Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Devotionals for the Heart: The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure

Hidden Treasure
A devotional by Tessa Huckstep

“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.”
–Matthew 13:44 (NIV)

Sometimes, Christianity can seem radical.

I have witnessed Christians who radically turn their life upside down once they accept Jesus Christ into their heart and life. The shift is often drastic and may even appear to be crazy to those who have not yet met our Lord and Savior, Jesus, personally. But no matter how many times I witness this radical shift, I can feel the excitement and freedom that these new Christians are experiencing for the first time in their life. They have found a hidden treasure, reserved only for those who put their trust in Jesus Christ.

But this treasure is not really hidden. This treasure also has no limits. Every person who has ever lived could take this treasure and no one would have to go without. The moment someone finds this treasure, they understand what the man in the verse shared above for this devotional understood: This treasure is worth selling everything for. If you have experienced this treasure, you know that the treasure refers to Jesus Christ and His gift of eternal life.

I smile even now as I remember the day I found this treasure. However, we are not limited to finding this treasure only once. We always smile and enjoy hearing the stories of new Christians, but we often forget that we too have treasure to find. Yes, we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior and we are on our way to Heaven, but our treasure does not end there.

Just like the treasure in the verse above, our treasure is often hidden. It is something that we cannot see or touch, but we know it is there. Our treasure is not money, fame, or influence. Our treasure is our relationship with Jesus Christ. A relationship with Jesus Christ is worth selling all our worldly possessions for. He is worth getting rid of our pride, selfishness, and personal desires. Having an intimate and personal relationship with our Creator is the most beautiful treasure we could possess in this life.

Have you forgotten about the treasure in the field? Are you holding onto the things of the world instead of selling everything for a relationship with Jesus Christ? Jesus Christ is the great Treasure of the Christian life, dear reader. He is worth every sacrifice that you give of yourself. Trust Him wholly and find your treasure in Him.

Let’s Pray:
Dear Lord, thank You for offering Yourself as the greatest gift. Please help us to see that a relationship with You is all the treasure we need. Grant us the radical faith to leave the world behind and trust only in You. In Jesus’s Name I pray. Amen.

Song of Reflection:
“Treasure” by Meredith Andrews. Listen to it here.

Author Bio:

Tessa Huckstep grew up in rural Illinois. She was born to Christian parents and has known Jesus Christ personally since the age of five.

Currently, Tessa is attending community college and majoring in elementary education. In the future, she plans to teach in the public school system, hoping to bring the love of God with her.

Tessa enjoys being active in her local church. She serves as a co-teacher for the two-to-five year old class where there is never a dull moment.

It is Tessa’s passion to be a girl after God’s own heart and through her studying of God’s Word, Tessa longs to draw closer to her Savior. Through her writing, she longs to take others with her on this journey of faith.

Tessa loves all things Regency, needlework, and dainty teacups of every size.

When she isn’t writing or studying for exams, she can be found in the kitchen with more flour in her hair and on the floor than in the bowl, though the mess is always half the fun!

Connect with Tessa:

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