Thursday, February 15, 2018

Book Boyfriends: Amy's hero

Interview with Chad, hero of An Unexpected Legacy by Amy Anguish:

Amy: Chad, I know you and Jessica both came from Arkansas. What brought you to Texas?

Chad: I could say it was God. That He knew Jessica’s friend would convince her to move down this way and that I needed to be here to meet her. Ha! But really, I completed my veterinarian schooling down here. When the vet I had been interning with decided he was ready to retire, I bought/inherited his practice and stayed.

Amy: What attracted you to Jessica in the first place?

Chad: I noticed her right away at the Smoothie shop. She was the only one sitting there alone. And she just kept shooting these grumpy looks our way. I wanted to know what she’d look like with a smile, so I went over to see if I could make it happen. And boy, was her smile great!

Amy: I know you have a cat, but as a veterinarian, which do you prefer? Dogs or cats?

I obviously love both. But for my lifestyle, where I’m not always home much, cats are much easier. They don’t require as much work … or as much yard … as dogs. And it’s so nice to have one curled up in your lap purring away.

Amy: Jessica teases you in the story about how you like to get things like wheat germ in your smoothies. Do you tend to be a healthy eater?

Ha! Honestly, I get things like that in my smoothies because the fruit hides the taste and I can actually get it down. Most of the time, I eat just like anyone else. Pizza and microwave dinners are unfortunately a typical weeknight meal at my place. I do cook a little, but by the time I get home, the easier and faster the meal, the better.

Amy: You and Jessica go through several ups and downs during the course of your story. What made you keep coming back for more?

Chad: She’s worth it. She’s cute and funny and fits just perfectly under my chin. And I love hanging out with her. No one else has ever … well, has ever been so right for me. I knew we had a chance at something great and I wanted to see it play out.

Amy: What’s your idea of a perfect date?

Chad: Anything with her. The first time I took her out, we played miniature golf. But it doesn’t seem to matter what we’re doing, as long as we’re together. I don’t think either of us is really a fancy kind of person, but just typical stuff like movies or dinner or bowling or whatever. Although I’m not so sure about her suggestion that we go ice-skating. My legs aren’t really designed for that kind of thing. Ha!

Amy: In your opinion, what do you have to have for a perfect relationship?

Chad: Perfect? I’m not sure there is such a thing as a perfect relationship. Everyone has ups and downs. Everyone has that one family member that makes life … not as much fun. But, we’re learning that if you keep God at the center, take your problems to Him, that helps more than anything. And just the desire to stick with it. Not give up at the first sign of trouble.

Author Bio: 
Amy Anguish grew up a preacher's kid, and in spite of having lived in seven different states that are all south of the Mason Dixon line, she is not a football fan. Currently, she resides in Tennessee with her husband, daughter, and son, and usually a cat or two. 

Amy graduated with a degree in English from Freed-Hardeman University and hopes in all her creative endeavors to glorify God, but especially in her writing. 

She wants her stories to show that while Christians face real struggles, it can still work out for good.
Book Blurb for An Unexpected Legacy:

"Smoothies brought them together, but would the past tear them apart?" 

When Chad Manning introduces himself to Jessica Garcia at her favorite smoothie shop, it's like he stepped out of one of her romance novels. But as she tentatively walks into a relationship with this man of her dreams, secrets from their past threaten to shatter their already fragile bond. Chad and Jessica must struggle to figure out if their relationship has a chance or if there is nothing between them but a love of smoothies.

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1 comment:

  1. Gosh, if I were a single lady, I’d definitely have Chad on my wish list! He seems very kind and sentimental at first glance. A woman that is cared for never has to worry about her heart, in my opinion!


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