My first introduction to this talented author was when I read her debut novel Wildflowers from Winter and subscribed to her website which resulted in receiving a welcome package from Katie in the mail. I don't remember everything that was in the package but I do remember thinking how sweet it was of an author to give a note and token of appreciation to their new readers!
Katie and I connected on her social media, bonded over our similar backgrounds (we were both teachers who wanted to pursue writing full-time) and I've been a fan of Katie's beautifully written creative fiction ever since!
So without delay today, I'd like to start my introduction of Katie Ganshert to you through a mention of her first novella released this year, An October Bride.
What if the only way you could make your father’s last wish come true . . . was to marry the man of your dreams?
Emma Tate has just moved on from one fiancé, so when she announces a sudden engagement to her lifelong buddy Jake Sawyer, every busybody in Mayfair goes into high alert. Of course, no one but Jake and Emma know the real reason they’re getting married—so Emma’s dying father will have a chance to walk her down the aisle.
But while Jake and Emma move forward with their plan—and frantically plan an October wedding—it becomes clear that their agreement has a few complications . . . the biggest being their true feelings for each other.
With dubious friends, deliriously thrilled parents, and a town that won’t keep its nose out of their business, Emma and Jake will have a lot to contend with if they’re going to pull this off. The real question is: Who wants this wedding more, Emma’s dad . . . or Emma?
Alexis: Why did you write An October Bride? And how were your adorable main characters Jake and Emma born?
As a writer who or what inspires you?
All kinds of things. Music. Evening drives on back roads while listening to music. The Bible. Sermons at church. Great stories. People watching. Inspiration is everywhere.
Give my readers a glimpse of your personal life: What is your favorite color/food/music/movie/season? Are you married? Do you have kids?
Yes, I’m married. My husband and I celebrated our ten year anniversary back in June. We have two children—Brogan, who is about to turn six, and Salima, who is two and a half. She’s not home with us yet though. We adopted her from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and are waiting for the day we get to bring her home. Fall is my favorite season and I have too many favorite foods, movies, and colors to name just one.
Describe your writing space. What makes it special?
It’s a small room in our house with a book shelf for all my books and a desk for my laptop and printer. There’s nothing too special about it, other than the fact that it’s the place I do my creating.
What is your favorite holiday? Why?
Christmas, because of what we’re celebrating. This amazing, all-powerful Creator who comes down to us as a tiny baby to be our rescue. It takes my breath away just thinking about it.
Do you have a holiday novel or novella in the works? If so, would you please give my readers a glimpse of the story?
My next novel, The Art of Losing Yourself, releases in April. I’m finishing up line edits on it. It’s about two hurting half-sisters who come together to breathe life back into a rundown motel. It’s inspired by the passage about the valley of dry bones in Ezekiel 37.
Why do you write? What motivates you?
I write because it’s a gift God’s given me and I want to use it for His glory. I love creating characters and stories. I love words. And it helps me process. My readers motivate me. Getting a kind message from them about how my books encouraged or inspired them always motivates me to keep going.
How do you overcome writer’s block?
I usually push through it, mainly because I have to. Deadlines don’t care too much about writer’s block. So I go on a walk, or I brainstorm with a writer friend, and I keep putting words on the page, even when I don’t feel like it.
Who is your favorite author? Why?
I don’t think I could ever pick one! There are too many I enjoy! Francine Rivers, Becky Wade and Beth Vogt are just a few of the many I love.
What are your hopes and dreams for your writing career in the next 5 to 10 years?
Hmmm…I guess my hopes and dreams are that the Lord would continue giving me stories and an avenue to share them with readers. I hope that my readership continues to grow, too!
How does your faith in God influence your fictional stories?
My faith in God is everything, so every story I write is influenced by my faith. Some stories more overtly than others.
Why do you specialize in “writing faith and romance” as it says on your website?
For now, the stories I’ve written are all inspirational fiction, meaning faith plays an integral role in the story line. These are the stories God’s given me to write. My goal is to be faithful to Him, in whatever I do.
Can you see yourself in any of your characters from your books? Why or why not? Please share which character(s) you relate to the most.
I suppose there’s a bit of me in every character I write. I probably can relate the most to Robin Price, from Wishing on Willows and Marilyn, from A Broken Kind of Beautiful. Both women have experienced infertility (a journey my husband and I have traveled through) and the trials these women face draw them closer to the Lord. Some people get angry or bitter at God when they face difficulties. I’m a lot like Robin and Marilyn in that I don’t get angry at Him. I just lean into Him further. I’ve seen too much of His faithfulness to question it, and I know our circumstances do not dictate His goodness.
Your agent is Rachelle Gardner who many writers consider their “dream agent”. Tell us how you managed to get her as your own agent and share advice for writers who do not yet have an agent.
I went to a writing conference and had an appointment with her. I came with a polished manuscript and had practiced my pitch. It also helped that one of her clients put in a good word for me. After our appointment, she asked me to send her the full manuscript. I did, and two months later she called to offer representation.
My biggest advice is to learn as much as you can about the craft of writing, and once you have a good, solid story that has received really positive feedback from objective beta readers (people other than family and friends), save the money to go to a writers conference where you can meet with agents face-to-face. Querying can work, but it’s a very very very hard route to take.
Who is your book publisher? How has your experience been with them so far?
Waterbrook Multnomah, a Christian imprint of Random House. They’ve been absolutely wonderful.
What would you say is the most challenging and most rewarding part of the writing/publishing process?
The most challenging is writing even when life is stressful and the inspiration isn’t there. The most rewarding is hearing from readers!
Is your life today what you hoped it would be when you first knew you wanted to be a writer for a career? Please explain.
In some ways, yes. In some ways, no. Being a published author, while amazing, is so much hard work. There’s no getting around it. And just because you’re published doesn’t mean the insecurity goes away. In fact, I’d say a whole new set of insecurities crops up.
Complete this sentence: As a writer, I always ____________________ because __________________.
As a writer, I always back up my work, because technology can be a fickle thing. ;-)
Alexis: Thanks for the interview Katie! Is there a question you’d like my readers to answer for you? If so, please write it here.
Katie: What makes you pick up a book?
Exciting news: Katie has agreed to giveaway a FREE copy of one of her books to one person who answers her question above ("What makes you pick up a book?") and wins the random drawing done by me (Alexis)! The book giveaway contest starts today (Sunday, Oct. 26) and will end on Sunday, Nov. 9. The best part about this contest is that the winner gets to choose which of Katie's novels they want to read! Here's the official list of Katie's books,
Alexis will announce the winner on Monday, Nov. 10. Every person who comments on this author interview blog post needs to include their e-mail address at the end of their comment so that if they win, they can be contacted with the exciting news and give the information necessary for Katie's publisher to send their free book in the mail. Please note the only book not included in this giveaway is Katie's novella, An October Bride.
Author Bio:
An October Bride book summary:
What if the only way you could make your father’s last wish come true . . . was to marry the man of your dreams?
Emma Tate has just moved on from one fiancé, so when she announces a sudden engagement to her lifelong buddy Jake Sawyer, every busybody in Mayfair goes into high alert. Of course, no one but Jake and Emma know the real reason they’re getting married—so Emma’s dying father will have a chance to walk her down the aisle.
But while Jake and Emma move forward with their plan—and frantically plan an October wedding—it becomes clear that their agreement has a few complications . . . the biggest being their true feelings for each other.
With dubious friends, deliriously thrilled parents, and a town that won’t keep its nose out of their business, Emma and Jake will have a lot to contend with if they’re going to pull this off. The real question is: Who wants this wedding more, Emma’s dad . . . or Emma?
Curious to know more about the woman who wrote such a captivating novella? Read on for my author interview with Katie Ganshert (questions by Alexis in bold, answers by Katie not in bold)...
Alexis: Why did you write An October Bride? And how were your adorable main characters Jake and Emma born?
Katie: I was asked to participate in the Year of Weddings series with Zondervan. Every story needed to feature a bride. So I did some brainstorming, trying to think of something a little unique. I came up with the idea of a bucket list. What if a young woman found her dying father’s bucket list, and walking her down the aisle was on there? From there, Emma and Jake were born.
As a writer who or what inspires you?
All kinds of things. Music. Evening drives on back roads while listening to music. The Bible. Sermons at church. Great stories. People watching. Inspiration is everywhere.
Give my readers a glimpse of your personal life: What is your favorite color/food/music/movie/season? Are you married? Do you have kids?
Yes, I’m married. My husband and I celebrated our ten year anniversary back in June. We have two children—Brogan, who is about to turn six, and Salima, who is two and a half. She’s not home with us yet though. We adopted her from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and are waiting for the day we get to bring her home. Fall is my favorite season and I have too many favorite foods, movies, and colors to name just one.
Describe your writing space. What makes it special?
It’s a small room in our house with a book shelf for all my books and a desk for my laptop and printer. There’s nothing too special about it, other than the fact that it’s the place I do my creating.
What is your favorite holiday? Why?
Christmas, because of what we’re celebrating. This amazing, all-powerful Creator who comes down to us as a tiny baby to be our rescue. It takes my breath away just thinking about it.
Do you have a holiday novel or novella in the works? If so, would you please give my readers a glimpse of the story?
My next novel, The Art of Losing Yourself, releases in April. I’m finishing up line edits on it. It’s about two hurting half-sisters who come together to breathe life back into a rundown motel. It’s inspired by the passage about the valley of dry bones in Ezekiel 37.
Why do you write? What motivates you?
I write because it’s a gift God’s given me and I want to use it for His glory. I love creating characters and stories. I love words. And it helps me process. My readers motivate me. Getting a kind message from them about how my books encouraged or inspired them always motivates me to keep going.
How do you overcome writer’s block?
I usually push through it, mainly because I have to. Deadlines don’t care too much about writer’s block. So I go on a walk, or I brainstorm with a writer friend, and I keep putting words on the page, even when I don’t feel like it.
Who is your favorite author? Why?
I don’t think I could ever pick one! There are too many I enjoy! Francine Rivers, Becky Wade and Beth Vogt are just a few of the many I love.
What are your hopes and dreams for your writing career in the next 5 to 10 years?
Hmmm…I guess my hopes and dreams are that the Lord would continue giving me stories and an avenue to share them with readers. I hope that my readership continues to grow, too!
How does your faith in God influence your fictional stories?
My faith in God is everything, so every story I write is influenced by my faith. Some stories more overtly than others.
Why do you specialize in “writing faith and romance” as it says on your website?
For now, the stories I’ve written are all inspirational fiction, meaning faith plays an integral role in the story line. These are the stories God’s given me to write. My goal is to be faithful to Him, in whatever I do.
Can you see yourself in any of your characters from your books? Why or why not? Please share which character(s) you relate to the most.
I suppose there’s a bit of me in every character I write. I probably can relate the most to Robin Price, from Wishing on Willows and Marilyn, from A Broken Kind of Beautiful. Both women have experienced infertility (a journey my husband and I have traveled through) and the trials these women face draw them closer to the Lord. Some people get angry or bitter at God when they face difficulties. I’m a lot like Robin and Marilyn in that I don’t get angry at Him. I just lean into Him further. I’ve seen too much of His faithfulness to question it, and I know our circumstances do not dictate His goodness.
Your agent is Rachelle Gardner who many writers consider their “dream agent”. Tell us how you managed to get her as your own agent and share advice for writers who do not yet have an agent.
I went to a writing conference and had an appointment with her. I came with a polished manuscript and had practiced my pitch. It also helped that one of her clients put in a good word for me. After our appointment, she asked me to send her the full manuscript. I did, and two months later she called to offer representation.
My biggest advice is to learn as much as you can about the craft of writing, and once you have a good, solid story that has received really positive feedback from objective beta readers (people other than family and friends), save the money to go to a writers conference where you can meet with agents face-to-face. Querying can work, but it’s a very very very hard route to take.
Who is your book publisher? How has your experience been with them so far?
Waterbrook Multnomah, a Christian imprint of Random House. They’ve been absolutely wonderful.
What would you say is the most challenging and most rewarding part of the writing/publishing process?
The most challenging is writing even when life is stressful and the inspiration isn’t there. The most rewarding is hearing from readers!
Is your life today what you hoped it would be when you first knew you wanted to be a writer for a career? Please explain.
In some ways, yes. In some ways, no. Being a published author, while amazing, is so much hard work. There’s no getting around it. And just because you’re published doesn’t mean the insecurity goes away. In fact, I’d say a whole new set of insecurities crops up.
Complete this sentence: As a writer, I always ____________________ because __________________.
As a writer, I always back up my work, because technology can be a fickle thing. ;-)
Alexis: Thanks for the interview Katie! Is there a question you’d like my readers to answer for you? If so, please write it here.
Katie: What makes you pick up a book?
Exciting news: Katie has agreed to giveaway a FREE copy of one of her books to one person who answers her question above ("What makes you pick up a book?") and wins the random drawing done by me (Alexis)! The book giveaway contest starts today (Sunday, Oct. 26) and will end on Sunday, Nov. 9. The best part about this contest is that the winner gets to choose which of Katie's novels they want to read! Here's the official list of Katie's books,
Alexis will announce the winner on Monday, Nov. 10. Every person who comments on this author interview blog post needs to include their e-mail address at the end of their comment so that if they win, they can be contacted with the exciting news and give the information necessary for Katie's publisher to send their free book in the mail. Please note the only book not included in this giveaway is Katie's novella, An October Bride.
Author Bio:
Christy Award finalist and Carol Award winner, Katie Ganshert, graduated from the University of Wisconsin in Madison with a degree in education, and worked as a fifth grade teacher for several years before staying home to write full-time. She was born and raised in the Midwest, where she lives with her husband, their young son, and their goofy black lab, Bubba. When she’s not busy writing or playing or reading or snuggling, she is obsessing over the paperwork and the waiting that comes with adoption. You can learn more about Katie and her books by visiting her website or author Facebook page.