She hosts the “Pressing In” podcast. 

Jamie has authored two devotional books: Come Hear the Song of the Shepherd (a 30-day devotional journey through Psalm 23), and You Shall Be Praised (a 40-day devotional offering a fresh perspective on Proverbs 31).

You can find her on Instagram and Facebook daily, offering encouragement to help you draw closer to Jesus Christ.

Jamie is married with two adult daughters and a teenage son. She is also a homeschooling mom who enjoys oil painting, playing games with her family, and savoring a good chai latte.

Connect with Jamie:

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