Thursday, March 14, 2013

Thankful Thursday: The Value of You

It’s Thursday and I’m thankful for you, yes, YOU! 

Why? Because YOU matter to GOD! And that means you matter to me too because I love God.

How do I know that you matter? Simply because the Bible tells me so in John 3:16 which says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” 

GOD loves YOU so much that He sent His ONE and ONLY Son Jesus Christ to live here on Earth and experience every trial ever known to mankind, die as a ransom for our lives (Satan wanted us all to be condemned but God loved us too much to let that happen without us having a choice) and be resurrected to live again (only this time forever) as our Savior, Redeemer and Friend and even more importantly, our MEDIATOR between God and mankind. Since Jesus Christ lived, walked and ministered on this Earth for the 33 years he journeyed here, He knows what you're going through and because He's been where you are, He's experienced your joys and sorrows so He knows exactly how to meet your needs which I believe, makes Him the perfect mediator. 

Jesus Christ is our Mediator because He, on a daily basis, stands in the gap that sin created between us and our Creator God and when we mess up Jesus pleads before His Father for us asking God to give us another chance. The point of Christ’s sacrifice was so when we sin and ask for forgiveness, God will not see our “sin”. Instead, God will see His Son and remember the whole point of His Son’s sacrifice—to give us a second chance at eternal life. And being the great and merciful God He is He will forgive us of our sins. But please note: this will not happen forever (Revelation 22:11). So seek God while He may be found (Isaiah 55:6).

Now while salvation is a FREE gift from God to you, it only works if you decide to accept it and then obey God’s commandments (which you can find in The Holy Bible). When you accept Jesus Christ into your life and start to grow in your relationship with Him, you will see that following God’s commandments is easier than you may think because when you love someone, you want to please them, right? Well when you love God, you can please Him by following His commandments and having faith in His Word (Hebrews 11:6).

But let’s go back to my original point: I am thankful for you because YOU matter to God which means YOU matter to me because I love God. And because I love God, I want what’s best for you. I want for you, if you have not already, to get to know the Creator of the Universe who is the same One who created you in your mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13). I want you to fall in love with a Faithful Friend (Jesus Christ) who will NEVER let you go or let you down (Matthew 28:20). Essentially, I want you to discover and then embrace your TRUE VALUE which in the eyes of God is priceless.

You are a rare treasure. You are a precious soul. You, dear reader of my “God is Love” blog, are one of God’s own.

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