Jenn Gotzon on the Red Carpet |
Today I am super excited to present to you a special interview with Jenn Gotzon. You may remember Jenn from her Words of Faith story featured here on Friday, Feb. 12.
Welcome Jenn again on this special Valentine's Day! Why is it special? It is special because Jenn wants you to know that whether you are single, married, considered beautiful or not, you are special and made in God's image. So today, Jenn wants to show you how to embrace your true beauty with news of her Inner Beauty Campaign!
She's also here to talk about her work with China's lead makeup artist Zhen Jixian who also encourages women to embrace their inner beauty and discover what true beauty really means in this modern world.
Today's message is targeted to women but I believe that men can appreciate the message to in the fact that God made us ALL "good-looking" in His eyes!
So without further ado, on to the interview!
*Questions from Alexis are in bold and answers from Jenn Gotzon are not in bold.
Alexis: What’s it like working with China's leading makeup artist Zhen Jixian?
Jenn Gotzon: Zhen Jixian, his company, his employees, his school, his students, and his partners are the most generous, kind, thoughtful, giving and joyful people I have ever worked with. The generosity is beyond anything I have every experienced. They have treated my mate Jim E. Chandler and me like royalty. Brother Zhen’s school Jubilee and his family’s unconditional love overflows making the deep connection that is lifelong kindred friendship.
Jenn Gotzon and Zhen Jixian |
Share the story of how you became the featured model for Zhen Jixian’s Inner Beauty Campaign.
Zhen Jixian who is otherwise known as "Brother Zhen" which is his American name, hired me to be the face of his conglomerate Jubilee located in Beijing, China appearing on product advertisements, fantasy wall hangings, beauty photobooths, hair salons, skin care, face for his makeup and photography school and many other partners.
The opportunity is so grand, that during prayer at my friend Lisa Miosi/Martin’s wedding celebration in Moravian Falls, N.C., God gave me a vision. The vision was to use the platform as a vehicle to inspire girls about beauty. True beauty, from the lessons I learned modeling for Brother Zhen.
How did I become the spokesmodel? God’s providence. My dear friends from Movieguide, Wendy and Ken Click, introduced Brother Zhen when I was teaching an "Inspiring Audiences, Hearing God" seminar on the park lawn in front of Universal Studios in Hollywood. He selected me because of my passion to impact and inspire people through the brand of movies I strive to make which are uplifting and redemptive with a message of hope. Zhen wanted to hire an American actress or singer who loves God to be his spokesmodel.
I am truly humbled and honored to serve him and his company Jubilee.
Why did you want to work on this Inner Beauty Campaign with Zhen Jixian?
The #InnerBeautyChallenge is separate from being the spokesmodel for Zhen Jixian’s company and school located in Beijing, China.
What is the Inner Beauty Campaign all about?
Inner Beauty Campaign is actually an exercise for your mind. It is called the #InnerBeautyChallenge.
When I was taking the modeling photos, I was "focusing on being ____". The blank space was filled with a variety of words from Phillipians 4:8. People commented how "beautiful" the photos were and I saw inner beauty and then I thought, "If only girls could be encouraged too!" So I created the #InnerBeautyChallenge.
Here's how you can participate in the Inner Beauty Challenge:
1) Select an #InnerBeauty word to Focus on Being: (Examples include: #Lovely, #Grateful, #Noble, #Authentic, #True, #Gracious, #Peaceful, #Honest, #Pure, #Courageous)
2) Write that word on a piece of paper along with #InnerBeauty
3) Take a photo holding your paper
4) Post it on social media, hashtag #InnerBeauty #InnerBeautyChallenge and tag @JennGOTZON
5) Tag a friend, a family member and an acquaintance and give the gift of #innerbeauty by having them do the #InnerBeautyChallenge together.
In what ways do you hope the Inner Beauty Campaign will affect your audience? Who is your target audience? Is this a message only for women? Or can men relate too? Please explain.
My hope and prayer is anyone can renew their mind by focusing on things that can transform their outlook on life, which transforms their heart, which is what is reflected through the eyes and experienced by people as what they identify as “beauty”.
What is your personal story about inner beauty? Share insight to your journey with image and self-acceptance.
After my husband told me he no longer wanted to be married to me after years of fighting for our marriage, I felt unworthy, unlovable and ugly. When the divorce occurred, I began praying and Jesus appeared to me and revealed a love that was all consuming. Jesus began revealing to my heart what beauty is and that I am beautiful because I was created in the imagination of God with a hope and a purpose. That week during this time of prayer is when Zhen Jixian hired me to be his spokesmodel for a 3-year beauty contract.
I pray girls, guys, young, old would experience their true value and beauty like I experienced that week. I hope this #InnerBeautyChallenge can provide that like it did for me.
As a woman of faith, how does your belief in God affect your view of yourself?
Reading The Supernatural Ways of Royalty (book) has helped me recover from feeling unbeautiful to knowing and believing my image was made by God.
On your website’s Inner Beauty section, you challenge your audience to focus on one word that they want to focus on being in 2016. You’ve received a wide variety of responses but I’d like to know, what’s your one word that you’re focusing on being for this year? Explain.
I am focusing on being #Gracious. The definition of gracious is courteous, kind, pleasant, showing divine grace. As often as I can remember, I try to put on ‘those pair of glasses’ when looking at the world and the people I interact with daily. It has been inspiring.
Here's an exciting opportunity from Jenn for blog readers:
Every Thursday since Jan. 1, we have selected a winner and asked them to share what they may have experienced doing the #InnerBeautyChallenge. Each winner’s story is posted on Faith Flix Film https://faithflixfilms.wordpress.com/2016/01/21/inner-beauty
If you want to be selected, visit www.JennGotzon.com/inner-beauty for directions to do the #InnerBeautyChallenge.
What does "true beauty" mean to you?
Have you ever met someone who was full of a radiant love, joy, peace…Did you remember commenting to yourself, "They are really beautiful?" And then, did you ever look close enough to realize they may have challenged imperfections physically but you never saw them because what you saw and experienced was the beauty coming from their heart? That is what true beauty is.
Complete this sentence: I believe that I am beautiful because ____________________________________________.
I believe that I am beautiful because God’s light shines and some days, I am smart enough to get out of the way and let God use me as a vehicle to find moments to encourage those I meet.
Thanks for the interview, Jenn!
Special offer from Jenn Gotzon, the Hollywood edition: Kind-hearted Jenn would like to give you, my wonderful blog readers, a chance to attend her movie premieres in real-life! Yes, this is a REAL offer from a REAL Hollywood actress. You may use your cell phone to text the word INSPIRING to 22828 and Jenn Gotzon will invite you to her movie premieres!
*Standard text-messaging rates may apply when you send that one-word (INSPIRING) text to Jenn Gotzon.
Here are two more special offers from Jenn Gotzon but you have to compete to WIN the LIVE Skype Chat with her or receive a FREE movie in which she is the leading lady! Fill out the contest entry form on the Rafflecopter widget below to participate: