Book title: Ordinary Graces
Author: Lucinda Secrest McDowell
Book Review by Alexis A. Goring
Ordinary Graces is a delightful devotional book written by Lucinda Secrest McDowell.
The author grabs the reader’s attention from the first page with this line: I was “that girl.” She then continues to describe how she used to be: “Striving. Enslaved. Rigid. Yes, a Christ-follower. Carrying around God’s gift of grace, but never bothering to open it and embrace its richness as a way of life.” She then states that she was the “last person you’d expect to be writing a book offering the many gifts of God’s ordinary graces.” But then she was "transformed by an encounter with Jesus" and He enabled her to write. And boy, can she write!
Ordinary Graces is a lovely, lighthearted gift that will point you to Jesus and encourage your soul. McDowell debunks the idea that you have to be perfect before coming to Jesus and exhorts the reader to realize that God loves them just as they are, without conditions.
This book is divided into three sections packed with devotionals that focus on core concepts of grace, strength, gratitude and life. The author’s tone is gentle yet firm, kind yet not afraid to correct. Every devotional in this book is backed by Bible verses. The readings on each page are clean in content, crisp in feel and comforting to the soul.
I’d recommend this book to everyone who needs a dose of encouragement!
*Litfuse Publicity Group provided me (Alexis A. Goring) with a complimentary copy of Ordinary Graces. My opinions in this book review are my own.
Book blurb for Ordinary Graces:

Everyone loves to receive a gift.
And God has given us many, such as his grace-the gift we don't deserve and can never earn. Promises from the One who declares we are already loved, already accepted, already created in his image. The question becomes, will we truly receive that gift? Will the reality of it actually change the way we think and notice and reach out?
God's Word will stand forever, in any season of life. These truths prompt us to respond with compassion and courage.
Through inspiring devotions, Lucinda Secrest McDowell reveals biblical blessings that remind us that: God's promises give us strength, God's grace can be most evident at our weakest points, a proper response to our abundance of blessings is simply gratitude, and the "more" we are all looking for is the same abundant life that Jesus came to give us.
Would you like to receive these gifts of ordinary grace? Join Lucinda in focusing on one word a day through devotional readings and short benedictions for any and every season to explore the many facets of Grace, Strength, Gratitude, and Life.
About the Author:

Lucinda Secrest McDowell is passionate about embracing life - both through deep soul care from drawing closer to God, as well as living courageously in order to touch a needy world.
A storyteller who engages both heart and mind, she offers "Encouraging Words" to all on the journey.
A graduate of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and Furman University, Cindy is the author of 13 books, including "Ordinary Graces," "Dwelling Places," "Live These Words," "Refresh!," "Quilts from Heaven" and "Role of a Lifetime." Whether co-directing the "reNEW - retreat for New England Writing," mentoring young moms, or leading a restorative day of prayer, she is energized by investing in people of all ages.
Find out more about Lucinda by visiting her website,