Friday, July 21, 2023

Devotionals for the Heart: Why we need to forgive everyone who hurt us

Why We Need to Forgive
A devotional by Hannah Benson

“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”—Ephesians 4:32 (ESV)

Have you ever been hurt?

If you’ve lived on this Earth for any amount of time, then you’ve probably been wounded in some way. Maybe you’ve been hurt by the words of a friend or their inconsiderate actions. Maybe you were hurt physically. Maybe they meant to hurt you.

Maybe they didn’t.

Either way, you know what I’m talking about. Pain is not fun, especially when it’s caused by another person. Maybe we feel like we were in the right, and they’re the ones who need to apologize. Maybe that’s true. Maybe we did nothing wrong. Maybe, in cases such as abuse, we are the victim. Or maybe we’re seeing the speck in their eye while completely avoiding the log in our own (Matthew 7:3-5). God calls us to forgive one another as Jesus Christ forgave us.


When we really think about it, we have no right to withhold forgiveness from someone. No matter how wronged we’ve been, no one could ever hurt us as deeply as our sins have hurt Jesus. He suffered in every way we do (I would say even more so) and never sinned.

Jesus was unjustly accused. He was beaten. His flesh was torn, and they crucified Him for a crime that He didn’t commit. Even when He was unjustly treated, He did not defend Himself, but He stayed silent. And He forgave them.

Even if we weren’t there physically spitting in Jesus’s face or mocking Him, we have still sinned, and our sins hurt Him. The Bible says in Romans 3:23 (ESV), “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”

But Jesus still chose to die for us. Romans 5:8 (ESV) says, “but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Even when we were at our worst, Jesus loved us. Jesus, the perfect Son of God, chose to die for us even though we didn’t deserve it.

Why then would we withhold that same forgiveness from others?

Forgiveness is hard. And what do we do if the other person doesn’t even ask for it? It is a truly humbling experience to forgive when the other person doesn’t ask. Maybe they were right to begin with and we must humbly realize our error. Or maybe they are truly wrong, but they still think they’re right. It’s not about right or wrong anymore, is it?

I heard once that we don’t forgive for their sake. We forgive for our own. It’s true because holding on to bitterness and anger will only serve to make us bitter and angry. We should not want that to happen to us! As difficult as it is to forgive, we must. Not simply for the sake of the other person, but so that we may find freedom. Sometimes, we also must forgive ourselves. Is there something that you are angry at yourself for? Do you blame yourself for something that happened this morning? A long time ago?

Dear friend, choose to forgive yourself. Jesus forgave you. He proved it when He shed His blood for you on the Cross as stated in John 3:16 and Ephesians 1:7. Therefore, you must also choose to forgive yourself. Jesus didn’t die so you would live enslaved by unforgiveness, bitterness and anger. He wants you to live in freedom!

Do you think that choosing to forgive the other person and yourself will bring about the freedom your heart longs for? I believe it will because the Bible says so, and forgivness has set me free too!

Let’s Pray:
Dear Father God, I know that You forgive me for all my sins. You proved it when You sent Your Son to die on that cross for me. Please forgive me for withholding forgiveness from others. They are sinners, as am I. You have died for them, as You have me. You love us all. Please help me to forgive others and even myself as You have forgiven me. Thank You for giving me freedom. Please help me learn to walk in it. In Jesus’s Name I pray. Amen.

Song of Reflection: “Forgiveness” by Matthew West. Listen to it here.

Author Bio:

Hannah Benson is a Jesus-follower who’s passionate about sharing the love of Christ with others. 

From the time she could hold a pen, she was writing. But it wasn’t until she was sixteen that she began to seriously follow God’s calling to write a novel. Hannah is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) and has at least four novels in the works. For the past five years, she has been involved with her local Biblical theater company. She wants to show others the love of Jesus through the creative arts.

When she’s not acting or working on her upcoming novel, you can find Hannah laughing with her siblings, cuddling her little fluffy dog, or reading books (usually historical fiction or fantasy stories). You can read more of Hannah’s writings on her blog or on her Instagram where she strives to write content that leaves others feeling encouraged.

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