A devotional by Glynis Becker
“For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not a result of works, so that no one may boast.”
–Ephesians 2:8-9 (NASB)
Have I somehow made “being productive” and “finding purpose” an idol in my life? I am aware, as most of us are, that God’s version of things like love, peace, happiness, and success are often very different from what the world expects. So my fear is that along the way, I have turned God’s calling and purpose for my life into an end goal it was never supposed to be.
I grew up in the church. I never felt a call to be a missionary or a pastor, but I always thought that somehow, with whatever talent I possessed, I would someday do “big things” for God. Yet here I am, in middle-age, feeling let down and afraid that I might have missed that one thing God had for me to do.
As I was pondering that rather depressing thought, a realization hit me that I know could only have come from God: He doesn’t need me to worry about doing big things or small things or even anything at all. He just needs my willingness and obedience for those moments when He does ask me to do something.
I only have so many days, so many years, and only this one life and I don’t want to waste it. But I have spent a lot of energy trying to figure out my purpose. What if what God really needs from me is to be still, listen to His voice, love Him and the people around me? What if I miss that because I’m looking to do something bigger? What if there really is no “one purpose”, but just day-to-day trust and obedience?
My father-in-law remarked once that when his kids were little, he’d gotten a video camera. He spent so much time trying to capture memories of school concerts and vacations, that he ended up only really experiencing them through the lens, feeling like he’d missed the event itself. I don’t want to be looking so hard for something that I miss the things around me.
Not all of us will have a platform for evangelism like Billy Graham, or have the resume of a Moses or King David. But we all have people in our lives who need to hear the Truth. We have children to raise to know Jesus. We have jobs to do with integrity so that people know we are people of good character. We have small kindnesses to do in our corner of the world. We can support others doing work in places around the world we will never see.
Worrying takes away a lot of joy. And if we are spending time with God, He is not going to let us miss out on what He has for us. He doesn’t need me to find my own version of purpose or productivity. He just needs me to listen and act.
“The Mission” song by Steve Green sums up my points today. Listen to it here.
Let’s Pray: Father God, You know everything about me, the world, and my place in it. Please help me to see where You want me to be, what You want me to do, and who You want me to share You with, however that looks. I know You have things set aside for me to do, but help me not be so focused on “doing”, that I forget how to just “be”. I love You. In Jesus’s Name I pray. Amen.
Author Bio:
Glynis Becker writes devotions and inspirational fiction, hoping someday to have a published novel on her resume.
Glynis Becker writes devotions and inspirational fiction, hoping someday to have a published novel on her resume.
She has co-written several screenplays, including the film Sinking Sand, available on DVD and digital streaming.
Glynis, whose childhood was spent all over the country as an Air Force brat, has called South Dakota home for many years, along with her husband and two teenage children.
When she’s not writing or reading, she is watching more television than she should and crocheting.
You can find her at www.glynisbecker.com.
Glynis, I find myself relating very much to your devotion today. Difficult not to do with our purpose-driven culture of busyness. Thank you for sharing it! Sharon Barnett
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, Sharon. This has really been on my heart lately, too.
DeleteIt is funny how we want to do something big for God and don't want to miss what he wants us to do... And we may be doing just as he plans for us and not totally recognize it!
ReplyDeleteAnd you are right about Mont and his video camera and it warmed by heart to have you write about him today dear girl!
That story always stuck with me. Love you :)