Saturday, December 31, 2022

Devotionals for the Heart: New Year 2023 edition with new writers!

Dear Reader Friends,

Tomorrow (Jan. 1, 2023) marks the start of a New Year!

And it also begins another part of our devotional journey!

I am excited to announce that this year, we have a total of 23 writers who have agreed to write devotionals for my blog's tri-weekly series, “Devotionals for the Heart”!

This is the introduction post.

As always, we have writers who will contribute original devotionals on a monthly basis and a quarterly basis. We also have a team of backup writers who will fill in when one of my regularly scheduled writers cannot meet their deadline on time. Scroll down to see pictures of ALL of my writers (new and old) then read their author bios and starting on the first Monday of January 2023, read the first NEW devotional for this year!

God-willing, a new devotional will be published every Monday/Wednesday/Friday of every week for all of this New Year 2023.

I hope and pray that God blesses you this New Year with His Peace, Hope, Joy and Love!

May this devotional series bless your heart too.


Alexis A. Goring, MFA
Founder of "God is Love" blog

Read on for the author bios and photos of my NEW devotional writers for this year...

Author Bio:

The only child of a single parent, Aubrey Taylor filled her younger years by creating characters and writing stories. This ended around age sixteen when music, friends and part-time jobs began to fill her time. After that came college, work, marriage, and children.

It wasn’t until the world was beginning to come out of the COVID pandemic that God led her back to her love for writing, coupled with a passion she’d always had for history. It was time to start a new adventure! Her current long-term project is Gott Mit Uns, a German-perspective 20th century historical fiction series.

Aubrey lives in Upstate New York with her husband and three children. She’s busy keeping the home, caring for her family, doing research for and writing her books.

Aubrey enjoys music and is involved with the worship ministry at her church as well as a German choral group. She also plays gigs occasionally with friends as a singer and acoustic guitarist. After all that, she finds time to sketch, craft, and hike.

She is a lover of Jesus Christ, The Holy Bible, history, German culture, tea, and cats.

Aubrey has a special heart for those who struggle with severe anxiety, depression and PTSD.

Author Bio:

Casey Wayne is a wife and mother of two children.

She enjoys time with her family doing simple things like movie nights and cooking together.

As a devotional writer, Casey strives to share her story with relatable honesty, showing how God is faithful throughout the big and small moments of life.

She has a heart for encouraging the faith walk of other moms, praying they gain a deeper connection with our Heavenly Father.

Her family lives in the suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia.

Author Bio:

Essie Taylor is an author, educator, minister, youth advocate, recording artist, podcaster, and improviser. She earned a Bachelor of Arts from Northwestern University and a Master of Arts in Teaching from Rockford College.

She is a veteran educator of Bilingual Education, English as a Second Language, and Spanish Language Acquisition with National Board Teacher Certification. She is an advocate of lifelong learning, language learning, and multiculturalism.

Essie is the CEO of KenMar Press, an author agency, and The Essie Faye Collection. Essie is the author of Finding the Love You Deserve: 30 Lessons in Self-Love & Acceptance, and Finding The Love Your Deserve: A 60-Day Healing Journal For Women of Faith.

She is deeply committed to motivating minorities, women, and youth to pursue God while chasing their dreams and carving out their life’s path. She loves God, people, and helping others.

Essie has been a Christian for nearly all of her 39 years. She was born again at 15 years old. She has been a bilingual worship leader and interpreter for 10+ years. By the grace of God, Essie helped to establish bilingual ministries at five churches in her young life. She is a survivor of domestic violence (verbal and emotional abuse) and marital abandonment in a prior marriage.

Essie is a Chicago native. She lives in Chicago with her husband Donald Taylor II.

Author Bio:

Hannah Benson is a Jesus-follower who’s passionate about sharing the love of Christ with others.

From the time she could hold a pen, she was writing. But it wasn’t until she was sixteen that she began to seriously follow God’s calling to write a novel. Hannah is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) and has at least four novels in the works. For the past five years, she has been involved with her local Biblical theater company. She wants to show others the love of Jesus through the creative arts.

When she’s not acting or working on her upcoming novel, you can find Hannah laughing with her siblings, cuddling her little fluffy dog, or reading books (usually historical fiction or fantasy stories). You can read more of Hannah’s writings on her blog or on her Instagram where she strives to write content that leaves others feeling encouraged.

Read on for the author bios and photos of my OLD devotional writers returning for this year…

Author Bio:

Angela Anderson was born in Brooklyn (New York) and raised in New Jersey.

She started writing at an early age and realized in elementary school that it was both a strength and a passion. She continued writing through high school, college, and into adulthood.

Angela is the author of a devotional book titled Just When I Thought I Knew God, and she is currently working on another devotional book that will be introduced in 2023.

This is Angela's third year as a devotional writer for Alexis A. Goring’s “God is Love” blog. In 2021, Angela was a winner of a devotional writing contest where the entry is featured in a book published by Proverbs 31 Ministries. The book is titled, Hope When Your Heart is Heavy. The following year, another one of Angela’s devotionals was published in another publication from Proverbs 31 Ministries, called Living Unbroken.

Angela has a passion for inspiring and impacting others through her writing and speaking.

Angela is a Mom Life Coach. She empowers mothers who want to identify their God-given purpose and live it fully while taking care of their family. Angela develops mothers into mompreneurs by providing them with the necessary tools to be successful and fulfilled in life. These tools equip them to see their value, understand their importance, and reclaim their identity.

Angela has been married to the love of her life, Duane Anderson for 18 years. Together they have two sons: Thomas (age 10) and Ryan (age 5). Angela’s favorite pastime is journaling.

She treasures spending quality time with her family.

Author Bio:

Chaplain Paul Anderson served for 20 years as a U.S. Navy chaplain. Over 26 years of active duty, he was promoted through the ranks from Seaman Apprentice (E2) to his final rank as Commander (O5) in the Chaplain’s Corps. 

Prior to his Naval career, Chaplain Anderson pastored in the Allegheny East and Potomac Conferences of Seventh-day Adventists. His undergraduate preparation for ministry was completed at Columbia Union College (WAU) in Takoma Park, Maryland.

He has subsequently earned four graduate degrees–a Master of Divinity from Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Michigan, a Master of Education in Counseling and Personnel Services from the University of Maryland in College Park, Maryland and a Masters of Sacred Theology in Religion and Culture from Boston University. His Doctor of Ministry degree was conferred by Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C.

Chaplain Anderson also completed four units of Clinical Pastoral Education at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. He also holds certifications in Suicide Awareness and Prevention, Civil Mediation, Alternative Workplace Dispute Resolution, Temperament Analysis, Marriage Enrichment, Workforce Diversity, and is a certified Life Coach.

Author Bio:

Dr. Jessica B. Turner is a wife, mom, and LSU graduate with a degree in veterinary medicine.

After practicing small animal medicine for six years, she traded in her stethoscope to become an online wellness coach, motivational speaker, and writer with a passion for mental health advocacy. This major life change was sparked after Jessica struggled with postpartum depression soon after she birthed her twin girls.

Along with Jessica’s career change came the discovery of who Jesus Christ really is and how He was the missing piece for her to be able to move forward in past trauma that she had suppressed for decades. Jesus walked alongside Jessica as she underwent a transformation like none other.

God transformed Jessica’s life from a broken mom who struggled with depression, anxiety, disordered eating, and PTSD from witnessing an attempted suicide, to using her experiences to make her a powerful vessel for Him. To this day, God enables Jessica to touch the lives of others through her often unfiltered, yet inviting form of storytelling.

Throughout this process of refinement, Jessica has shared her life story with the world through her social media platforms, in-person events, blog posts, and podcasts. She values the gift of transparency and has discovered that what so many people need to know is that they are not alone. Jessica has walked in their shoes, and she wants the world to know that Jesus is walking with them as well.

Author Bio:

Jessica Brodie is an award-winning journalist, author, blogger, editor, writing coach, and devotional writer with thousands of articles to her name.

Since 2010, she has served as the editor of the South Carolina United Methodist Advocate, the oldest newspaper in Methodism, which has won 123 journalism awards during her tenure. She is the author of Feed My Sheep: A 40-Day Devotional to Develop a Heart for Hunger Ministry (2019) and More Like Jesus: A Devotional Journey (2018) and the editor of a number of other books from her newspaper’s Advocate Press, which she helped found in 2017.

She has won more than 100 writing awards and is a seasoned speaker and frequent contributor to,, and, among many others. She has a weekly faith blog at and is part of the team at Wholly Loved Ministries, with her work included in many of their devotionals and Bible studies.

Brodie holds a Master of Arts in English, and she graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Science in communications/print journalism from Florida International University. Born and raised in Miami, Brodie now lives in Lexington, South Carolina, just outside Columbia. She has also lived in Ohio and in the mountains of western North Carolina. She and her husband, Matt Brodie, have a blended family of four teenage children and stepchildren.

Brodie has written several novels and is actively seeking publication through her agent Bob Hostetler of The Steve Laube Agency. Her novel The Memory Garden won the 2018 Genesis contest for Contemporary Fiction from American Christian Fiction Writers, and her novel Tangled Roots won a third place Foundation Award in Contemporary Romance at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference in 2019. 

She is finishing the third in the series, Hidden Seeds, now.

Author Bio:

Karen Marstaller is a retired high school teacher who spent most of her career challenging creative students to write. Her heart is for her readers.

She writes to encourage them, to make them laugh, to show them that life is a beautiful journey, and regardless of their past, to show them that there is joy ahead if they will just keep looking.

Karen and her husband live in central Texas in a sweet little home that they completely remodeled. They enjoy spending time with their family, which includes seven precious grandchildren.

Most of all, Karen writes in obedience to the command to love your neighbor, to offer a cup of water to those who are dying of thirst, and to comfort others with the comfort she has received.

Author Bio:

As a wife and Marmee to three adult children and one brand new daughter-in-love, Kerry Sue Teravskis'
s life is very full. She met her husband in college and served in the mission field with him for a few years before settling down back in the United States of America to raise their family.

Kerry Sue’s family was a homeschooling family for 20 years and they enjoyed it immensely. For the last 23 years they have lived on a small farm in Northern California where they have raised many farm animals, along with growing and preserving their food. Kerry Sue’s family farm has been a great source of enjoyment and a place to host many family gatherings. She maintains an open-door policy for dear friends—old and new.

Following and serving Jesus Christ is an integral part of Kerry Sue’s life as well as her family’s.

Whether it’s singing in our church choir, teaching children or leading and lecturing at a women’s Bible study, Kerry Sue loves to demonstrate her love for Jesus by giving to Him in service. She’s been a blogger for more than eight years, a Bible study writer for two years, and a devotional writer for about one year.

Kerry Sue writes about finding God’s Sovereignty in our pain and suffering.

Author Bio:

Sarah Cole’s interest in writing began in grade school when her poem was published in the local paper. As she got older, her mother’s chronic illness inspired her to design a line of greeting cards. Since then, she has written for her college newspaper and two community newspapers where she wrote restaurant reviews and articles for their “Best of” spread.

Her experience as an administrator in the marketing field gave her the opportunity to write ads for a local business journal.

After a 20-year detour and a three-year season of adversity, God reignited her passion to write. Two divine appointments later, the short story she wrote about her father appeared in the St. Paul Almanac, and a short story about Gigi (her Cocker Spaniel) was published in Guideposts (magazine) Mysterious Ways. She believes her adversity was worth the lessons God taught her.

Since 2022, Sarah’s devotionals have been published in The Secret Place by Judson Press, as well as David C. Cook’s Devotions and The Quiet Hour. To this day, she smiles, pinches herself and gives God all the glory.

When she’s not writing, Sarah enjoys watching cooking shows, designing cards and mugs, and taking day trips.

Author Bio:

Tessa Huckstep grew up in rural Illinois. She was born to Christian parents and has known Jesus Christ personally since the age of five. 

Currently, Tessa is attending community college and majoring in elementary education. In the future, she plans to teach in the public school system, hoping to bring the love of God with her.

Tessa enjoys being active in her local church. She serves as a co-teacher for the two-to-five year old class where there is never a dull moment.

It is Tessa’s passion to be a girl after God’s own heart and through her studying of God’s Word, Tessa longs to draw closer to her Savior. Through her writing, she longs to take others with her on this journey of faith.

Tessa loves all things Regency, needlework, and dainty teacups of every size.

When she isn’t writing or studying for exams, she can be found in the kitchen with more flour in her hair and on the floor than in the bowl, though the mess is always half the fun!

Author Bio:

Heidy De La Cruz is daughter of Jesus Christ, a wife, and a mother.

She writes poetry and encouraging spiritual blog posts.

Heidy shares her faith and life in hopes of encouraging women. She hosts the podcast, "The American Dream in The Eye of Immigrants" where immigrants share their stories about moving to the United States of America.

Heidy holds a master's degree in Healthcare Administration and bachelor's degree in Psychology. She works as a Medical Coding Specialist.

In her free time, she enjoys reading, listening to podcasts, watching movies, and spending time with her husband and two kids.

Author Bio:

Monique M. Anderson is a writer, creator, wife, and bonus mom. She was born and raised in Mount Vernon, NY, where she still resides. She released her always present yet hidden talent of writing to the masses in June 2019.

Monique always felt like God was chasing after her but was never ready to surrender. Finally, she reached a point in her life when things started going left, and she no longer felt in control. At this point, she was ready to hand over the reins to God. After forming her relationship with God, she always felt compelled to share the revelation’s that His Word gave her. She felt The Holy Spirit prompting her to write but was afraid of what people might think. So, her writing started in her journal. The journal turned into a book and the book into a blog.

Her obedience provided more opportunities. In late 2021, Monique became a partner with the notable YouVersion Bible App as a Content Creator. With her first Bible plan debuting in December of 2021, she will continue to provide content for the app as long as God allows her to.

In 2021, God revealed her prophetic gift and how He wants her to use it. Monique always felt compelled to pray for others but had no idea God would use her in this way. Through this gift as a prophetic intercessor, she’s not just writing about what God can do but showing what God can do.

Since God has shown her who He created her to be, she now feels it is her life’s work to help those taking their first steps in their walk with Jesus Christ. She is doing so through her blog, prayer, and soon-to-be-published works. She is excited to extend her reach to YouTube, podcasts, and speaking engagements soon.

Her blog is the stepping stone to fulfilling the vision God gave to her: “Sharing God’s revelations so we can all better reflect his image and fulfill His purpose.”

Author Bio:

Patricia Russell is a worship leader, songwriter, speaker and compiler of her 2020 best-selling anthology Stronger Resilience: Stories to Empower the Mind, Body and Spirit, as well as Lord, I Trust You: Words of Encouragement, to encourage readers and share life lessons during her cancer journey.

Patricia writes, speaks, and teaches on the power of God’s Word to heal and empower you to become all that you are purposed for. She has travelled internationally and shared her gifts with audiences to encourage, empower and share life lessons through word and song. Patricia has sung on national television broadcasts and shared the stage with several respected speakers including Anne Graham Lotz and Rev. E.V. Hill.

Her greatest joy is being married to her husband, Wayne, for 33 years. Together, they serve the community through their local congregation in various capacities. They have two adult children, Raquel and Benjamin. As a two-time breast cancer overcomer, Patricia coaches others to develop resilience and live life to their fullest.

Patricia has released two gospel music recordings: “Draw Me Nearer” and “Lord, I Trust You”. In March 2022, she launched her podcast “Becoming Resilient” which can be downloaded wherever you get your podcasts and watched on YouTube.

When not reading or studying, Patricia loves to eat Thai food and spend time with “Lucy”—her daughter’s Yorkie-poo who has taken up room in her heart.

Read on for the author bios and photos of my backup devotional writers for this year...

Author Bio:

Anthea Kotlan is a recovering perfectionist with a passion for coffee and tea.

For almost a decade, she have served in the Diocese of the Western Gulf Coast as a women’s ministry leader. Recently, she became part of a team serving women at the Provincial level (the Women’s Leadership Network part of ACNA’s Next Generation Leadership Initiative).

Anthea writes and blogs about soul tending and discipleship, focusing on the psalms on her blog/website.

She is a mom to two amazing adult daughters, a wife of a bi-vocational Anglican priest, and Gran to two grandbabies with another on the way. Recently, Anthea worked with her husband to help plant All Saints, Conroe, which is a brand-new Anglican church plant in Conroe, Texas.

Author Bio:

Cherie Mendez is a New York-based actress and model. Network appearances include Blue Bloods and Bull (CBS), Power (STARZ), and Hunters (Amazon).

She got her start in modeling at the age of 18 when she was offered a contract to work with an agency in Paris. Over time, she worked for clients such as Mary Kay Cosmetics, Clarins Skincare, Garnier, Lancôme, and Wella.

In recent years, Cherie has been sharing about her faith in God on Instagram where she has an audience of over 30k followers. She is compelled by love to encourage women to understand their identity in Jesus Christ.

It is her goal to bring to light what God’s Word says about our self-worth. She does this by sharing encouraging stories on how she overcame the many struggles that models and actresses typically face.

Some of the topics Cherie loves to write about are:

· Coping with rejection

· Finding your purpose and using your talent for God’s glory

· How God always looks at the heart and the meaning of inner beauty

· Understanding that we are all a work in progress and God is not done with us yet

Cherie and her husband Jimmy live in Upstate New York. They are thankful to have been married for 30 years.

Author Bio:

Janis Van Keuren has been captivated by the heartbeat of people’s stories since her early years as a writer. Working in the professional field, she developed skills to weave those narratives in a way that intrigued readers.

Janis garnered an award of excellence as a journalist while employed in public relations for a major company in Los Angeles. The tug to stay home and cultivate a family pulled her from a professional life. However, shortly after that, the Lord called her to launch a publication for a small Christian community with a focus on His work in people’s lives.

After Janis worked in education for several years, the Lord drew her back into writing for the Christian publication, 4Tucson. In addition, her inspirational articles and devotions have appeared in various Christian publications, including a Guideposts compilation, Divine Interventions: Heartwarming Answers to Prayer, and a story in their upcoming publication, In His Time.

Janis taps into her deep faith in Jesus Christ to reach hearts for Him. She leverages her decades of communication experience, both in speaking and writing, to minister to women and bring clarity to her projects as an author.

She and her husband gather joy when surrounded by their family and traveling through God’s creation.

Janis can be found writing inspiration and stories on her website.

Author Bio:

Kathleen Rouser is the award-winning author of Rumors and Promises, her first novel about the people of fictional Stone Creek, Michigan. She is also a multi-published author of historical and contemporary romance written for the Christian fiction book market. She is a longtime member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) and My Book Therapy’s Novel Academy. 

Kathleen has loved making up stories since she was a little girl and wanted to be a writer before she could even read. She’s in the grip of God’s grace and is a fan of the three Cs: cats, coffee, and chocolate.

She is mother of three adult children and a former homeschool instructor. Kathleen has worked as a mild-mannered dental assistant and a Community Bible Study kids’ teacher. She lives in southeast Michigan with her hero who is her husband of over 40 years. They have two sweet cats who found a home in their empty nest.

Kathleen is represented by Linda S. Glaz of the Linda S. Glaz Literary Agency.

Author Bio:

Michelle Medlock Adams is a best-selling author and an award-winning journalist, earning top honors from the Associated Press, the Society of Professional Journalists and the Hoosier State Press Association. 

Author of over 100 books with more than 4 million books sold, Michelle is also a New York Times Bestselling ghostwriter and has won more than 70 industry awards for her journalistic endeavors, including the prestigious Golden Scroll for Best Children’s Book in 2020, 2019 and 2018 for How Much Does God Love You?, Dinosaur Devotions, and My First Day of School.

Since graduating with a journalism degree from Indiana University, Michelle has written more than 1,500 articles for newspapers, magazines and websites; acted as a stringer for the Associated Press; written for a worldwide ministry; hosted “Joy In Our Town” for the Trinity Broadcasting Network; blogged twice weekly for Guideposts from 2013 to 2015; written a weekly column for a Midwest newspaper; and served as an adjunct professor at Taylor University three different years.

Today, Michelle is Chairman of the Board of Advisors for Serious Writer, Inc.; an online instructor for the Serious Writer Academy; and a much sought-after speaker at writers conferences and women’s retreats all over the United States.

When not working on her own assignments, Michelle ghostwrites articles, blog posts, and books for celebrities, politicians, and some of today’s most effective and popular ministers.

Michelle is married to her high school sweetheart, Jeff, and they have two daughters, Abby and Allyson, two sons-in-law, two granddaughters and two grandsons.

She and Jeff share their home in Southern Indiana with a miniature dachshund, a rescue Greyhound/Lab mix, and two cats.

When not writing or teaching writing, Michelle enjoys bass fishing, cheering on Indiana University sports teams and the Chicago Cubbies, and all things leopard print.

Author Bio:

Mirachelle Canada is a writer, playwright, screenwriter, and theatre director/producer. She resides in Northern Virginia with her feline Shiloh and loves hiking through Skyline Drive in the Shenandoah National Forest.

She earned her M.F.A. in Script & Screenwriting from Regent University and is an alumnus of Act One: Hollywood Film & Television Writing Program. Mirachelle is an active member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW)'s National Chapter and Virginia Chapter where she serves as the treasurer. She hones her writing skills through The Jerry Jenkins Writers Guild and Your Novel Blueprint.

Along with her devotional contributions and occasional novelettes, she is working on her first historical fiction novel set in pre-WWII London, about an American vocal prodigy caught up in espionage, secret musical codes, and double agents disguised as friends.

Author Bio:

Sharon Musgrove is a self-proclaimed sociologist. The opportunities opened to her, over the years, have led her on a fascinating journey observing human behavior.

She has a diverse background in business, fitness, and health industries. This background led her to a unique position writing curriculum and teaching for two private, Christ-based, residential recovery programs. Both programs primarily served women in the homeless community.

Sharon has traveled multiple times to Kenya, serving on medical teams and teaching in the rural Maasai communities. She’s been privileged to participate in Leadership camps for maturing young women. These annual camps have a mission of encouraging and empowering the impoverished, underprivileged, and often abused young Maasai girls.

Identifying personally with the brokenness of the women she’s served, Sharon sees all people as needing more encouragement regardless of cultural or socioeconomic status. Within these ministries, Sharon has witnessed the transformative power of loving words spoken to the broken-hearted. Sharing God’s love and witnessing its transformative power has become her passion.

In her leisure time, Sharon enjoys her garden, health food, travel, and a good story. She and her husband, Jeff, divide their time between Oregon and Hawaii. They have two grown children.

Currently, Sharon is encouraging others via her inspirational blog, but prefers sharing face to face. Additionally, she is studying Christian fiction writing.

Author Bio:

Writing stories that take the reader on a journey of discovery into a deeper relationship with God through His Son (Jesus Christ), has been a lifelong goal for Tema Banner. She enjoys history and continues honing her knowledge of history and writing skills to create those stories.

God is her guiding light and the reason for every endeavor in her life. She is a member of the South Carolina ACFW chapter as well as a former member of her local Romance Writers of America (RWA) chapter, Carolina Romance Writers.

Tema has served as president and secretary of her local RWA Chapter, Carolina Romance Writers. She is the honored recipient of the Harold Lowery Service Award, presented by the Carolina Romance Writers.

God has gifted her with a loving husband, two children and four grandchildren who are the delight of her life.

In her spare time, she gardens and digs into genealogy for nuggets to use in her stories. 

                                                                ~ The End ~

Friday, December 30, 2022

Devotionals for the Heart: Why We Need to Remember Our True Source

The Brook Cherith Season
A devotional by Monique M. Anderson

“Get away from here and turn eastward, and hide by the Brook Cherith, which flows into the Jordan.”—1 Kings 17:3 (NKJV)

I was finally in a good rhythm.

I had a monthly theme for all my blogs and newsletters. My social media posts were created and scheduled a month in advance, correlating with the theme. I had finally gotten a handle on creating reels consistently and effortlessly. They were reaching thousands on social media every week. My email subscribers were growing, and my followers were increasing. The words God had given me to teach and edify His people were reaching and stretching to countries worldwide, and I knew this was only the beginning. Just as the momentum was building, God told me to, “Stop. Get away and hide.”

We find the prophet Elijah in the same predicament in this verse in 1 Kings 17:3. He was starting his ministry. God had just instructed Elijah to give a word of the Lord to King Ahab, announcing there would be no rain in the land. Giving this word was his first assignment, then God said, “get away from here” and “hide.”

I wonder if Elijah asked the same questions I did. Such as: “But God, we’re just getting started.” “You’ve given me so many assignments to complete, and they’ve only just begun. So why am I stopping now?”

I was confused and felt lost. I didn’t quite know how to obey this command. How do I keep still? How do I not do the work God gave me to do? I sometimes felt worthless if I didn’t have “work” to do. However, when the Holy Spirit led me to this scripture, I realized why Elijah needed to be alone at the brook and why God brought me here.

During Elijah’s time at the brook, God sent ravens to feed him. God placed him in a situation where he had to rely on God and God alone to provide for him. God sometimes needs to separate us, even from the work we do for Him, so we can remember our true source. At some point, God needs to bring all of us to a place where we have no choice but to walk by faith and not by sight.

Although my workflow was structured and in order, this order was not God’s order. It was not God’s structure. Therefore, He had to tear it down. I thought I was on my way up, but God brought me back to the valley for an important reason and lesson.

The Brook Cherith season is a time of strengthening your devotion and dependence on God. It is a training and building-up season for the next season to come. After Elijah spent three years in a season of isolation, (1 Kings 18:1) he then went from the brook to the mountaintop. In the next chapter, he performed a prophetic miracle on Mount Carmel by bringing down fire from Heaven (1 Kings 18:38-39). This sign and wonder showed the idolatrous nation of Israel who the one and only true God is.

Throughout the Bible, you will see examples of the valley experience before the mountaintop miracles. For example, Joseph was imprisoned before he made it to the palace, God hid David in caves before he became king, and Moses was hidden in the wilderness before he led the people out of Egypt.

We all need a season alone with God to prepare us for our greater assignment. The next level God was leading these heroes required Him to do inner work in them first. First, He will need to build your character and discipline. Next, He trains you in obedience and reliance on Him. Finally, He shows us that nothing we do or accomplish can succeed without Him.

We cannot manipulate this season and try to rush ourselves through it. It would be like giving birth to a baby before it is fully developed; complications and abnormalities will occur. If God has you in this season, as He has me, don’t look at it as idle time. This time is valuable. It is a time to be molded, sculpted, and pruned by God Almighty. It is time He chooses to allocate to you exclusively. We should feel privileged because God wants us all to himself. He is even willing to put aside His work to do some work in you.

All the work you’ve been doing for Him was valuable for that season. However, what He needs you to do next will make another version of yourself you have not yet met. Only He knows who you need to become for your fire on Mount Carmel moment.

I’ve learned to be grateful for this time. I no longer try to fight against what He wants to bring forth. I no longer want to rush through the process because I might lose followers or subscribers. Instead, I am allowing myself to be groomed by Him, which feels great!

According to the Blue Letter Bible app, the word "Cherith" means "cutting, to cut away, or separation". That is the purpose of this time; to cut out what is not needed. After the cutting, all that is left is you and God. I appreciate this hidden season and all the things He is cutting away that no one else can see. He is cleaning me up for my big premiere. Therefore, I will praise and thank Him for the Brook Cherith season.

Let’s Pray:
Father God, I thank You for the Brook Cherith. I thank You for a season of isolation to be with You alone. Thank You for Your desire to be with me in this way. Forgive me for wanting to rush through this precious time. Forgive me for putting my structure before yours. I am yours now. Have Your way in my life. Continue to prepare me for the next season. May Your will be done and not my own. In Jesus’s Name I pray. Amen.

Song of Reflection:
“Just the Beginning” by The Kurt Carr Singers. Listen to it here.

Author Bio:

Monique M. Anderson is a writer, creator, wife, and bonus mom. She was born and raised in Mount Vernon, NY, where she still resides. She released her always present yet hidden talent of writing to the masses in June 2019.

Monique always felt like God was chasing after her but was never ready to surrender. Finally, she reached a point in her life when things started going left, and she no longer felt in control. At this point, she was ready to hand over the reins to God. After forming her relationship with God, she always felt compelled to share the revelation’s that His word gave her. She felt the Holy Spirit prompting her to write but was afraid of what people might think. So, her writing started in her journal. The journal turned into a book and the book into a blog.

Her obedience provided more opportunities. In late 2021, Monique became a partner with the notable YouVersion Bible App as a Content Creator. Her first Bible plan debuted in December 2021. She will continue to provide content for the app as long as God allows her to.

Also in 2021, God revealed her prophetic gift and how He wants her to use it. Monique always felt compelled to pray for others but had no idea God would use her in this way. Through this gift as a prophetic intercessor, she’s not just writing about what God can do but showing what God can do.

Since God has shown her who He created her to be, she now feels it is her life’s work to help those taking their first steps in their walk with Christ. She is doing so through her blog, prayer, and soon-to-be-published works. She is excited to extend her reach to YouTube, podcasts, and speaking engagements soon.

Her blog is the stepping stone to fulfilling the vision God gave to her: “Sharing God’s revelations so we can all better reflect his image and fulfill His purpose.”

Connect with Monique:

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Devotionals for the Heart: Our Dreams and God's Plans for our life story

The Unexpected Journey: Dreaming with God
A devotional by Tessa Huckstep

“And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.” –Luke 2:12 (KJV)

I am a dreamer and I have a habit of dreaming big dreams.

Like most Christians, I want to do big things for Christ. I want to start a movement, impact generations, and make a difference in the world. We tend to think about long term goals and plans, especially at the beginning of a new year. God wants us to dream big dreams, but often the journey to accomplishing these dreams is not what we expect.

Throughout this Christmas season, I have considered how unexpected the birth of Jesus Christ was to the people living in that time period. The Son of God (Jesus Christ) was sent to this Earth to save the souls of humankind. God could have sent Jesus as a mighty warrior or as a victorious king, but He chose to have His Son be born of virgin (Mary) who was engaged to marry a poor carpenter. After Mary gave birth, she placed Jesus in a manger and wrapped him in swaddling clothes. This may not sound like the beginning of a big dream, but it is the beginning of the biggest and most wonderful dream of all. This was how God planned to save all humans and give us eternal life. Read John 3:16 for details. 

God has the most beautiful ways of surprising us. Sometimes, He gives us gifts that we believe are burdens or are insignificant. Then, one day, we understand why God put that trial or heartache into our lives and we simply cannot praise Him enough for it. Jesus is the greatest gift we have ever been given. Yet, He had to be wrapped in swaddling clothes. With God, things are sometimes not as they seem. The way that Jesus entered this world was unexpected, but far more beautiful than any story about a mighty king or warrior.

I also like to consider the first thirty years of His life. Jesus was a carpenter. He probably took exceptionally good care of His mother, and He probably lived a life that is similar to our own. He most likely had a schedule to follow, responsibilities to keep, and countless tasks to do. But I think He spent this time with His Father, prayed often, and simply loved the people around Him.

Perhaps our biggest problem is that we are each looking for external signs of change. We all want to see the visible miracles and physical healings. But what about the miracles that take place within your heart? These are the most beautiful miracles of all. Jesus healed many blind, sick, and dying people, but the greatest miracles He performed were the ones where He saved a soul in His Kingdom.

As you look back and reflect on this year, you may feel a little disappointed that you are not as far along as you thought you would be. Maybe you cannot even see where the road of life is taking you. Maybe you are struggling with your progress in your personal relationship with our Savior. Just remember that God’s big dreams do not usually follow the carefully planned schedule that we created.

Dream big, but do not become discouraged when things look different than you expected. Keep your eyes on the Savior and you will never be disappointed. God will fulfill His plans. Our life on Earth is the journey, but our destination is always Heaven and spending eternity with Jesus Christ. He is the one constant and the one absolute that we have in this life on Earth. Lean into God and trust Him with your whole heart.

Let’s Pray:
Dear Lord, thank You for the unexpected blessings You have given us this year. Please help us to remember that You are the Author of our real life stories and You have a perfect dream for us. Grant us the courage to look beyond our current circumstances and always look to You. Allow us to find peace in our journey as You write our story. In Jesus’s Name I pray, Amen.

Song of Reflection:
“Heaven on Earth” by Darlene Zschech. Listen to it here.

Author Bio:

Tessa Huckstep grew up in rural Illinois to Christian parents and has known Jesus personally since the age of five. 

She is currently attending community college and majoring in elementary education. In the future, she plans to teach in the public school, hoping to bring the love of God with her.

God’s dream of Tessa becoming a writer was revealed to her at the age of sixteen and she hasn’t been able to stop since. Though she has not yet been published, Tessa enjoys writing historical romance novels and speculative fiction.

Tessa believes God loves stories, and through her writing, she wants to reveal the happily ever after God dreams of for each of his daughters—one where Jesus is the knight in shining armor.

Tessa loves all things Georgian/Regency, needlework, and dainty teacups of every size. When she isn’t writing or studying for exams, Tessa can be found in the kitchen with more flour in her hair and on the floor than in the mixing bowl, though the mess is always half the fun!

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Monday, December 26, 2022

Devotionals for the Heart: When you choose God, you become a winner!

Choosing Sides
A devotional by Glynis Becker

“I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.”—Psalm 16:8 (ESV)

Our town has a minor-league hockey team.

We make it to a game or two each season, but I don’t follow the rankings or know any of the players’ names. I don’t look up scores or know who their rivals are. I can’t really call myself a fan because I don’t keep up with them on a regular basis. But when we go to a game and walk into the arena that has bright lights on and music playing, I feel the energy of a hyped-up crowd. Suddenly, I become a fan. I want “our team” to win. I cheer when we make a goal and I groan when the other team scores. In those moments when I’m at the game, I’m all in. I’ve picked my side and I love it.

The story of Gideon always inspires me. In Judges 6:11 we meet Gideon, a young man threshing wheat in a winepress to hide it from the Midianites, who at this time were oppressing the people of Israel, stealing their food and causing harm. The angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon at this moment, calling him a “mighty man of valor” (Judges 6:12). The Lord knew who Gideon would become—a courageous soldier—and not who he was at that very moment: a scared farmer.

Gideon knew that God had done powerful works for Israel in the past. His family and community had been faithful to recount the stories. Gideon reminds the angel that God had rescued them from slavery and asks the question we all ask when circumstances come against us: Why doesn’t God do something about it now? (Judges 6:13).

The Lord answered Gideon by telling him that God was ready to save the people of Israel and he wanted Gideon to be His hands and feet for this particular battle. Through this encounter, God was calling Gideon to be part of His team and to choose a side. God was giving him his assignment, but Gideon needed assurance that it really was the Lord who was asking. He asked the angel for a sign (Judges 6:17), so that he could be sure. The angel made fire come from a rock, to consume an offering that Gideon had made. (Judges 6:21). That was enough for Gideon and so begins Gideon’s fight to save Israel from the Midianites and free them from their oppression. The story of Gideon and the peace he helped create for Israel lasted forty years (Judges 8:28). However, when Gideon died they began to worship other gods again (Judges 8:33-35). They had chosen another side.

We get to choose our sides every day, about all kinds of things. We choose teams to root for or against, political parties to support, current events to have an opinion about. It’s human nature. But there is a quote attributed to Abraham Lincoln that always feels appropriate to me: “My concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right.”

Let’s match our choices to the word of God and to what we know of His character, with prayerful consideration. We like to be on the winning side, don’t we? So let’s make sure we are on God’s side, because we know that in the end, He will be victorious.

Let’s Pray:
Heavenly Father, help us today to keep You in mind as we choose our sides. Remind us of Your mighty works in our lives and in the world. Focus our attention on You. We love You and praise You. In Jesus’s name I pray. Amen.

Song of Reflection: “Be the One” by Al Denson. Listen to it here.

Author Bio:

Glynis Becker writes devotions and inspirational fiction, hoping someday to have a published novel on her resume.

She has co-written several screenplays, including the film Sinking Sand, available on DVD and digital streaming.

Glynis, whose childhood was spent all over the country as an Air Force brat, has called South Dakota home for many years, along with her husband and two college-age children.

When she’s not writing or reading, she is watching more television than she should and crocheting.

Connect with Glynis:

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Devotional: Set the Captive Free

Set the Captive Free

A devotion by Alexis A. Goring

“The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion—to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy, instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.” 
–Isaiah 61:1-3 (NIV)

Harriet Tubman, born into slavery, was an American abolitionist and social activist. She is famous for not only escaping slavery but going on many missions to set slaves—including her family and friends—free through what American history books call the “Underground Railroad.” This was a network of anti-slavery activists and safe houses that assisted slaves on their journey to freedom.

Tubman is also known for this quote: “I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.”

I reflected on the meaning of this during a crucial time for members of the African Diaspora on American soil. A spiritual parallel formed in my mind: Jesus Christ wants to set sinners free from the shackles of sin, just like Tubman set the slaves free from that unjust and evil system. But do we know that we’re sinners in need of a Savior? We are all sinners saved by God’s grace, but so many of us feel like we don’t need Him. We feel that we can live without Him. Many of us are so adverse to religion that we say things like “Christianity is just not my thing,” all the while we don’t realize that we are in a battle between good and evil.

The Bible is clear:
in the end, God wins! He is forgiving and compassionate. He will forgive all your sins if you confess and repent. God wants to reconcile you so that you will spend eternity with Him. This eternity is completely free from sin, suffering and sorrow. It’s a perfect place where all is well and filled with goodness. But to do that, we have to first realize we are sinners in need of a Savior.

We must accept Christ’s gift of salvation and follow Him all the way to Heaven. We must know that Earth is not our home. The Bible says we are pilgrims passing through this Earth (1 Chronicles 29:15) and that Heaven is our final destination. Just like Tubman set many slaves free, the Bible says that God wants to set the captives free (Luke 4:18). That’s us. We need to be delivered from sin.

Our eyes must be opened so that we don’t fall prey to the devil’s wiles. We need to reject the ways of this world and allow Christ to renew our minds. Then we can know God’s will (Romans 12:1-2). We need our Savior more than we know. Time is short. God will not allow this sin parade to continue forever. A time will come when He tells Jesus to go get His children (all who chose God and lived for Him). When that happens, it will be too late to choose good over evil. The Bible says that God will say “Let the one who does wrong continue to do wrong; let the vile person continue to be vile; let the one who does right continue to do right; and let the holy person continue to be holy.” (Revelation 22:11).

This is the real deal. God doesn’t play. He wants us all to be saved, but one day He will say, “enough is enough.” He will rescue His children and destroy the devil and all of his evil angels, along with humans who choose evil. He beautifully promised in Revelation 21:4 (NIV): “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.”

Place your hope in God, not humankind (Psalm 146:3-9). Remember that He loves you with all of His Heart! He’s done everything to reconcile your heart with His (2 Corinthians 5:18-19). All you have to do is accept Jesus Christ’s gift of salvation (John 3:16), believe in God, then follow Jesus all the way to Heaven.

Song of Reflection:
“Just for Me” (song) by Donnie McClurkin. Listen to it here.

Friday, December 23, 2022

Devotionals for the Heart: Justice

Mary’s Call for Justice

A devotional by Anthea Kotlan

When my husband and I first banned our daughters from belting out show tunes at dinner in restaurants, some might have found this harsh.

They had been raised on a steady diet of Disney movies where the main character often faced a challenge and therefore broke out into song. In the movies, audience participation was encouraged, and lyrics were often shared on screen. My girls imagined their lives as one big movie, and singing loudly became a role for them to play regularly. We certainly didn’t mind such song-filled hijinks at home, but not at Red Lobster. We realized that the other diners might not want to be served up a soulful rendition of “Under the Sea” with their cheddar bay biscuits.

Tucked into Mary’s origin story found in the first chapter of Luke, readers discover Mary breaking out into song with her cousin Elizabeth. Fresh from her first angelic encounter, Mary arrives at her cousin's house. It is the pre-born John who kicks off the party. He leaped in Elizabeth’s womb when he sensed the Messiah was nearby in an adjacent womb.

Let’s read what Elizabeth says in Luke 1:44-45 (ESV): “For behold, when the sound of your greeting came to my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy. And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord.”

Mary responds with a song we now know as, “The Magnificat.” Let’s see Mary’s words in Luke 1:46-55 (ESV): And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name. And his mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation. He has shown strength with his arm; he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts; he has brought down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of humble estate; he has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent away empty. He has helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy, as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his offspring forever.”

While the song is beautiful and overflowing with hope-filled lyrics, believers can’t miss the radical nature of what is expressed here. The words themselves are a striking clarion call for justice. Let’s read more about this in Luke 1:51-53 (ESV): “He has shown strength with his arm; he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts; he has brought down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of humble estate; he has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent away empty.”

These phrases don’t mince words, but they call for much-needed change. How curious is it that in a patriarchal society living under Roman oppression, the Lord chose to speak a radical message through a young woman with so little social status?

These words are perceived as such a threat that even 2,000 years later, they continue to be silenced. Mary’s radical obedience to God and total surrender gave her a unique opportunity to speak aloud a relevant prophetic message. Today as we read through these words sung by Mary, we see ourselves in the lyrics, “from now on all generations will call me blessed” (Luke 1:48 ESV). We are living in one of the generations that experienced God’s mercy passing through Mary’s obedience.

In closing, consider this: Spend time today reading through Mary’s song designed to magnify the Lord and inquire of Him, “What do you want me to know about You in this?” How might the Lord call you brave and bold in some way? In what areas of life do you feel oppressed?

Where do you see injustice in the world, and how could you choose to respond? 

Let’s Pray: Dear Lord, help me to live in a deeper surrender to Your will for my life. May the example of Your servant Mary inspire me to respond with a boldness that can only come from You. Open my eyes to the injustices in our world today that grieve Your heart. Help me by Your power to serve people in ways that bring glory to You. In Jesus’s Holy Name I pray. Amen.

Song of Reflection: “His Plan” by The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir. Listen to it here.

Author Bio:

Born in the highlands of Scotland, Anthea Kotlan made her way to Texas as a third grader.

After studying the new language at length and mimicking the Houston locals, she found ways to blend in. Years later she floated down the San Marcos River, attended Journalism classes, and completed an undergraduate degree in in Journalism.

After getting married to Bill, she completed a graduate degree in English at Texas A&M. Ever the multitasker, she had two daughters and carried one of them into her graduation ceremony hidden under her billowing graduation gown.

Over the years she has served as a women’s ministry leader in several churches, spoken at women’s events, taught college freshmen English, lead various Bible studies and writes whenever she can on her blog.

Anthea makes her home in Conroe with her husband Bill, a bi-vocational priest and engineer, and spends all the time she can with her two grandchildren, Ian Michael and Margaret Yael.

Connect with Anthea:

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Devotionals for the Heart: Keeping faith in God no matter what happens

Cultivating an Outside-the-Box Faith
A devotional by Sarah Cole

“God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.”—Ephesians 3:20 (MSG)

In my many years as a single woman, I've wanted to meet a godly man to share my life with. Yet, when I joined a few dating sites last year, God told me He was putting me on hold. For what? I did not know, but I believed He had a good reason for the delay.

A short time later, out of nowhere, a door opened for me to lead a women's ministry at my church. Had I been dating someone, I may have been too busy or distracted to fulfill a calling I never expected, much less dreamed up.

It turns out I didn't know what was best after all.

As humans, it's natural to want things to go our way. From our first cries to the turmoil of toddlerhood and the awkwardness of adolescence, great expectations have a way of defining us.

When we join God's family, our eternal destination changes. But until we mature, it's natural to expect Him to answer our prayers the way we'd like. After all, if sin says the world revolves around us, shouldn't we have a say in how life goes?

I've learned that while God is good, He doesn't always give us what we want. Instead, in His infinite love and wisdom, He gives us what we need because, in His kingdom, our character is more important than our comfort (Ephesians 4:22-24). While it's easy to get disappointed when life doesn't play out the way we hope, by surrendering to Him and trusting His goodness, we find His plans are best (Jeremiah 29:11).

When we take God out of our box and offer our plans on the altar, we experience rest because we can finally stop running toward everything we think we need and into the arms of a Father whose plans fit us perfectly.

Perhaps today, like me, your circumstances are a stark reminder of an unfulfilled desire. Or, the frantic pace your life has taken hasn't given you fulfillment but has taken from you what matters most. Or maybe, your dream job has become more of a nightmare.

Friend, if your expectations have disappointed you, place them in a God who knew you before you were even born (Psalm 139:16). Someone committed to your highest good, even if that turns out to be far different from what you expected.

God gave up His only Son (Jesus Christ) in order to meet your greatest need. He will certainly take care of everything else in a way you never expected.

He's just waiting for you to let Him out of the box, open your heart, and expect a miracle.

Let’s Pray:

Father, so often I find myself disappointed when my plans don't succeed. When I’m tempted to do things my way, remind me that in Your infinite love and wisdom, I can trust You to do what is best for me. In Jesus’s Name I pray. Amen.

Song of Reflection: "Walk by Faith" by Jeremy Camp. Listen to it here. *Note: This is a song from the "I Still Believe" movie soundtrack. Watch the movie trailer here.

Author Bio:

Sarah Cole’s interest in writing began in grade school when her poem was published in the local paper. As she got older, her mother’s chronic illness inspired her to design a line of greeting cards.

Since then, she has written for her college newspaper and two community newspapers where she wrote restaurant reviews and articles for their “Best of” spread.

Her experience as an administrator in the marketing field gave her the opportunity to write ads for a local business journal.

After a 20-year detour and a three-year season of adversity, God reignited her passion to write. Two divine appointments later, the short story she wrote about her father appeared in the St. Paul Almanac, and a short story about her cocker spaniel Gigi was published in Guideposts (magazine) Mysterious Ways. She believes her adversity was worth the lessons God taught her.

During this year (2022) and the next (2023), Sarah’s devotionals will be published in The Secret Place by Judson Press, as well as David C. Cook’s Devotions and The Quiet Hour. To this day, she smiles, pinches herself and gives God all the glory.

When she’s not writing, Sarah enjoys watching cooking shows, designing cards and mugs, and taking day trips.

Connect with Sarah:

Monday, December 19, 2022

Devotionals for the Heart: How to let your light shine for Jesus Christ

Let Your Light Shine
A devotional by Angela Anderson

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” –Matthew 5:16 (NKJV)

It was a Friday morning at the airport, and I was on my way to see a friend for a weekend getaway. I was so excited because it had been almost a year since the last time we saw each other. I had to dress in layers because I was heading into a much cooler climate, so I boarded the plane in a sweatsuit, wearing a T-shirt underneath, and carrying a winter coat.

When I sat in my window seat on the plane, a lady took her seat next to me, and then a gentleman sat down next to her, closest to the aisle. As the other passengers began to board the plane, I started getting a little warm. I became so uncomfortable that I removed my sweatshirt and remained in my T-shirt.

As the plane left the runway, the lady next to me started chatting with the man next to her. She then turned to me, and we exchanged a few friendly words. As she spoke, I could not help but notice the book on her tray. It was a survival guide for someone with breast cancer. She turned her attention back to the book and continued turning the pages, intently reading each paragraph.

I wanted to say something caring or even encouraging, but I could not find the words. I started to silently pray for the lady next to me, and I asked God to give me the words to say to her. She continued reading the book, only looking up when the flight attendant asked her if she wanted a snack or a drink.

The pilot made the announcement to fasten our seatbelts for landing. The flight went by so quickly and I still was not prepared with any words of spiritual wisdom for the lady next to me. I was a little disappointed as the plane approached the gate and the passengers began to gather their belongings. As I watched each person leave the plane, I remained in my seat.

The lady next to me got up and started to walk away. As she turned to say goodbye to me, she told me that really liked my T-Shirt. I looked down to see what she liked about it, and I realized I was wearing my black T-Shirt with the word “faith” written on the front. I thanked her with a smile and told her to take care as she exited the plane.

Sometimes when we think that words of encouragement will help a situation, the best thing we can do is be silent and allow our light to shine in someone’s life. That may mean showing others the love of Christ through our actions, our demeanor, our tone, or even by a simple message written on our shirt. We should always be willing to reach out to others and pray for those who are going through hard times. When we are willing to let our light shine, God can use us to impact even strangers, if we make ourselves available to Him.

Let’s Pray: 
Dear God, Please give us opportunities in life to let our light shine, not for our own glory, but so that we may point others to You and that they may give You glory. We thank You for Your love. We worship You for Your kindness and compassion. In Jesus’s Name I pray. Amen.

Song of Reflection:
“Hold Up the Light” by The New Jersey Mass Choir. Listen to it here.

Author Bio:

Angela Anderson was born in Brooklyn, NY, and raised in NJ. She found her love for writing when she was in elementary school. She continued writing through high school, college, and into adulthood.

Angela is the author of a devotional book titled, Just When I Thought I Knew God, and a children's book that is not yet published.

In 2021, Angela started writing articles for an online magazine called Christian Women Living, where she focuses on writing messages for mothers and sharing advice on parenting. In addition to this, Angela wrote a devotional that is featured in a book published by Proverbs 31 Ministries. The book title is Hope When Your Heart is Heavy.

Angela has a passion for inspiring and impacting others through her writing as well as speaking. She is the co-founder of Anchor Moms, a ministry to cure loneliness in Motherhood. Currently, this ministry meets via a group on Facebook.

Angela has been married to the love of her life, Duane Anderson, for 17 years. Together, they have two sons: Thomas (age 9) and Ryan (age 4). Angela’s favorite pastime is journaling, and she also enjoys spending quality time with her family. Her personal mission is to empower others to achieve their goals and dreams.

Connect with Angela:
Facebook fan page for her devotional book, Just When I Thought I Knew God:

Friday, December 16, 2022

Devotionals for the Heart: When God calls you into a season of silence

Words and Wonder

A devotional by Anthea Kotlan

I am a logophile. I love words of all kinds and sizes, and seldom can I say I am at a loss for words. Hence my love of writing. When I was in school, word limits seemed so unfair. I want to write more, not less. I also love conversations where words are exchanged in all the best possible ways.

It is not surprising that the Lord would have me raise two daughters who are also lovers of words and communication. Ironically, when they were growing up, my two girls feared one punishment most of all. To be given “a silence” and instructed not to speak. If either of them could not communicate for even five long minutes, it got their attention in ways that very little else did.

During December, many Christians around the world participate in Advent. The four weeks leading up to Christmas allow believers to anticipate the nativity and spend time in quiet contemplation and wonder. Many people prepare for Christmas by re-reading the stories surrounding Jesus’s birth. I can relate deeply to so many of these characters.

In these Bible stories, God used angels to tell certain critical people about what He was about to do. One man, who is given an essential assignment, is a priest named Zechariah. The apostle Luke describes him as “righteous before God, walking blamelessly in all commandments and statutes of the Lord” (Luke 1:6 ESV). He seems uniquely qualified for whatever God is going to entrust to him.

One day Zechariah was serving in the temple, and suddenly, everything changed. Let’s read about it in Luke 1:11-12 (ESV): “And there appeared to him an angel of the Lord standing on the right side of the altar of incense. And Zechariah was troubled when he saw him, and fear fell upon him.”

Zechariah reacted to the angel with fear. The story continues in Luke 1:13-17 (ESV): “But the angel said to him, “Do not be afraid, Zechariah, for your prayer has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you shall call his name John. And you will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth, for he will be great before the Lord. And he must not drink wine or strong drink, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother's womb. And he will turn many of the children of Israel to the Lord their God, and he will go before him in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to make ready for the Lord a people prepared.”

Luke also explains that Zechariah was older, and his wife was barren. Imagine how surprising this news must have been. Let’s read more of this story in Luke 1:18-22: And Zechariah said to the angel, “How shall I know this? For I am an old man, and my wife is advanced in years.” And the angel answered him, “I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I was sent to speak to you and to bring you this good news. And behold, you will be silent and unable to speak until the day that these things take place, because you did not believe my words, which will be fulfilled in their time.” And the people were waiting for Zechariah, and they were wondering at his delay in the temple. And when he came out, he was unable to speak to them, and they realized that he had seen a vision in the temple. And he kept making signs to them and remained mute.”

When Zechariah expresses both doubt and fear in the face of God’s messenger, he receives an opportunity to be quiet. His sentence of silence would last nine long months while his wife carried an exceptional child. Eight days after the birth, Zechariah would regain his speech just as his son’s name was declared John.

What was God doing for Zechariah during this season of holy hush? What wonders did God reveal during this set-apart time?

Perhaps God used this season of silence to strengthen Zechariah’s faltering faith. He likely spent more time in quiet anticipation than he ever had. Can a silent servant hear more from God?

How might God use silence in your life? Could you practice just five minutes in the presence of the Lord without any words? Could you stretch it to 10 minutes or even more?

How might God speak into our lives if we listened and stopped talking? What wonders would He reveal to each of us?

Let’s Pray:

Lord, help me to seek you in silence in this season. Help me attune my heart to You and what You tell me. Help me to be quiet before Your throne and listen to Your voice. Allow me to hear the assignments You have for me. In Jesus’s Name I pray. Amen.

Song of Reflection:
“I'm Listening (Lyrics) Ft. Hollyn” by Chris McClarney. Listen to it here.

Author Bio:

Born in the highlands of Scotland, Anthea Kotlan made her way to Texas as a third grader. 

After studying the new language at length and mimicking the Houston locals, she found ways to blend in. Years later she floated down the San Marcos River, attended Journalism classes, and completed an undergraduate degree in in Journalism.

After getting married to Bill, she completed a graduate degree in English at Texas A&M. Ever the multitasker, she had two daughters and carried one of them into her graduation ceremony hidden under her billowing graduation gown.

Over the years she has served as a women’s ministry leader in several churches, spoken at women’s events, taught college freshmen English, lead various Bible studies and writes whenever she can on her blog.

Anthea makes her home in Conroe with her husband Bill, a bi-vocational priest and engineer, and spends all the time she can with her two grandchildren, Ian Michael and Margaret Yael.

Connect with Anthea:

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Devotionals for the Heart: God hears you every time you pray to Him

God is Listening
A devotional by Dr. Jessica B. Turner

“The Lord hears his people when they call to him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.”
—Psalm 34:17-18 (NLT)

Christmastime is my absolute favorite time of the year! The twinkling lights, the smell of the Christmas tree, all the classic Christmas carols and movies. The mere thought of it all puts a smile on my face! Yet, I realize this is not everyone’s reality. In fact, for many this time of the year can be the darkest of all times.

Grieving hearts are asked to pretend as if all is the same without their loved one. Strained relationships are exposed as the stress of the season acts as a catalyst for disrepair. The allure of sin is amplified as abundant opportunities are presented under the guise of harmless fun. Isolation is magnified as the joy of everyone else seems to highlight one’s own despair.

So many factors at play that can lead one’s spirit to be heavy laden. So many opportunities for the enemy to swoop in and “steal and kill and destroy” (John 10:10).

But there is great hope for those who find themselves struggling, especially this time of the year, and that hope is found in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He hears our cries. He sees our pain. He carries our burdens. He holds us closer than ever before when our hearts are broken, and our spirits are crushed. If, and only if, we allow Him to.

Scripture clearly says, “The Lord hears his people when they call to him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles” (Psalm 34:17 NLT). Don’t miss that small detail. He is waiting for you to invite Him into your heart so He can transform it along with your situation.

If you find yourself struggling this Christmas season, find hope in the fact that Jesus is listening, eagerly waiting for the chance to come to your aid because He loves you more than you can ever imagine. Afterall, He sent His one and only Son (Jesus Christ) “to give his life as a ransom for many”, including you (Mark 10:45 ESV).

Once you truly grasp the meaning of Christmas, you can hold tight to the joy of your salvation regardless of your circumstances. And in the true spirit of Christmas, you can continue to share that hope with others who need it most!

Let’s Pray: Heavenly Father, thank you for the best gift one could ever receive—the gift of salvation. Because of the sacrifices made by Your Son, Jesus Christ, I can have an intimate relationship with You. I can come to you whenever I need knowing that You not only hear me but love me. Cover me with your unwavering joy and peace during this Christmas season and beyond. Help me to share your love and light with everyone I encounter so they may know You and the eternal hope that You give. I love You and I trust You. In Jesus’s Name, I pray. Amen.

Song of Reflection: “Pray On" by Babbie Mason. Listen to it here.

Author Bio:

Jessica B. Turner is a wife, mom, and LSU graduate with a degree in veterinary medicine. 

After practicing small animal medicine for six years, she traded in her stethoscope to become an online wellness coach, motivational speaker, and writer with a passion for mental health advocacy. This major life change was sparked after Jessica struggled with postpartum depression soon after she birthed her twin girls.

Along with Jessica’s career change came the discovery of who Jesus Christ really is and how He was the missing piece for her to be able to move forward from past trauma that she had suppressed for decades.

Jesus walked alongside Jessica as she underwent a transformation like none other. God transformed Jessica’s life from a broken mom who struggled with depression, anxiety, disordered eating, and PTSD from witnessing an attempted suicide, to using her experiences to make her a powerful vessel for Him. To this day, God enables Jessica to touch the lives of others through her often unfiltered, yet inviting, form of storytelling.

Throughout this process of refinement, Jessica has shared her life story with the world through her social media platforms, in-person events, blog posts, and podcasts. She values the gift of transparency and has discovered that what so many people need to know is that they are not alone. Jessica has walked in their shoes, and she wants the world to know that Jesus is walking with them as well.

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