Friday, September 27, 2024

Devotionals for the Heart: How the presence of Jesus Christ can heal you

The Healing Presence of Christ

A devotional by Essie Faye Taylor

“Then they came to Jesus, and saw the one who had been demon-possessed and had the legion, sitting and clothed and in his right mind. And they were afraid.”
—Mark 5:15 (NKJV)

One encounter with Jesus Christ who is the Living Word changes everything.

The presence of Jesus can heal brokenness, childhood trauma, and many kinds of illnesses. As I emerged from a prayer encounter with God, I opened my eyes and looked into the dark star-filled sky. I stood there in silence, completely in awe of God’s majesty and power. I was surrounded by His presence. A few hours before this happened, I had entered the prayer camp heartbroken and hopeless about many things in my life. After pouring my heart out to God with tears and having an undeniable encounter in His presence, I was changed. As I stood under the stars, I knew that I was healed and forever changed by His love.

In the fifth chapter of Mark (a book in the Bible), there is the story of a man who was not mentally sane due to the trauma that he had experienced. This man was homeless, living in the cemetery as an outcast. He was literally out of his mind. Night and day he spent crying and cutting himself. He was seen as someone to be tamed as an animal, as people tried unsuccessfully to tame him and bind him with fetters and chains several times. This indeed was a hopeless situation that no human could solve. This was a case for Jesus. This man was possessed with many evil spirits, but his day of deliverance had arrived.

When he saw Jesus, he ran to Him and worshiped Him. The presence of Christ brought deliverance that day. This man ruled by unclean spirits could no longer remain the same because the Deliverer was present. Jesus cast the unclean spirits out of the man, restoring him completely. His life was forever changed. He was rescued from a life of torment, insanity, chaos, pain, and unrest. He was able to sit and rest. He was now properly clothed. Most importantly, he was sitting at the feet of Jesus.

There are several points we should remember from this Bible story:

1. The presence of Jesus brings deliverance.

2. Jesus is Lord over every principality and power.

3. Jesus is a miracle worker.

4. Jesus heals mental anguish.

5. Jesus liberates from spiritual bondage.

6. Jesus brings hope to a hopeless situation.

7. Jesus heals what others deem to be permanently broken.

8. Jesus embraces and heals the marginalized and the outcast.

9. Jesus is the solution to our problems.

10. The enemy comes to kill, steal, and destroy but Jesus comes that we may have abundant life (John 10:10).

Call to Action:

In closing, I encourage you to: Acknowledge your need for a fresh encounter with Christ. Seek the presence of Jesus and worship Him daily. Bring your problems to Him and expect healing by faith. Praise the Lord for His compassion toward you and His healing touch. Remember, healing belongs to God’s children (Mark 7:27).

Let’s Pray:

Heavenly Father,

You sent your only Son (Jesus Christ), that we might live abundant lives. He came to deliver us from the bondage that the enemy put us in. Help us to realize that in the presence of a Jesus-filled life we are entitled to liberty. Where Your Spirit is, there is liberty, and peace. Help us to receive the liberty that we need by faith. Teach us how to walk in that liberty in real ways day to day. Help us to do this by granting us the resources, knowledge, and discipline to practice abiding in your presence, stand in our liberty, and let Jesus heal us. We thank You for hearing and answering our prayers.

In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

Song of Reflection: 

“You Are the Living Word” by Fred Hammond. Listen to it here.

Author Bio:

Essie Faye Taylor is a woman of faith. She’s a bilingual author, educator, speaker, psalmist, and interpreter. 

Essie is the author of the “Finding the Love You Deserve” series for women and teens. She is deeply committed to motivating minorities, women, and youth to heal themselves, love and accept themselves, and pursue God while chasing their dreams and carving out their life’s path.

Essie is a Chicago native where she lives today.

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Read Essie’s YouVersion Devotion Plan here:

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