Why We Need Time Alone with God
A devotional by Aubrey Taylor
“Now when Jesus heard this, he withdrew from there in a boat to a desolate place by himself.”—Matthew 14:13 (ESV)
In the verse above, Jesus Christ had just learned of the death of his cousin John who was often referred to as John the Baptist. Jesus longed to be alone to mourn the death of someone who was not simply a family member, but a fellow servant of God and the one who announced His coming (John 1:1-18).
In the same verse, we discover that the time Jesus had hoped to spend alone with His Father was preempted by people who were hungry—both spiritually and physically. He goes on to minister to them and then feed the five thousand men plus women and children (Matthew 14:21).
Take note of Matthew 14:23 (ESV): “And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up on the mountain by himself to pray.” Though he was waylaid, He did not forsake this time alone entirely. He made sure it happened. Matthew 14:25 goes on to tell us that it was not until the fourth watch of the night that He finally went back to His disciples.
It is so hard to get alone these days. Even when we make a little time to read our Bible or pray, it is often just that—a little time. I was reminded recently in a video devotional that these times of silence with our Father in Heaven allow Him to get down deep into so He can begin to heal our wounds. Jesus had just lost his cousin. He needed silence—and not just a few minutes. He took hours away from His disciples. Away from the crowds. In those days, there were far fewer distractions: no phones, television, social media, or running here and there (especially for those in my stage of life where I am the taxi driver for my children). Recently, I realized it is all right for me to linger in silence. No. It is necessary.
Sometimes, we must be busy, even when we long for silence. In Matthew 14, Jesus modeled His readiness to minister in spite of sorrow and fatigue, but after He dismissed them, he prioritized time alone with His Father. Even though His disciples were in a boat, “a long way from land, beaten by the waves, for the wind was against them” (Matthew 14:24 ESV), He did not return to them until He had taken the time He needed.
Are we taking the time we need to sit silently with the Lord, to wait for Him and allow Him to heal our wounds? Or are we feeling rushed? Are we laboring under the pressure that we should always be doing something? Or are we so burned out that when we finally have downtime, we fill it with endless scrolling and binge-watching TV shows?
Dear friend, give yourself permission to take the time you need. As soon as the opportunity presents itself, get alone with God in silence. Open your Bible to the Psalms if you feel led, but don’t feel that you need to study the Word in that moment. Admittedly, sometimes our overworked brains just can’t handle it. It is all right to just soak in His presence. Close your eyes and imagine relaxing in His arms. Allow healing to take place.
Let’s Pray:
Dear Jesus,
I am sorry that I am often so rushed that I do not take time to sit before You and allow You to reach deep into my heart and begin the healing work You long to do. I pray that today, that will begin to change. I pray that You will help me make time to be silent and still, putting away my distractions for as long as necessary. I know I need healing work in my life—whether I have experienced a tragedy or have just allowed the busy pace of modern life to wear me down. I know I need to make a habit of regular time alone with You, and I look forward to what You want to do through that. In Jesus’s Name I pray. Amen.
Song of Reflection: “Alone in the Presence” by CeCe Winans. Listen to it here.
Author Bio:
The only child of a single parent, Aubrey Taylor filled her younger years by creating characters and writing stories. This ended around age sixteen when music, friends and part-time jobs began to fill her time. After that came college, work, marriage, and children.
It wasn’t until the world was beginning to come out of the COVID pandemic that God led her back to her love for writing, coupled with a passion she’d always had for history. It was time to start a new adventure!
Along with writing devotionals, Aubrey is the author of the German-perspective 20th Century Fiction series, Gott Mit Uns. She lives in Upstate New York with her husband and three children. When she’s not writing or taking care of her home and family, she enjoys singing and dancing with friends from a German choir and a Bavarian folk dancing group. She is also a lover of Jesus Christ, The Holy Bible, history, German culture, tea, and cats!
Connect with Aubrey:
Website: https://www.aubreytaylorbooks.com
Blog: https://www.aubreytaylorbooks.com/blog
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Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Aubrey-Taylor/author/B0973KWXV8
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