Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Devotionals for the Heart: Hospitality

The Heart of Hospitality
A devotional by Melissa Henderson

“Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.” 
~Romans 12:13 NIV

How can I serve others and show God’s love?

Pause for a moment and think of people around you. People you know and people who are strangers. How would you respond if they needed something? A meal, a ride to the doctor or a ride to the grocery store? What if all they needed was a simple hello or a visit?

Needs come in all sizes. From major needs to minor needs, at one time or another, we all need someone. There are times when we feel comfortable asking for help and other times, we decide not to ask for help. Maybe the feeling of being a bother or that maybe someone else needs more help than we need. So, we don’t ask. We try to accomplish things on our own or just give up in despair. Maybe we are embarrassed to need assistance.

I have experienced vertigo for over 25 years. Never knowing when a dizzy spell will occur can be very scary. There is a difference between dizziness and vertigo and it is very hard to explain to someone who has not experienced one or the other.

When I was first diagnosed with vertigo, I decided to stop driving as I didn’t want to put others or myself in danger. Some people could not understand my inability to drive. I look perfectly fine on the outside. No outward signs of any illness or medical condition. Yet, my body would not allow me to enjoy activities of the past.

Not being able to drive caused me to miss volunteer meetings and special events. My husband works full time and taking time off from work every time I needed to go somewhere was not an option. He is very understanding about my condition and realizes some days are better than others for me.

Then, came the decision to ask others for help. Not wanting to be a burden caused me to postpone asking for help in the beginning. People have their own lives and schedules. Who would want to disrupt their life to drive me to appointments? Would anyone have the extra time?

Praying and asking God what to do in this situation was vital. He answered my prayers. Once I gave my worries to God, a sense of relief filled my heart and soul. I began sharing my story. As I shared, friends and strangers told me about their conditions and knowledge of vertigo. Friends learned of my vertigo and began offering rides to my appointments and activities. I only needed to ask and the request was answered. There was no need for me to be embarrassed or to feel like a burden.

What a blessing! Keeping quiet had caused me more worry. Sharing and asking for help brought peace and comfort.

Some friends even shared they were blessed through being a blessing to me. We never know when we may need to lean on others for help. God has given us blessings in those who practice hospitality.

Have you helped someone lately? Have you been a blessing? I bet you have. Pause and think of ways you can be a blessing to someone. Simple ways like smiles, waving hello, a phone call, a note in the mail, and yes, offering a ride to someone who can’t drive are all ways to show God’s love.

In His Name,

Melissa Henderson

Author Bio: 

Melissa Henderson and her husband Alan live in South Carolina.

Married for over 38 years, they have one son (Mike) who is married to daughter-in-love (Christine) and now are blessed by precious grandson (Rowan).

Melissa was taught the love of reading and writing at an early age from her parents. She is now working on her first inspirational fiction novel.

Her passions are volunteering, Bible Studies and reading and writing. Connect with Melissa online,

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