Soundtrack of My Life
A devotional by Colleen C. Howard
“Our faith in Jesus transfers God’s righteousness to us and he now declares us flawless in his eyes.”—Romans 5:1 (TPT)
I need music like I need air. It can lift my spirits or soothe my soul.
Music has always played a big part in my life. For as long as I can remember, music filled our home with joy. As a little girl, I danced around the living room while my dad played his clarinet, the sounds of music saturating the air. This was the soundtrack of my childhood.
Whether music fans or not, most of us have experienced the annoying phantom tune that invades our minds without invitation. The stuck song that plays repeatedly in your head. Just as you’ve forgotten about it, the music starts again. You can’t get rid of it, you can’t remember the lyrics or the title, but the tune continues to play in your head, as if it’s the official background music for the soundtrack of your life.
This has been happening to me very often in these last few months. Before I open my eyes, the first thing I’m aware of is the song in my head. Sometimes, the song is just a tune, and I struggle to remember the lyrics. Other times, it’s so familiar that each word finds its note, and the entire composition dances through my mind.
Recently, a tune pulsed through my veins at warp speed, and I had no idea where it came from. It became a mystery begging to be solved. After I got out of bed and the first few sips of caffeine kicked in, a few of the lyrics revealed themselves. However, the tune played on in blatant defiance of the missing words. I began to wonder if this was a lesson from God in the making.
Isn’t humming a tune without recalling the lyrics similar to how Christians are called to follow Jesus Christ without having a highlighted outline of His master plan? In His wisdom, God reveals what we need to know when we need to know it. He knows exactly when to impart this knowledge. The tune in my head held only one phrase that I remembered, but that was all I needed to know. God woke me that morning with a glorious combination of melody and words. He revealed the mystery song: “Flawless” sung by Mercy Me. For me, this was a perfect illustration of walking with Christ in total surrender.
Why this song? I’m far from flawless, but Jesus reminds me that in His eyes, I am flawless. This is the grace of God. It defies human power and directs our eyes to Jesus. Christ’s death on the cross (John 3:16-17) makes us flawless before God. There’s nothing we can possibly do to earn it. God loves us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to die so we may live. Psalm 23 tells us that Jesus is our shepherd.
He is good at taking care of us and leading us through the hills and valleys of life. We need to trust Jesus enough to follow Him. The amazing grace of God will guide you down the right path. Sing praises to King Jesus for only He can make you flawless.
Let’s Pray:
Dear Jesus,
You see us when we lose our patience, forget to count our blessings, and grow weary. But because You have restored us You see us as flawless. Our hearts overflow with love and gratitude for Your gift of salvation. Show us how to grow our faith and daily express our thankfulness to You. Thanks be to God!
In Your Name I pray, Jesus. Amen.
Song of Reflection #1: “Flawless” by Mercy Me. Listen to it here.
Song of Reflection #2: “Hills and Valleys” by Tauren Wells. Listen to it here.
Author Bio:
Colleen C. Howard is a Jesus follower, wife, mom, mimi, educator and author.

She lives with her husband in the beautiful Arizona desert where the sunsets are spectacular, the summers are hot, and the winters are a little slice of heaven. Her two adult children and their families live nearby. She considers it a joy to spend time with her family members!
She is a lifelong educator and co-founder of an educational professional development business. After spending her professional life in education, Colleen retired as the STEM Specialist for a large public school district. As she approached the end of that season, God placed a strong desire in Colleen’s heart to shine a light on God’s presence throughout ordinary days and encourage women in their faith-walk with Jesus Christ.
When asked what makes her faith walk real, Colleen replied, “It isn’t just one thing, but a million little things. Although some days bring trials and others bring joy, it’s never just another day.” She says when you give your heart to Jesus, each new day is another opportunity to walk hand-in-hand with Him and begin to know the heart of God. As you become more aware of His presence, stop, take a breath, and watch what God will do.
Colleen holds a Bachelor of Arts in Education from Arizona State University and a Masters in Educational Leadership from Northern Arizona University.
She has been published online via these websites: Inkspirations, Her View From Home, and Inside Out Worldwide.
Connect with Colleen:
Website: http://colleenchoward.com
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